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function runjump% run the jump simulation% parameters used by fjump, available to subfunctions% Tmax a m g G phidotmax C% basic dimensionsm = 70; g = 9.81; a = 0.5; % body mass, gravity, half leg-lengthTmax = 2.5*m*g*a; % max knee torqueT0 = 0.6*Tmax; % initial knee torqueG = 3; % force-velocity shape parameterphidotmax = 8*sqrt(g/a); % max shortening velocity C = 0.1/(m*g*a); % knee compliance phi0 = 170*pi/180; % initial knee angleparms = struct('a', a, 'm', m, 'g', g, 'Tmax', Tmax, ... 'T0', T0, 'G', G, 'phidotmax', phidotmax, 'C', C, 'phi0', phi0);% First let's do a standard high jump and a long jumpfprintf(1,'High jump...\n');phi = phi0; % knee angle defined as pi for full extension, decreasing in flexiondist = 2*a*sin(phi0/2); theta = 45*pi/180; % plant angle defined relative to horizontal (bigger is more vertical/steeper)xdot0 = 3*sqrt(a*g); % high jump run-up speedrunup = [xdot0, theta];[height, distance, thigh, statehigh,Fxhigh,Fyhigh] = simjump(runup, parms, 1); % 1 means animatedisp('Press a key to continue');pausefprintf(1,'Long jump...\n');theta = 60*pi/180; % try a steeper (more vertical) plant anglexdot0 = 4.5*sqrt(a*g); % try running up faster for long jump[height, distance, tlow, statelow, Fxlow, Fylow] = simjump([xdot0, theta], parms, 1);disp('Press a key to continue');pausefprintf(1,'Ground reaction forces vs. time...\n');clfsubplot(221); plot(thigh,Fyhigh); xlabel('time'); ylabel('Fy'); title('high jump'); set(gca,'xlim',[0 .12],'ylim',[0 12000]);subplot(222); plot(thigh,Fxhigh); xlabel('time'); ylabel('Fx'); title('high jump'); set(gca,'xlim',[0 .12],'ylim',[0 10000]);subplot(223); plot(tlow,Fylow); xlabel('time'); ylabel('Fy'); title('long jump'); set(gca,'xlim',[0 .12],'ylim',[0 12000]);subplot(224); plot(tlow,Fxlow); xlabel('time'); ylabel('Fx'); title('long jump'); set(gca,'xlim',[0 .12],'ylim',[0 10000]);disp('Press a key to continue');pause% loop through initial conditionsfprintf(1,'Vary runup speed and leg plantangle...\n');thetas = (30:10:80)*pi/180; % use these values of thetaxdot0s = (1:5)*sqrt(a*g); % and these values of xdotfor i = 1:length(xdot0s); for j = 1:length(thetas); xdot0 = xdot0s(i); theta = thetas(j); % (nominally, theta = 45 degrees) runup = [xdot0; theta]; [h(i,j),s(i,j),t,state,Fx,Fy] = simjump(runup, parms); end;end;% make a dimensionless contour plot of heightsclf;subplot(121)cs = contour(xdot0s/sqrt(a*g),thetas*180/pi,h'/a,5);clabel(cs);xlabel('runup speed'), ylabel('theta'), title('height h');% find the actual max jump height and indicate itrunup = [3*sqrt(a*g) 55*pi/180];runupstar = fminsearch(@(x)simjumpnegheight(x,parms), runup);hold on;plot(runupstar(1)/sqrt(a*g), runupstar(2)*180/pi, '*');text(runupstar(1)/sqrt(a*g), runupstar(2)*180/pi, ... sprintf('%5.2f',-simjumpnegheight(runupstar,parms)/a));% make a dimensionless contour plot of distancessubplot(122)cs = contour(xdot0s/sqrt(a*g),thetas*180/pi,s'/a);clabel(cs);xlabel('runup speed'), ylabel('theta'), title('distance s');% A simulation of the jump with% no tendon compliancetheta = 45*pi/180; xdot0 = 3*sqrt(a*g); % high jumptheta = 60*pi/180; xdot0 = 4.5*sqrt(a*g); % long jumprunup = [xdot0; theta];[height, distance, t, state, Fx, Fy] = simjump(runup, parms);[heightc0, distancec0, tc0, statec0, Fxc0, Fyc0] = simjumpc0(runup, parms);disp('Heights with and without compliance')disp([height heightc0]/a)disp('Distances