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File metadata and controls

73 lines (49 loc) · 3.14 KB

More DSpace Statistics


This web application provides simple aggregated usage statistics for a DSpace repository.

Using the DSpace Solr Statistics as the data source, the application provides the following statistics for items for the entire repository or a specified community, collection, or author, over a specified time period:

  • item views
  • file downloads
  • number of items
  • average downloads per item
  • top ten items by file downloads


  • DSpace 5.x (tested against 5.6-5.8). We have not tested this against other major versions of DSpace. Field reports are welcome.
  • PHP 5.6+ (tested in PHP 5.6 and 7.0)
  • Composer for installing PHP dependencies.
  • DSpace REST API enabled on your DSpace install
  • (read-only) access to the DSpace Solr system, both search and statistics cores (see below)

Accessing Solr

This application needs to access DSpace Solr, both the search and statistics cores. It doesn't need to write anything. Options for providing Solr to this application include:

  • Running this application on the same machine as Solr
  • Configuring Solr to allow access to a remote client
  • Port-forwarding / SSH tunneling to get access your Solr server
    • A good choice if you run More DSpace Statistics on one DSpace admin's personal computer.
  • Installing a proxy that allows limited (read-only) access to Solr
    • We have been using the solr-proxy package from NPM.
    • Something similar could likely be written using mod_rewrite or Nginx rules.
    • Even a read-only proxy will expose visitor information, text of embargoed items, and more. Consider access carefully.


  • Clone this repository
  • Install with Composer to populate the vendor/ directory and supply responses to configuration prompts:
composer install

This creates a web/ directory that should be served by a PHP-enabled web server.

Configuration options

  • google_analytics - If you want Google Analytics tracking on these pages, provide a UA-XXXXXX code, otherwise leave null
  • site_name - Name for your installation (Branding)
  • cacheTTL - Certain things (lists of known communities, collections, and authors) are cached for performance. Default is 12 hours.
  • DSpaceBaseUrl - This is the main path to your DSpace install. /rest should be found under below this URL
  • solrSearchCore and solrStatisticsCore - URL paths to your solr cores.
    • The URL could include ports, HTTP Basic credentials, etc (e.g.
  • secret - Just type something random here - this is a seed for CSRF tokens

After the initial install, those options can modified in app/config/parameters.yml

Docker version

The docker/ directory contains an example of running the application in Docker


BSD 3-Clause

Copyright 2017, University of Kansas


Original (2015) - Matthew Copeland

Cleanup (2017) - Jeremy Keeler and Tom Shorock