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[{"title":"Hello World","path":"/20230905hello-world/","content":"Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in troubleshooting or you can ask me on GitHub. Quick StartCreate a new post1$ hexo new "My New Post" More info: Writing Run server1$ hexo server More info: Server Generate static files1$ hexo generate More info: Generating Deploy to remote sites1$ hexo deploy More info: Deployment 1ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "3380007289@qq.com" 然后打开bash,安装deploy-git,这样才能用命令部署到远程的git仓库 1npm install hexo-deployer-git --save","tags":["博客"],"categories":["博客"]},{"path":"/about/index.html","content":"免费支持💭 夸克新用户免费领🍄 1 T 🍄 大容量福利来啦⭕️点击下面链接打开夸克转存一下即可获取,谢谢支持,转存一下就可以 免费支持我啦 链接:https://pan.quark.cn/s/62d84654aa4d"},{"path":"/go.js","content":"const safeGoFun = { // TODO: a链接安全跳转(只对文章页,关于页评论 -- 评论要单独丢到waline回调中) NzcheckLink: async (domName) => { // 获取文章页非社会分享的a标签 const links = document.querySelectorAll(domName); if (links) { // 锚点正则 let reg = new RegExp(/^[#].*/); for (let i = 0; i < links.length; i++) { const ele = links[i]; let eleHref = ele.getAttribute(\"href\"), eleIsDownLoad = ele.getAttribute(\"data-download\"), eleRel = ele.getAttribute(\"rel\"); // 如果你的博客添加了Gitter聊天窗,请去掉下方注释 /*|| link[i].className===\"gitter-open-chat-button\"*/ // 排除:锚点、上下翻页、按钮类、分类、标签 if ( !reg.test(eleHref) && eleRel !== \"prev\" && eleRel !== \"next\" && eleRel !== \"category\" && eleRel !== \"tag\" && eleHref !== \"javascript:void(0);\" ) { // 判断是否下载地址和白名单,是下载拼接 &type=goDown if (!(await safeGoFun.NzcheckLocalSite(eleHref)) && !eleIsDownLoad) { // encodeURIComponent() URI编码 ele.setAttribute( \"href\", \"/go.html?goUrl=\" + encodeURIComponent(eleHref) ); } else if ( !(await safeGoFun.NzcheckLocalSite(eleHref)) && eleIsDownLoad === \"goDown\" ) { ele.setAttribute( \"href\", \"/go.html?goUrl=\" + encodeURIComponent(eleHref) + \"&type=goDown\" ); } } } } }, // 校验白名单,自己博客,local测试 NzcheckLocalSite: async (url) => { try { // 白名单地址则不修改href const safeUrls = [\"localhost:4000\", \"kuxiaohe.github.io\", \"kuhehe.top\", \"github.io\"]; let isOthers = false; for (let i = 0; i < safeUrls.length; i++) { const ele = safeUrls[i]; if (url.includes(ele)) { isOthers = true; break; } } return isOthers; } catch (err) { return true; } }, }; Object.keys(safeGoFun).forEach((key) => { window[key] = safeGoFun[key]; }); // 页面dom加载完成后,文章页不是分享按钮,不是图片灯箱,class类名不含有 not-check-link // not-check-link 是小波自己设计的约定类名class,用来排除不调用跳转方法的链接 document.addEventListener(\"DOMContentLoaded\", function () { window.NzcheckLink( \".post a:not(.nav):not(.menu):not(.menu_id):not(.post-card):not(.social-share-icon):not(.fancybox):not(.not-check-link):not(.breadcrumb)\" ); });"}]