Releases: kubeagi/arcadia
Releases · kubeagi/arcadia
A Helm chart for Kubernetes
A Helm chart(KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
A Helm chart(KubeBB Component) for KubeAGI Arcadia
Welcome to this new release! Our first release towards one-stop LLMOps!
Images built for this release:
Breaking Changes:
Feature summary 🚀 🚀 🚀
- Dataset management
- Manage data by integrating with object storage(s3), view excel file and add label to different data types
- Versioned dataset management with default datasource
- Comprehensive data processing capabilities: data cleaning, text splitting (e.g., text segmentation, QA splitting using LLM)
- RDMA as an optional storage service that can speed up model/data download by about 10 times
- AI Knowledgebase
- Auto QA Embedding generation and indexing
- Chromadb as the vector store by default
- AI Model and Inference Service
- Manage the lifecycle of model and Inference Service
- Able to host llm and embedding models in Kubernetes via our
protocol: qwen, baichuan, vicuna, chatglm, bge-large-zh-v1.5, etc... - Able to integrate with powerful 3rd_party providers, like zhipuai, openai, etc...
- Model loading accelerations with rdma network protocols
- Support CPU & GPU Model Serving
- LLM Applications
- A powerful and flexible Application Runtime
- GPTs - initial implementation of LLM application orchestration capabilities. Manage and orchestrate Prompt, LLM/Retriever Chain nodes, and provide relevant example applications (based on streamlit)
- Provide LLMChain and RetrivalQAChain for common LLM applications and RAG applications
- Create/debug typical GPT like application using web console easily
- Support blocking and SSE mode chat
A all-in-one deployment helm chart
Documentation online doc link
New Features
- b1bda3c: feat: Develop CRD Datasource (@zqq454224016)
- 8de4d5a: feat: a kubeagi yaml file to install arcadia with kubebb (@bjwswang)
- 82a1f43: feat: able to configure base url for openai kind of embedders/llms (@bjwswang)
- 933416c: feat: able to configure text splitter in local dataset management (@bjwswang)
- 5df65ad: feat: able to configure worker type when create and update (@bjwswang)
- 6ec48be: feat: able to get model list provided by Embedder and LLM (@bjwswang)
- 1113151: feat: able to load multiple files into vector store with arctl (@bjwswang)
- 04f4d1a: feat: able to offline worker instead of remove (@bjwswang)
- 0fc7121: feat: able to user worker's llm/embedding service as 3rd party provider (@bjwswang)
- 295710b: feat: able to view system pre-configured models (@bjwswang)
- 450f989: feat: add CRD Embeddings (@Lanture1064)
- 9a210ca: feat: add CRD LLM controller (@Lanture1064)
- 75e437a: feat: add CRD: KnowledgeBase and VectorStore (@Abirdcfly)
- 1823608: feat: add CRDs for App (@Abirdcfly)
- d966c36: feat: add LLM read & list api (@Lanture1064)
- fccd825: feat: add Model.gql (@dayuy)
- 8ec9adc: feat: add RDMA definition to datasource (@0xff-dev)
- c2f8d75: feat: add SDK to call the API (@)
- 73f20da: feat: add SSE invoke support for API server sample (@Lanture1064)
- 51f1416: feat: add a cli to load documents and chat with similarity search (@bjwswang)
- eb6100a: feat: add a new intermediate status OfflineInProgress (@bjwswang)
- 64bd42b: feat: add auto graphql sdk generator action (@Abirdcfly)
- a04cf90: feat: add baichuan-7b chatglm-6b in dashscope as llm (@Abirdcfly)
- 04b90a6: feat: add beijing_gjj_bot example (@Abirdcfly)
- d2c5b52: feat: add chart postgresql as arcadia dependency (@bjwswang)
