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function runkickt% runkickt.m simulates a maximum-excitation knee extension, with% Hill muscle model in series with elastic tendon.% functions referred to from this script:% fkickt kick simulation with tendon% fkicke kick simulation with no tendon% fv force-velocity curve% fvi inverse of force-velocity curve% fl active force-length curve% flp passive force-length curve% ftl tendon force-length curve% ftli inverse of tendon force-length curve% dftdl derivative of tendon force-length curve% first set the constants, which will be accessible to subfunctions:% I m g lopt ksh l1 F1 vmax Fmax rf rcm tact beta At lslack Kse;I = 0.1832; % moment of inertia of lower leg (kg-m^2)m = 4.88; % mass (kg)g = 9.81; % grav constantlopt = 0.09; % optimal muscle length in metersFmax = 12000; % max isometric force (N)vmax = 0.45; % about 5 lopts/s max shortening velrf = 0.033; % moment arm of quadriceps about kneercm = 0.264; % distance b/w center of mass & jointtact = 0.010; % activation time constantbeta = 0.2; % ratio of activation & deactivation constantsl1 = 0.02; % strain of tendon's linear regionF1 = 16e6; % stress for tendon's linear regionKse = 1.2e9; % linear modulus for tendon series elasticityAt = 0.000324; % tendon cross-sectional areaksh = 0.874; % shape parameter of tendon's toe-in exponential regionoptions = odeset('events', @eventkick);% Perform a set of simulations with different tendon lengths% using fkickt, which computes the state-derivatve based on% a state defined as [phi; phidot; lm; a], where lm is muscle% fiber length% Do a simulation with tendon = 1 * loptlslack = 1*lopt;[t1,y1] = ode45(@fkickt, [0 .5],[pi/2;0; lopt; 0], options);% Do a simulation with tendon = 3 * loptlslack = 3*lopt;[t3,y3] = ode45(@fkickt, [0 .5],[pi/2;0; lopt; 0], options);% Do a simulation with tendon = 10 * loptlslack = 10*lopt;[t10,y10] = ode45(@fkickt, [0 .5], [pi/2; 0; lopt; 0], options);% And one with no tendon whatsoever[te,ye]=ode45(@fkicke,[0 .5],[pi/2; 0; 0 ], options);% For no tendon, have to recompute length, velocity, forcele = rf*(pi/2 - ye(:,1)) + lopt;ve = ye(:,2)*rf/vmax;ae = ye(:,3);for i=1:length(le), Fe(i) = Fmax * fl(le(i)/lopt) * fv(ve(i)/vmax) * ae(i);end;% For other simulations, need to recompute forcelt = rf*(pi/2-y1(:,1)) + lopt - y1(:,3); Ft = ftl(lt/lslack)*At;Fm1 = Ft; % muscle fiber force equals tendon forcelt = rf*(pi/2-y3(:,1)) + lopt - y3(:,3); Ft = ftl(lt/lslack)*At;Fm3 = Ft; % muscle fiber force equals tendon forcelt = rf*(pi/2-y10(:,1)) + lopt - y10(:,3); Ft = ftl(lt/lslack)*At;Fm10 = Ft; % muscle fiber force equals tendon forcefigure(1); clf;% Make a series of plots of the resultssubplot(221); % plot angle vs timeplot(te,ye(:,1),t1,y1(:,1),t3,y3(:,1),t10,y10(:,1)); % phi vs. timetitle('Phi vs. time'), xlabel('time (s)'), ylabel('Phi (rad/s)');subplot(222); % plot angular velocity vs timeplot(te,ye(:,2),t1,y1(:,2),t3,y3(:,2),t10,y10(:,2)); % phidot vs. timetitle('Phidot vs. time'), xlabel('time (s)'), ylabel('Phidot (rad/s)');subplot(223); % plot muscle force vs timeplot(te,Fe,t1,Fm1,t3,Fm3,t10,Fm10); % force vs. timetitle('Force vs. time'), xlabel('time (s)'), ylabel('Force (N)');legend('0 * lopt', '1 * lopt','3 * lopt','10 * lopt');subplot(224); % plot muscle fiber length vs timeplot(te, le, t1,y1(:,3), t3, y3(:,3), t10,y10(:,3));title('Muscle fiber length vs time'); xlabel('time (s)'); ylabel('Length (m)')% In the second figure, plot force-velocity curve and its inverse,% muscle force-length curve, and tendon stress-strain curve% PUT YOUR CODE HERE TO PLOT FORCE-VELOCITY CURVE AND ITS INVERSE% end of main function; subfunctions belowfunction xdot = fkicke(t,x);% state derivative for kicking simulation with muscle excitation dynamics% states: phi, phidot, a where phi is angle of leg, a activation% The following parameters are assumed to be defined in the workspace:% I m g lopt vmax Fmax rf rcm tact betaphi = x(1); % phi and phidot are states for the phidot = x(2); % leg motion, with rigid body dynamicsa = x(3); % activation state is governed by a first-order differential equation.% The input to the model is the excitation u, set here to maximum of 1.u = 1; % maximum excitation% Activation dynamics are first-order, with different activation and% de-activation time constants.adot = -1/tact * (beta + (1 - beta) * u) * a + 1/tact * u;l = rf*(pi/2 - phi)/ lopt + 1; % find normalized length as function of phiv = rf*phidot/vmax; % normalized shortening velocityF = Fmax * fl(l) * fv(v) * a; % muscle forceM = F * rf; % moment about knee is muscle force times moment arm.Mg = - m * g * rcm *sin(phi - pi/2); % gravitational momentphiddot = (M + Mg) / I; % second derivative of phixdot = [phidot; phiddot; adot];end % fkickefunction xdot = fkickt(t,x);% state derivative for kicking simulation% states: [phi, phidot, lm, a] where phi is angle of leg, a activation% and lm muscle fiber