So, why create reel?
There are two main problems we're attempting to solve here. One is automating the process of restoring or updating a database for an application, in development. The other is automating demonstrations for an app, either for the general public or a particular prospect.
I. Developing and maintaining an application.
This is particularly useful when our workflow is:
1. vagrant up, on the master branch
2. git checkout -b <feature> from the master branch.
3. During our work we modify the database, or create a migration, and need to
undo our change and see if the migration and feature works.
II. Providing a demonstration.
The manual work done involves:
1. Creating a supervisor or systemd configuration to setup a demo instance
of an application.
2. Creating an nginx configuration to proxy requests to the application.
3. Creating a cron job to reset the database state for an application.
4. Repeating 1-3 for a specific instance tied to a specific prospect.
Reel should be able to provide a seamless solution to these problems by convention in development and configuration as a demonstration.