with and without compliance')disp([distance distancec0]/a)% Additional parameter studiesfprintf(1, 'Vary knee angle\n');phi0s = [165 170 175]*pi/180; thetas = (30:10:80)*pi/180; % use these values of thetaxdot0s = (1:5)*sqrt(a*g); % and these values of xdotorigparms = parms;for k = 1:length(phi0s) parms.phi0 = phi0s(k); % change knee angle for i = 1:length(xdot0s); for j = 1:length(thetas); % Set initial conditions xdot0 = xdot0s(i); % (nominally, xdot0 = 3*sqrt(a*g) ) theta = thetas(j); runup = [xdot0; theta]; [h(i,j),s(i,j),t,state,Fx,Fy] = simjump(runup, parms); end; end; subplot(1,3,k); cs = contour(xdot0s/sqrt(a*g),thetas*180/pi,h'/a,5); clabel(cs); xlabel('runup speed'), ylabel('theta'), title(sprintf('height h (phi = %4.0f°)', phi0s(k)*180/pi)); % find the actual max jump height and indicate it runup = [3*sqrt(a*g) 55*pi/180]; runupstar = fminsearch(@(x)simjumpnegheight(x,parms), runup); hold on; plot(runupstar(1)/sqrt(a*g), runupstar(2)*180/pi, '*'); text(runupstar(1)/sqrt(a*g), runupstar(2)*180/pi, ... sprintf('%5.2f',-simjumpnegheight(runupstar,parms)/a));enddisp('Press a key to continue');pausefprintf(1, 'Vary G\n');clf;parms = origparms;Gs = [1 3 5]; thetas = (30:10:80)*pi/180; % use these values of thetaxdot0s = (1:5)*sqrt(a*g); % and these values of xdotfor k = 1:length(Gs) parms.G = Gs(k); % change knee angle for i = 1:length(xdot0s); for j = 1:length(thetas); % Set initial conditions xdot0 = xdot0s(i); % (nominally, xdot0 = 3*sqrt(a*g) ) theta = thetas(j); runup = [xdot0; theta]; [h(i,j),s(i,j),t,state,Fx,Fy] = simjump(runup, parms); end; end; subplot(1,3,k); cs = contour(xdot0s/sqrt(a*g),thetas*180/pi,h'/a,5); clabel(cs); xlabel('runup speed'), ylabel('theta'), title(sprintf('height h (G = %3.1f)', Gs(k))); % find the actual max jump height and indicate it runup = [3*sqrt(a*g) 55*pi/180]; runupstar = fminsearch(@(x)simjumpnegheight(x,parms), runup); hold on; plot(runupstar(1)/sqrt(a*g), runupstar(2)*180/pi, '*'); text(runupstar(1)/sqrt(a*g), runupstar(2)*180/pi, ... sprintf('%5.2f',-simjumpnegheight(runupstar,parms)/a));end% Lesson: Lower G is better for jump height% (G governs how sharply torque drops off with velocity)disp('Press a key to continue');pauseclf; hold on;for k = 1: length(Gs); parms.G = Gs(k); phidots = linspace(-0.2*parms.phidotmax, parms.phidotmax, 20); Ts = torquevelocity(phidots, parms); xlabel('Ang vel, phidot'); ylabel('Torque, T'); title('torque-velocity curves'); plot(phidots, Ts, 'DisplayName', sprintf('G = %3.1f', Gs(k)));endlegenddisp('Press a key to continue');pause%% ADD CODE HERE TO TEST EFFECT OF VARYING COMPLIANCE CONTINUOUSLY% end of main runjump code; subfunctions follow%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function [height,distance,t,state,Fx,Fy] = simjump(runup, parms, anim)% simulates jump with given initial velocity and angle,% and returns height and distance of jump% input is a vector runup = [speed, plantangle]% parms parameter structure, and anim = 1 for animatino% output is height and distance %% parms is a structure containing parameters% phi0 initial knee angle (rad)% a leg segment length% m body mass% g gravitational acceleration% Tmax max knee torque% T0 initial knee muscle activation% G force-velocity shape parameter% phidotmax max knee ang velocity (force-velocity)% C knee muscle compliance% phi0 initial knee angle% dist (distance fromif length(runup) < 1 % if speed isn't given, use