length% The following parameters are assumed to be defined in the workspace:% I m g lopt vmax Fmax rf rcm tact betaphi = x(1); % phi and phidot are states for the phidot = x(2); % leg motion, with rigid body dynamicslm = x(3); % another state tracks muscle fiber lengtha = x(4); % activation state is governed by a first-order differential equation.lmt = rf*(pi/2-phi) + lslack + lopt; % length of muscle + tendon together% where the optimal fiber length corresponds to angle phi = pi/2 if there% were no tendon, and lslack adds the effect of tendon slack length. lt = lmt - lm - lslack; % State-derivative for muscle excitation-activation: input u, output au = 1; % maximum excitationadot = -1/tact * (beta + (1 - beta) * u) * a + 1/tact * u;% State-derivative for muscle force generation% tendon stress from its force-length curve,% multiplied by tendon area At to get actual forceFt = ftl(lt/lslack)*At;Fm = Ft; % muscle fiber force equals tendon force % because there is no pennation in this model Fiso = Fmax*fl(lm/lopt)*a; % isometric muscle forcelmdot = -fvi(Fm/Fiso)*vmax;if isnan(lmdot) % set velocity to zero for undefined force values lmdot = 0.15;endvmt = rf*phidot; % muscle-tendon shortening velocityTm = Fm * rf; % torque due to muscleMgl = - m * g * rcm *sin(phi - pi/2); % gravitational momentphiddot = (Tm + Mgl) / I; % second derivative of phixdot = [phidot; phiddot; lmdot; adot];end % fkicktfunction f = fl(x)% normalized active force-length curve for muscle fasciclesw = 0.5;lopt = 1; % this is a normalized optimal lengthf = 1 - ((x-lopt)/(w*lopt)).^2;f(f<0) = 0; % disallow negative valuesend % flfunction f = flp(x)% normalized passive force-length curve for muscle, where% input x is strain, l/lopt% The curve here is cubic above x = 1,% and zero below 1. f = 8*(x-1).^3;f(x < 1) = 0; % make values zero for lengths below loptend % flpfunction f = fv(v)% normalized force-velocity relation% input is normalized velocity, v/vmaxaf = 0.25; % shape parameterf = (1 - v)./(1 + v/af);f(f < 0) = 0; % disallow negative forcesend % fvfunction v = fvi(f)% provides inverse of force-velocity relation:% normalized force in, normalized velocity outc1 = -0.18713;c2 = 0.32094;c3 = 1.06485;c4 = 0.1850;v = -c1*cot(c2*f.^2 + c3*f + c4); % an approximation of the f-v curvev(f > 1.4) = -0.15; % saturate the f-v curve at 1.4,% with a velocity of -0.15.v(f < 0) = 1; % Also prevent shortening faster than vmaxend % fvifunction df = dftdl(x);% derivative of normalized force-length curve for tendon,% where input x is strain% The following parameters should be defined in the workspace:% ksh l1 F1 Ksedf(x > l1) = Kse; % linear region, stiffness is linear% and here's the exponential regiondf(x <= l1) = F1/(exp(ksh)-1) * (ksh/l1)*exp(ksh/l1*x(x <= l1));end % dftdl function sigma = ftl(epsilon);% normalized force-length curve for tendon, where% the normalization is different from that for muscle:% input epsilon is strain relative to slack length lslack,% and the force is actually a stress.% To convert to actual force, multiply by tendon cross-sectional area.% Curve has a nonlinear toe-in region up to strain l1, and then is linear.% ME/BME 646 Art Kuo% The following parameters should be defined in workspace:% ksh l1 F1 Kselin = (epsilon > l1);nonlin = (epsilon <= l1);sigma(lin) = Kse*(epsilon(lin)-l1) + F1; % linear regionsigma(nonlin) = F1 / (exp(ksh)-1) * (exp(ksh/l1*epsilon(nonlin)) -1); % exponentialend % ftlfunction x = ftli(f);% inverse of force-length curve for tendon, where% input is stress, output is strain% series elastic force-length curve is exponential in toe-in region,% and then linear beyond a stress-strain (F1, l1)% The following parameters should be defined in workspace:% ksh l1 F1 Ksetoesigma = F1; % point beyond which tendon is lineartoestrain = l1; % strain at that pointif f > toesigma, % linear region x = (f - toesigma)/Kse + toestrain;else % exponential region x = log(f * (exp(ksh)-1) / F1 + 1) * l1/ksh;end;end % ftlifunction [value, isterminal, direction] = eventkick(t, x)% returns event function for kicking simulation% Here is how event checking works: % At each integration step, ode45 checks to see if an% event function passes through zero (in this case, we need% the function to go through zero when the foot hits the% ground). It finds the value of the event function by calling% eventrw, which is responsible for returning the value of the % event function in variable value. isterminal should contain% a 1 to signify that the integration should stop (otherwise it% will keep going after value goes through zero). Finally,% direction should specify whether to look for event function% going through zero with positive or negative slope, or either.% we want to stop the simulation when phi = piphi = x(1);value = phi - pi;isterminal = 1; % tells ode45 to stop when event occursdirection = 0; % tells ode45 to look for any crossingend % eventkickend % runkickt