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This article has been given a better home on my web page. This will hopefully give it a more lasting presence, and I personally also think it looks better and is easier to read over there!

A Gentle Introduction to Monad Transformers

or, Values as Exceptions

Table of Contents

Either Left or Right
Introducing Side-Effects
We Can Make Our Own Monads
Implementing Instances for Common Typeclasses
Using EitherIO
Do You Even Lift?
Signalling Errors
throwE? What Is This, Java?
Gotta Catch 'Em All
Going General
Appendix A: Complete Program

Before we break into the mysterious world of monad transformers, I want to start with reviewing a much simpler concept, namely the Either data type. If you aren't familiar with the Either type, you should probably not jump straight into monad transformers – they do require you to be somewhat comfortable with the most common monads.

With that out of the way:

Pretend we have a function that extracts the domain from an email address. Actually checking this properly is a rather complex topic which I will avoid, and instead I will assume an email address can only contain one @ symbol, and everything after it is the domain.

I'm going to work with Text values rather than Strings. This means if you don't have the text library, you can either work with Strings instead, or cabal install text. If you have the Haskell platform, you have the text library.

We need to import Data.Text and set the OverloadedStrings pragma. The latter lets us write string literals (such as "Hello, world!") and have them become Text values automatically.

λ> :module +Data.Text
λ> :set -XOverloadedStrings

Now, figuring out how many @ symbols there are in an email address is fairly simple. We can see that

λ> splitOn "@" ""

λ> splitOn "@" "test"

λ> splitOn "@" ""
["test", ""]

λ> splitOn "@" "test@example@com"
["test", "example", "com"]

So if the split gives us just two elements back, we know the address contains just one @ symbol, and we also as a bonus know that the second element of the list is the domain we wanted. We can put this in a file.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.Text

-- Imports that will be needed later:
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Map as Map
import Control.Applicative

data LoginError = InvalidEmail
  deriving Show

getDomain :: Text -> Either LoginError Text
getDomain email =
  case splitOn "@" email of
    [name, domain] -> Right domain
    _              -> Left InvalidEmail

This draws on our previous discoveries and is pretty self-explainatory. The function returns Right domain if the address is valid, otherwise Left InvalidEmail, a custom error type we use to make handling the errors easier later on. (Why this is called LoginError will be apparent soon.)

This function behaves as we expect it to.

λ> getDomain ""
Right ""

λ> getDomain ""
Left InvalidEmail

To deal with the result of this function immediately, we have a couple of alternatives. The basic tool to deal with Either values is pattern matching, in other words,

printResult' :: Either LoginError Text -> IO ()
printResult' domain =
  case domain of
    Right text        -> T.putStrLn (append "Domain: " text)
    Left InvalidEmail -> T.putStrLn "ERROR: Invalid domain"

Testing in the interpreter shows us that

λ> printResult' (getDomain "")

λ> printResult' (getDomain "")
ERROR: Invalid domain

Another way of dealing with Either values is by using the either function. either has the type signature

either :: (a -> c) -> (b -> c) -> Either a b -> c

In other words, it "unpacks" the Either value and applies one of the two functions to get a c value back. In this program, we have an Either LoginError Text and we want just a Text back, which tells us what to print. So we can view the signature of either as

either :: (LoginError -> Text) -> (Text -> Text) -> (Either LoginError Text -> Text)

and writing printResult with the help of either yields a pretty neat function.

printResult :: Either LoginError Text -> IO ()
printResult = T.putStrLn . either
  (const "ERROR: Invalid domain")
  (append "Domain: ")

This function works the same way as the previous one, except with the pattern matching hidden inside the call to either.

Now we'll use the domain as some sort of "user token" – a value the user uses to prove they have authenticated. This means we need to ask the user for their email address and return the associated token.

getToken :: IO (Either LoginError Text)
getToken = do
  T.putStrLn "Enter email address:"
  email <- T.getLine
  return (getDomain email)

So when getToken runs, it'll get an email address from the user and return the domain of the email address.