a default xdot0 = 3*sqrt(a*g); % good range is 1:5else xdot0 = runup(1);endif length(runup) < 2 % if angle isn't given, use a default theta = 45*pi/180; % good range is 30:80 degelse theta = runup(2);endif nargin < 2 % define our own default parameter values m = 70; g = 9.81; a = 0.5; parms = struct('a', a, ... % half leg-length 'm', m, ... % body mass 'g', g, ... % gravity 'Tmax', 2.5*m*g*a, ... % max knee torque 'T0', 0.6*(2.5*m*g*a), ... % initial knee torque 'G', 3, ... % force-velocity shape parameter 'phidotmax', 8*sqrt(g/a), ... % max velocity 'C', 0.1/m*g*a, ... % knee compliance 'phi0', 170*pi/180); % initial knee angle enda = parms.a; m = parms.m; g = parms.g;Tmax = parms.Tmax; T0 = parms.T0; G = parms.G;phidotmax = parms.phidotmax; C = parms.C;phi0 = parms.phi0; % Set initial conditionsphi = phi0; dist = 2*a*sin(phi/2);T0 = Tmax*0.6; % start w/ muscle activatedx0 = -cos(theta)*dist; % initial x, y positionsy0 = sin(theta)*dist;ydot0 = 0; % body moves horizontally initially% state vector xstart = [x0; y0; xdot0; ydot0; T0];% integrate the ode in fjump for up to 0.3 seconds, stopping at ground% contactoptions = odeset('events', @jumpevent);odesol = ode45(@fjump, [0 0.3], xstart, options);t = odesol.x'; state = odesol.y';jumptime = odesol.x(end);x = odesol.y(1,:)';y = odesol.y(2,:)';xdot = odesol.y(3,:)';ydot = odesol.y(4,:)';T = odesol.y(5,:)';dist = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2); % dist from foot to hiptheta = atan2(y, -x);phiover2 = asin(dist/(2*a));if cos(phiover2) ~= 0, % calculate ground force F = T./(a*cos(phiover2)); else F = 0;end;Fx = F.*cos(theta);Fy = F.*sin(theta);xoff = odesol.y(1,end)'; % final conditions of groundyoff = odesol.y(2,end)'; % contact phasexdotoff = odesol.y(3,end)';ydotoff = odesol.y(4,end)';airtime = 1/g * (ydotoff + sqrt(ydotoff^2 + 2*g*yoff));height = yoff + ydotoff^2/(2*g); % heightdistance = xdotoff * airtime; % distance traveled% animation settingsif nargin == 3 & anim == 1 % animate it dT = 0.01; runtime = 0.1; % runtime is how much run-up to show trun = -fliplr((dT:dT:runtime))'; % run-up is in negative time tanim = [trun; (0:dT:jumptime+airtime)']; tjump = (0:dT:jumptime)'; taerial = tanim(tanim > jumptime); xrun = xdot0*trun + x0; yrun = xrun*0 + y0; states = deval(odesol, tjump)'; xjump = states(:,1); yjump = states(:,2); xaerial = xoff + xdotoff*(taerial-jumptime); yaerial = yoff + ydotoff*(taerial-jumptime) - 1/2*g*(taerial-jumptime).^2; xs = [xrun; xjump; xaerial]; ys = [yrun; yjump; yaerial]; xlimit = [min(xs)-a/2 max(xs)+a/2]; ylimit = [-0.05 max(ys)+a*1.5]; clf set(gcf, 'color', [1 1 1]); set(gca,'DataAspectRatio',[1 1 1],'Visible','off',... 'NextPlot','Add','xlim',xlimit,'ylim',ylimit); thetas = [0:.2:2*pi 0]; Q = diag([12/a 3/a]); r = 1 ./sqrt(Q(1,1)*cos(thetas).^2 + 2*Q(1,2)*cos(thetas).*sin(thetas) + ... Q(2,2)*sin(thetas).^2); xbody = r.*cos(thetas); ybody = r.*sin(thetas)+a/2; hbody = line(xbody, ybody+y0); th0 = atan2(y0, -x0); phiover20 = asin(sqrt(x0^2+y0^2)/(2*a)); xleg = [0 a*sin(pi-th0-phiover20) 2*a*cos(pi/2-th0)]; yleg = [0 -a*cos(pi-th0-phiover20) -2*a*sin(pi/2-th0)]; hleg = line(xleg, yleg+y0); hgnd = line(xlimit,[0 0],'color',[0 0 0],'linewidth',2); for i=1:length(xs) set(hbody,'xdata',xbody+xs(i),'ydata',ybody+ys(i)); set(hleg,'xdata',xleg+xs(i)); if tanim(i) >= 0 if tanim(i) <= tjump th = atan2(ys(i),-xs(i)); phiover2 = asin(sqrt(xs(i)^2+ys(i)^2)/(2*a)); xleg = [0 a*sin(pi-th-phiover2) 2*a*cos(pi/2-th)]; yleg = [0 -a*cos(pi-th-phiover2) -2*a*sin(pi/2-th)]; set(hleg,'xdata',xleg+xs(i),'ydata',yleg+ys(i)); else set(hleg,'visible','off'); end end pause(0.01) endend % animationend % simjumpfunction negh = simjumpnegheight(runup,parms)% returns negative of jump height, so that minimizing this function% will maximize jump height [h,d] = simjump(runup,parms); negh = -h;end % simjumpheightfunction negd = simjumpnegdistance(runup,parms)% returns negative of jump distance, so that minimizing this function% will maximize jump distance [h,d] = simjump(runup,parms); negd = -dend % simjumpdistance%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function [height,distance,t,state,Fx,Fy] = simjumpc0(runup, parms)% simulates jump with given initial velocity and angle,% and returns height and distance of jump% input is a vector runup = [speed, plantangle]% parms parameter structure, and anim = 1 for animatino% output is height and distance %% parms is a structure containing parameters% phi0 initial knee angle (rad)% a leg segment length% m body mass% g gravitational acceleration% Tmax max knee torque% T0 initial knee muscle activation% G force-velocity shape parameter% phidotmax max knee ang velocity (force-velocity)% phi0 initial knee angle%% This version is for jump with no tendon complianceif length(runup) < 1 % if speed isn't given, use a default xdot0 = 3*sqrt(a*g); % good range is 1:5else xdot0 = runup(1);endif length(runup) < 2 % if angle isn't given, use a default theta = 45*pi/180; % good range is 30:80 degelse theta = runup(2);endif nargin < 2 % define our own default parameter values m = 70; g = 9.81; a = 0.5; parms = struct('a', a, ... % half leg-length 'm', m, ... % body mass 'g', g, ... % gravity 'Tmax', 2.5*m*g*a, ... % max knee torque 'T0', 0.6*(2.5*m*g*a), ... % initial knee torque 'G', 3, ... % force-velocity shape parameter 'phidotmax', 8*sqrt(g/a), ... % max velocity 'phi0', 170*pi/180); % initial knee angle enda = parms.a; m = parms.m; g = parms.g;Tmax = parms.Tmax; T0 = parms.T0; G = parms.G;phidotmax = parms.phidotmax; phi0 = parms.phi0; % Set initial conditionsphi = phi0; dist = 2*a*sin(phi/2);x0 = -cos(theta)*dist; % initial x, y positionsy0 = sin(theta)*dist;ydot0 = 0; % body moves horizontally initiallyxstart = [x0; y0; xdot0; ydot0];options = odeset('events', @jumpeventc0); % no compliance eventodesol = ode45(@fjumpc0, [0 .2], xstart(1:4), options); % no compliance state-derivativet = odesol.x'; state = odesol.y';x = odesol.y(1,:)';y = odesol.y(2,:)';xdot = odesol.y(3,:)';ydot = odesol.y(4,:)';dist = sqrt(x.^2 + y.^2);ddot = (x.*xdot + y.*ydot) ./dist;theta = atan(-y ./ x);phiover2 = asin(dist/(2*a));phidot = ddot ./ (a*cos(phiover2));T = Tmax*((phidotmax - phidot)./(phidotmax+G*phidot));T(phidot <= 0) = Tmax*ones(sum(phidot<=0),1);F = T./(a*cos(phiover2));Fx = F.*cos(theta);Fy = F.*sin(theta);xoff = state(end,1); % final conditions of groundyoff = state(end,2); % contact phasexdotoff = state(end,3);ydotoff = state(end,4);height = yoff + ydotoff^2/(2*g); % heighttair = 1/g * (ydotoff + sqrt(ydotoff^2 + 2*g*yoff));distance = xdotoff * tair; % distance traveledend % simjumpc0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function xdot = fjump(t, x);% xdot = fjump(t,x) returns the state-derivative for the% high and long-jump simulation, where the state x contains% [x; y; xdot; ydot; T] where x and y are