Expect active development and potentially significant breaking changes in the 0.x
track. We'll try to be diligent about releasing a 1.0
version in a timely fashion (ideally within 1 or 2 months), so that we can take advantage of SemVer to signify breaking changes from that point on.
- ApolloProvider now won't put its
unless it was given. PR #550 - MockedProvider now accepts a
prop to be passed to ApolloProvider so that react-redux store is not overwritten
- Fix bug where
was mutated causing variables to not update appropriately. PR #537 - Make sure that all queries resolve or reject if an error was thrown when server side rendering. PR #488
- ApolloProvider now changes its client and store when those props change. PR #479
- Update dependency to Apollo Client 1.0.0-rc.1 PR #520
- Make sure that the cached rendered element has the correct type before returning it. PR #505
- Move constructor initializing of props to componentWillMount. PR #506 (Issue #509).
- Address deprecation warnings coming from
graphql-tag#54 - Make sure ApolloClient and gql are exported from browser bundle PR #501
- Add apollo-client ^0.10.0 to dependency range
- Make apollo-client and graphql-tag dependencies and re-export them from this package PR #490
- Print errors to console if they are not handled by component PR #476
- Update Apollo Client to 0.9.0 and bump a lot of other dependencies PR #484
- Remove
dev dependency which called a reference to thechai
types in the production build. PR #471
- Fix
not running for queries attached to unmounted components. PR #462
- Fix wrong invariant sanity checks for GraphQL document PR #457
- Feature: [typescript] Add better typings to graphql HOC Issue #379
- Update apollo-client peerDependency to 0.8.0 PR #438
- Bug: Issue #404 fix issue with network errors thrown when changing variables.
- Feature: Allow access to
's wrapped instance thanks to{withRef: true}
option Issue #331. - Feature: Add an
option to thegraphql
function to allow customizing the display name of the wrapped component (Issue #354).
- Chore: PR #403 move react-dom to be an optional dependency for better react-native builds.
- Same as 0.8.0, but properly built
Update typings dependency from typed-grapqhl to @types/graphql PR #393
Chore: PR #390 gets rid of warning during queries test.
Chore: PR #391 gets rid of warnings during redux test.
Feature: PR #389 added a shouldResubscribe option to allow subscriptions to automatically resubscribe when props change.
- Identical to 0.7.2 because 0.7.3 contained breaking change (updated typings)
Chore: PR #390 gets rid of warning during queries test.
Chore: PR #391 gets rid of warnings during redux test.
Feature: PR #389 added a shouldResubscribe option to allow subscriptions to automatically resubscribe when props change.
Bug: fix issue where changing variables while unskipping didn't result in the variables actually changing - Issue #374
Bug: fix issue with no longer passing errors to components w/
- Issue #378 -
because since React 15.4 it is no longer "secretly" included. (ref: https://github.com/facebook/react/releases/tag/v15.4.0)
// old
import { getDataFromTree, renderToStringWithData } from 'react-apollo/server'
// new
import { getDataFromTree, renderToStringWithData } from 'react-apollo'
- Feature: Better packaging PR #306
- Feature: Add networkStatus prop to connected componentsIssue #322
- Feature: Pass component display name as watchQuery metadata for experimental devtools PR #363
- Feature: Removed use of
and bumped AC version PR #357 - Bug: fix issue with Redux's
and SSR - Issue #350
// old -- we attempted to get the state out of your apollo provider for your
renderToStringWithData(component).then({ markup, initialState })
// new -- you must get it yourself
renderToStringWithData(component).then(markup => {
const initialState = client.store.getState()[client.reduxRootKey];
// ...
This release refactors the server side rendering and data access code, hopefully making it easier to contribute to in the future and fixing a few bugs along the way:
- Bug: Fix bug in SSR in React Production mode Issue #237
- Bug: Fix issue fetching multiple levels of queries Issue #250
- Bug: Fix issue with Stateless components in SSR Issue #297
- Feature: Refactored to collect data in one place Issue 264
- Feature: Added test utilities and examples to library.