λ> getToken
Enter email address:
Right ""

and, importantly,

λ> getToken
Enter email address:
Left InvalidEmail

Now, let's complete this with an authentication system. We'll have two users who both have terrible passwords:

users :: Map Text Text
users = Map.fromList [("", "qwerty123"), ("localhost", "password")]

With an authentication system, we can also run into two new kinds of errors, so let's change our LoginError data type to reflect that.

data LoginError = InvalidEmail
                | NoSuchUser
                | WrongPassword
  deriving Show

We also need to write the actual authentication function. Here we go...

userLogin :: IO (Either LoginError Text)
userLogin = do
  token <- getToken

  case token of
    Right domain ->
      case Map.lookup domain users of
        Just userpw -> do
          T.putStrLn "Enter password:"
          password <- T.getLine

          if userpw == password
             then return token

             else return (Left WrongPassword)
        Nothing -> return (Left NoSuchUser)
    left -> return left

This beast of a function gets the email and password from the user, checks that the email was processed without problems, finds the user in the collection of users, and if the passwords match, it returns the token to show the user is of authenticated.

If anything goes wrong, such as the passwords not matching, there not being a user with the entered domain, or the getToken function failing to process, then a Left value will be returned.

This function is not something we want to deal with. It's big, it's bulky, it has several layers of nesting... it's not the Haskell we know and love.

Sure, it's possible to rewrite it using function calls to either and maybe, but that wouldn't help very much. The real reason the code is this ugly is that we're trying to mix both Either and IO, and they don't seem to blend well.

The core of the problem is that the IO monad is designed for dealing with IO actions, and it's terrible at handling errors. On the other hand, the Either monad is great at handling errors, but it can't do IO. So let's explore what happens if you imagine a monad that is designed to both handle errors and IO actions.

Too good to be true? Read on and find out.

We keep coming across the IO (Either e a) type, so maybe there is something special about that. What happens if we make a Haskell data type out of that combination?

data EitherIO e a = EitherIO {
    runEitherIO :: IO (Either e a)

What did we get just by doing this? Let's see:

λ> :type EitherIO
EitherIO :: IO (Either e a) -> EitherIO e a

λ> :type runEitherIO
runEitherIO :: EitherIO e a -> IO (Either e a)

So already we have a way to go between our own type and the combination we used previously! That's gotta be useful somehow.

This section might be a little difficult if you're new to the language and haven't had a lot of exposure to the internals of how common typeclasses work. You don't need to understand this section to continue reading the article, but I strongly suggest you put on your to-do list to learn enough to understand this section. It touches on many of the core components of what makes Haskell Haskell and not just another functional language.

If you want to read more about this kind of thing, The Typeclassopedia by Brent Yorgey is a comprehensive reference of the most common typeclasses used in Haskell code. Learn You a Haskell has a popular introduction to the three typeclasses we use here. Additionally, Adit provides us with a humourous picture guide to the same three typeclasses.

But before we do anything else, let's make EitherIO a functor, an applicative and a monad, starting with the functor, of course.

instance Functor (EitherIO e) where
  fmap f ex = wrapped
      unwrapped = runEitherIO ex
      fmapped   = fmap (fmap f) unwrapped
      wrapped   = EitherIO fmapped

This may look a little silly initially, but it does make sense. First, we "unwrap" the EitherIO type to expose the raw IO (Either e a) value. Then we fmap over the inner a, by combining two fmaps. Then we wrap the new value up in EitherIO again, and return the wrapped value. If you are a more experienced Haskell user, you might prefer the following, equivalent, definition instead.

instance Functor (EitherIO e) where
  fmap f = EitherIO . fmap (fmap f) . runEitherIO

In a sense, that definition makes it more clear that you are just unwrapping, running a function on the inner value, and then wrapping it together again.

The two other instances are more of the same, really. Creating them is a mostly mechanical process of following the types and unwrapping and wrapping our custom type. I challenge the reader to come up with these instances on their own before looking below how I did it, because trying to figure these things out will improve your Haskell abilities in the long run.

In any case, explaining them gets boring, so I'll just show you the instances as an experienced Haskell user might write them.

instance Applicative (EitherIO e) where
  pure    = EitherIO . return . Right
  f <*> x = EitherIO $ liftA2 (<*>) (runEitherIO f) (runEitherIO x)

instance Monad (EitherIO e) where
  return  = pure
  x >>= f = EitherIO $ runEitherIO x >>= either (return . Left) (runEitherIO . f)

If your definitions look nothing like these, don't worry. As long as your definitions give the correct results, they are just as good as mine. There are many ways to write these definitions, and none is better than the other as long as all are correct.

Now that our EitherIO type is a real monad, we'll try to put it to work! If we change the type signature of our getToken function, we'll run into problems quickly, though.

getToken :: EitherIO LoginError Text
getToken = do
  T.putStrLn "Enter email address: "
  input <- T.getLine
  return (getDomain input)

We get three type errors from this function alone, now! In order:

  1. T.putStrLn "email" returns IO (), but we want EitherIO LoginError ()
  2. T.getLine returns IO Text, we want EitherIO LoginError Text.
  3. getDomain input returns Either LoginError Text, we want EitherIO LoginError Text.