the position of% the center of mass, xdot and ydot are velocities, and T% is the torque. % The following parameters should be defined in the workspace:% Tmax a m g G phidotmax Cxc = x(1); % x position of center of massyc = x(2); % y position of center of massxcdot = x(3); % x velocityycdot = x(4); % y velocityT = x(5); % torque Tdist = sqrt(xc^2 + yc^2);ddot = (xc*xcdot + yc*ycdot)/dist; % derivative of distphiover2 = asin(dist / (2*a));theta = atan2(yc, -xc);phidot = ddot / (a*cos(phiover2));phidotc = -phidotmax * (T/Tmax - 1)/(G*T/Tmax + 1);Tdot = -(phidot - phidotc)/C;if (T >= Tmax) & (Tdot > 0), % torque can't go past Tmax Tdot = 0;end;if T < 0, % nor can torque go below zero Tdot = -5000*T;end;F = T / (a*cos(phiover2)); % test for leg fully extendedif imag(phiover2) ~= 0 | (phiover2 > pi/2), F = 0; Tdot = 0;end;xcdotdot = -(F/m)*cos(theta);ycdotdot = (F/m)*sin(theta) - g;xdot = [xcdot; ycdot; xcdotdot; ycdotdot; Tdot];end % fjump%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function xdot = fjumpc0(t, x);% xdot = fjumpc0(t,x) returns the state-derivative for the% high and long-jump simulation, where the state x contains% [x; y; xdot; ydot; T] where x and y are the position of% the center of mass, xdot and ydot are velocities, and T% is the torque. The following global variables must be% defined to pass parameters to fjump: Tmax a m g G phidotmax C% fjumpc0 assumes that the tendon has zero compliance% The following parameters should be defined in the workspace:% Tmax a m g G phidotmaxxc = x(1);yc = x(2);xcdot = x(3);ycdot = x(4);dist = sqrt(xc^2 + yc^2);ddot = (xc*xcdot + yc*ycdot)/dist;phiover2 = asin(dist / (2*a));theta = atan2(real(yc), -real(xc));phidot = ddot / (a*cos(phiover2));T = Tmax*((phidotmax - phidot)/(phidotmax+G*phidot));if (phidot) <= 0, T = Tmax;end;F = T / (a*cos(phiover2));xcdotdot = -(F/m)*cos(theta);ycdotdot = (F/m)*sin(theta) - g;xdot = [xcdot; ycdot; xcdotdot; ycdotdot];end % fjumpc0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function [event, isterm, dir] = jumpevent(t, x);% Event function that goes with fjump% The following parameters should be defined in the workspace:% Tmax a m g G phidotmax Cxc = x(1); % x position of center of massyc = x(2); % y position of center of massxcdot = x(3); % x velocityycdot = x(4); % y velocityT = x(5); % torque Tevent = [T; 4*a*a-xc^2+yc^2]; % check for when T goes to zero or leg gets fully extendedisterm = [1; 1]; % stop when it doesdir = [0; 0]; % regardless of slopeend % jumpevent%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function [event, isterm, dir] = jumpeventc0(t, x);% Event function that goes with fjumpc0% The following parameters should be defined in the workspace:% Tmax a m g G phidotmax Cxc = x(1);yc = x(2);xcdot = x(3);ycdot = x(4);dist = sqrt(xc^2 + yc^2);ddot = (xc*xcdot + yc*ycdot)/dist;phiover2 = asin(dist / (2*a));theta = atan2(yc, -xc);phidot = ddot / (a*cos(phiover2));T = Tmax*((phidotmax - phidot)/(phidotmax+G*phidot));if (phidot) <= 0, T = Tmax;end;event = T; % check for when T goes to zeroisterm = 1; % stop when it doesdir = 0; % regardless of slopeend % jumpeventc0%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%function T = torquevelocity(phidot, parms) phidotmax = parms.phidotmax; Tmax = parms.Tmax; G= parms.G; T = Tmax*((phidotmax - phidot)./(phidotmax+G*phidot)); T(phidot <= 0) = Tmax*ones(sum(phidot<=0),1); end % torquevelocityend % runjump file