A simple Python based dynamic scene generator that uses simple geometric shapes to represent objects. With this tool you can create a simple dynamic scene where objects are interacting and can save and play this scene as a movie in the tool.
There are two panels in the tool, one that you can use to create the scene and the other to display some information about the scene. Currently I show spatial relations between the objects in the scene using different spatial calculi. You need to fiddle with the code to change this. Once you create the dynamic scene, you can play it, save it, load a saved scene and play and edit it.
- To create an object, just use the tool panel to select the geometric shape and draw it in the scene and name it. You can change the attributes like colour, line width etc.
- At any time you can change the size and position of the object by dragging in the scene. You can also group objects to move them together.
- You can move the time to future or past. To do this just drag the time slider on the top of the tool. If you drag the slider to the past (i.e. to the left), the scene plays backward. The time aspect of the tool is like a movie player.