For developing with hot reloading and contributing to the project you may want to run the app locally without Docker (npm start
command). Here are the steps for how to do it.
You will need:
- OpenAI API key (support for more and custom models coming soon)
- Docker (For starting the Supabase DB locally)
- Node.js 16+
- Python 3.10+
- Poetry 1.3.2+
- Free ports 3000, 49155, 49160, 54321, 54322
npm run install:all
npm run db:start
Local Supabase runs in the background - to stop it you have to run npm run db:stop
Create .env
file by copying the .env.example
cp .env.example .env
and fill in the following variables:
- Supabase service role key you got in the previous step asservice_role key: eyJh......
- Supabase anonymous key you got in the previous step asanon key: eyJh......
npm run dev
Then open page on http://localhost:3000 and sign in with the testing credentials: