Restaurant reviews website was optimized and fixed. Now it's optimized for different screen resolutions on desktop as well as for mobile. Also it was revamped with accessibility features. Offline feature was added with the help of Service Worker.
On Stage 2 build process was setup and polished to make the final result optimized, minified, compressed, resized, etc. to get wonderful numbers in Lighthouse audit tool in Chrome.
Also, after some work from Stage 1 and polishing it a bit, we've go PWA application which we can install on the Home screen (tested on Android 7.0).
On Stage 3 mostly there was task to add Reviews and Add/Remove Favorite flag for the restaurants. Obviously it should work offline :) And it works, together with nice notifications, which help user to understand what is going on.
Just to avoid misunderstanding and make it straightforward I put
folder into repository to have an example how it should be built by bunder. -
In this folder there is package.json and configs. First things first - run
npm i
to download and setup all the dependencies. -
After that you need only
npm run build
command to create the bundle in thedist
folder to publish on webserver. -
Start up a simple HTTP server to serve up the site files on your local computer. Web Server for Chrome will do it for you quickly and in a very strait forward way. Target it to the
folder I mentioned in step 2. -
With your server running, visit the site: (usually it's
but port can be different, depends on your settings).
Offline request caching was implemented using Workbox library from Google. To test this functionality is to actually disconnect the test machine from the internet. Clicking the offline
checkbox in Chrome dev tools will not suffice.
Stage 2: To store the information about Restaurants localForage library was used. Every time we get response from API server - we store this information into IndexedDB.
Stage 3: Workbox library was used as well for Background Sync process. It caches requests into the queue and replay them as soon as we will get sync event from the browser.
For API server I created online host with standard Stage-3 server You can setup your local server if you like and change db.js file to set URL for the API server.
Two servers were setup to make the process of deployment nice and smooth. Also that allows to test real-world behaviour of Restaurants Reviews application including domain name, HTTPS protocol, cross-site AJAX requests, etc.
Netlify was used to provision webpack build on each git push into repository and publish results on Reviews subdomain.
For API server this time I use DigitalOcean hosting with Docker environment + SSL certificate from LetsEncrypt to avoid "mixed content" issue.