- Bug: Fix issue with usage in TypeScript projects caused by 'compose' re-export. PR #291
- Bug: Fix issue with forceFetch during SSR PR #293
- Full support for both Apollo Client 0.4.21 and 0.5.0. PR #277
- Bug: Fix issue with SSR queries running twice when a mutation wraps a query #274
- Bug: Fix issue with changing outer props and not changing variables, ultimately caused by apollographql/apollo-client#694
- Bug: Fix and test some subtle bugs around skipping and subscriptions. #260
- Feature: Remove nested imports for apollo-client. Making local development eaiser. #234
- Feature: Move types to dev deps #251
- Feature: New method for skipping queries which bypasses HOC internals #253
- Feature: Integrated subscriptions! #256
- Feature: Refactor loading state managment to use apollo-client fully. Reduces library size by ~50% #211
- Bug: Passing immutable to ApolloProvider breaks ssr.
fails to reference the right store. #222 - Bug: Fixed issue with context in SSR #218
- Bug: Fixed lifecycle events for componentWillMount() on the server #205
- Bug: Created better reference to updateQuery when bound early. It will also throw if called before it should be.
- Bug: Fixed issue with updateQuery not being present during componentWillMount #203
- Feature: Allow optional variables by passing null value on behalf of the variable #200
- Feature: Added link to recompose to use the
function. This makes it easy to combine multiple queries on a single component. #194
// old
renderToStringWithData(component).then(markup) // markup had a script tag
// new
renderToStringWithData(component).then({ markup, initialState }) // markup has not tag, and state is passed
Feature: Removed client as a prop and fixed warnings when not using ApolloProvider #189
Feature: Added updateQuery to data props
Bug: Fixed renderToStringWithData causing react warning #169
Bug: Fixed ssr fragment issue #178
Bug: Fixed loading state for skipped queries #190
Bug: Fixed loading state on remounted component with different variables
- Bug: Fixed SSR issue with context #165
- Bug: Fixed issue when context changes in parent container not going through to child; #162
- Bug: Fixed loading state on remount of forceFetch operations; #161
- Bug: Fixed issue with variable merging after fetchMore #150
- Feature: Allow options value to be an object instead of a method. #144
- Bug: Fixed issue with missing methods on initial props #142
- Bug: Fixed oddity with multi nested enhancers on SSR #141
- Bug: Fixed issue with variable merging #139
- Feature: Support a different store in the tree that is immutable (support immutable redux) #137
- Bug: Fixed refetch methods when no result is returned
- BREAKING Feature: Brand new API! See the docs for more information;
- Bug: Fixed loading state on refetch more when data doesn't change
- Feature: added fetchMore #123
- Bug: Retain compatibility with version 0.3.0 of Apollo Client via a backcompat shim. #109
- Bug: Fixed but where SSR wouldn't get calculated props from redux actions #103
- Feature: integrated SSR #83
- Feature: added ability to hoist statics on components #99
- Bug: Don't strip data away from the component when the query errors #98
- Bug: Fixed issue where react native would error on aggressive cloneing of client
- Feature: pass through all methods on apollo client
- Bug: fixed issue causing errors to be passed to apollo-client #89
- Bug: fixed overrendering of components on redux state changes
- Bug: fixed bug where SSR would fail due to later updates. This should also prevent unmounted components from throwing errors.
- Feature: provide add
to components viaconnect
- Bug: Don't use old props on store change change
- Bug: Reset loading state when a refetched query has returned
- Bug: Loading state is no longer true on uncalled mutations.
- Improvement: don't set the loading state to false if forceFetch is true
Return promise from the refetch method
- Bug: Fix bug where state / props weren't accurate when executing mutations.
- Improvement: Increase performance by limiting re-renders and re-execution of queries. Chore: Split tests to make them easier to maintain.
- Feature: add
to the prop object for queries - Bug: Fix bug where full options were not being passed to watchQuery
- Feature: Support 0.3.0 of apollo-client
- Feature: Change Provider export to be ApolloProvider and use Provider from react-redux
- Feature: Support 0.1.0 and 0.2.0 of apollo-client
Breaking change:
- Feature: Remove
key in favor of dynamic key matching root fields of the query or mutation. (apollographql#31)
loading: false,
result: {
posts: []
loading: false,
posts: []
- Bug: Get state directly from redux store internally
- Bug: Fix bug with willReceiveProps
Bug: - Adjust loading lifecycle marker to better match the behavior of apollo-client #11
Feature: - Update to support new observable API from apollo-client #9
Initial release. Brings in support for binding GraphQL data to components easily as well as perform mutations.
We didn't track changes before this version.