- 9e90dea: feat: add checkModelService API & fix (@Lanture1064)
- b148b4e: feat: add chromadb (@0xff-dev)
- 2a8dbcd: feat: add dashscope as llm (@Abirdcfly)
- d4bdbd3: feat: add dataprocess helm chart (@Lanture1064)
- 5036518: feat: add dataset.gql and versioned_dataset.gql (@dayuy)
- 9c30084: feat: add datasource comments and update fields (@zqq454224016)
- ac7c619: feat: add document Q&A chat API server example (@Lanture1064)
- 536db67: feat: add embedder API (@zqq454224016)
- 8af5ab7: feat: add embedder and knowledgebase gql (@zqq454224016)
- 9e6d4fb: feat: add example for CRD Datasource test (@zqq454224016)
- 957057f: feat: add fastchat API server & controller helm chart (@Lanture1064)
- 99f70c5: feat: add internal url for endpoint (@bjwswang)
- bdf8a51: feat: add knowledgebase API and update comments (@zqq454224016)
- 9fd129b: feat: add knowledgebase application (@Abirdcfly)
- a821d92: feat: add kubeenv for data processing and lint with isort (@bjwswang)
- 7261fb5: feat: add llama2 in dashscope as llm (@Abirdcfly)
- f3b4b32: feat: add llm_config in data process config (@bjwswang)
- 6e98953: feat: add local worker as llm in app (@Abirdcfly)
- 7458335: feat: add make prepare-push (@Abirdcfly)
- b5d6307: feat: add model service CUD API (@Lanture1064)
- bc1df20: feat: add more chat api (@Abirdcfly)
- a25474a: feat: add more config for app (@Abirdcfly)
- 8c4fd2c: feat: add more detail log in chat api (@Abirdcfly)
- d41c1b3: feat: add parameter whether to enable oidc (@0xff-dev)
- 1166d27: feat: add prompt controller (@bjwswang)
- 9351150: feat: add rbac rating CLI as an example (@bjwswang)
- 850d2d1: feat: add spell test and fix existed misspellings (@Abirdcfly)
- 161a89f: feat: add swagger api doc (@Abirdcfly)
- e482d76: feat: add text-embedding in dashscope (@Abirdcfly)
- c3462f9: feat: add worker chart (@Lanture1064)
- 66f213a: feat: add worker graphql apis and optimize other graphql apis along with tiny changes to operator (@bjwswang)
- f4d1495: feat: add zhipuai embedding api & examples (@Lanture1064)
- 589f7eb: feat: breakpoint upload via MinIO (@dayuy)
- e886f54: feat: chat with llm now support sse (@Abirdcfly)
- a39191a: feat: check datasource bucket and object (@zqq454224016)
- 1139307: feat: create and delete buckets based on namespace changes (@0xff-dev)
- 35f464c: feat: create embedder&llm for worker based on model type (@bjwswang)
- 6bc9314: feat: dataset and versioneddataset impl (@0xff-dev)
- 89baee6: feat: dataset graphql api (@0xff-dev)
- ca63b19: feat: define CRD Dataset and VersionedDataset (@bjwswang)
- c694d5f: feat: define CRD LLM and update helm charts (@bjwswang)
- 40b3899: feat: deploy graphql-server (@zqq454224016)
- 009ac72: feat: develop model management API (@zqq454224016)
- 1404c53: feat: enable AI evaluator for Rating (@bjwswang)
- ba1dafa: feat: enable multiple gpus in worker (@bjwswang)
- 8b74fa1: feat: enable multiple gpus(sinle node) in runner fastchat (@bjwswang)
- 746251b: feat: enable sse-invoke in zhipuai and standarlize response body (@bjwswang)
- 4281700: feat: extract common funs in graphql server to pkg/common (@bjwswang)
- 0e489ea: feat: graphql base framework for bff server (@0xff-dev)
- c748a5c: feat: graphql-server supplement (@zqq454224016)
- ed7e262: feat: impl dataprocessing list api (@bjwswang)
- 1c491d6: feat: implement crd Model and define crd Worker (@bjwswang)
- 9c86805: feat: implement CRD Worker (@bjwswang)
- 2290b8f: feat: implement datasource management for arctl (@bjwswang)
- d064751: feat: init default controller con...