Converting Either e a to EitherIO e a isn't terribly difficult. We have two functions to help us with that.

return   :: Either e a -> IO (Either e a)
EitherIO :: IO (Either e a) -> EitherIO e a

With both of those, we can take the getDomain function call and fit it in the new getToken function, like so:

EitherIO (return (getDomain input))

Remember this line, because we're going to put it into the function soon enough. But first, let's find out how to convert the two IO a values to an EitherIO e a. Again, we will have use of the EitherIO function. For the rest, it's useful to know your functors. If you do, you'll realise that

fmap Right :: IO a -> IO (Either e a)

so our IO actions would both be

EitherIO (fmap Right (T.putStrLn "email"))
EitherIO (fmap Right (T.getLine))

With these three lines, the getToken function is now written as

getToken :: EitherIO LoginError Text
getToken = do
  EitherIO (fmap Right (T.putStrLn "Enter email address:"))
  input <- EitherIO (fmap Right T.getLine)
  EitherIO (return (getDomain input))

But this looks even more horrible than it was before! Relax. We'll take a detour to clean this up slightly.

The more general pattern here is that we have two kinds of functions: Those that return IO something, and those that return Either something. We want to use both of those in our EitherIO monad. Converting a "lesser" monad to a "more powerful" one, like we want to do here, is often called lifting the lesser operation into the more powerful monad.

We can define two lift operations to do exactly this for our case.

liftEither :: Either e a -> EitherIO e a
liftEither x = EitherIO (return x)

liftIO :: IO a -> EitherIO e a
liftIO x = EitherIO (fmap Right x)

With these two functions, the getToken function in turn is a little more clean.

getToken :: EitherIO LoginError Text
getToken = do
  liftIO (T.putStrLn "Enter email address:")
  input <- liftIO T.getLine
  liftEither (getDomain input)

If you try to run this in the interpreter, you'll get a nasty type error. The reason is that the interpreter expects something of type IO a, but getToken has type EitherIO e a, so we need to convert it back to IO a when we run it in the interpreter. Fortunately, we had a function that does just that – runEitherIO.

λ> runEitherIO getToken
Enter email address:
Right ""

We'll also want to do the same conversion for userLogin, of course. First we change the type signature, and then we fix the values that are of the wrong type. If you haven't been paying 100% attention, the new look of userLogin might surprise you.

userLogin :: EitherIO LoginError Text
userLogin = do
  token      <- getToken
  userpw     <- maybe (liftEither (Left NoSuchUser))
                  return (Map.lookup token users)
  password   <- liftIO (T.putStrLn "Enter your password:" >> T.getLine)

  if userpw == password
     then return token
     else liftEither (Left WrongPassword)

Where did all the nesting go? It's gone. All the nesting was there simply because we had to handle a bunch of error cases in the IO monad. The IO monad is not meant to handle error cases, so you have to do it manually. Our EitherIO monad on the other hand, is built both to handle errors and to perform IO actions, so we get the best of both worlds. We just have to signal when errors occur, and the EitherIO monad takes care of the rest.

If we want to, say, print the result of this, we'll need a print function similar to the one we had previously.

printResult :: Either LoginError Text -> IO ()
printResult res =
  T.putStrLn $ case res of
    Right token        -> append "Logged in with token: " token
    Left InvalidEmail  -> "Invalid email address entered."
    Left NoSuchUser    -> "No user with that email exists."
    Left WrongPassword -> "Wrong password."

This function, just like the previous one, takes an Either value, so we'll need to "unwrap" our result before we send it over.

λ> runEitherIO userLogin >>= printResult
Enter email address:
Enter your password:
Logged in with token:

λ> runEitherIO userLogin >>= printResult
Enter email address:
No user with that email exists.

As you can see, we've got a lot of convenience already, being able to just signal errors and let our EitherIO monad take care of them just like it takes care of IO actions.

But how are we signalling errors, really? It turns out that to signal something like WrongPassword, we have to return

liftEither (Left WrongPassword)

and that's not very tidy. We can easily make a function

throwE :: e -> EitherIO e a
throwE x = liftEither (Left x)

When we have this function, userLogin gets even better.

userLogin :: EitherIO LoginError Text
userLogin = do
  token      <- getToken
  userpw     <- maybe (throwE NoSuchUser)
                  return (Map.lookup token users)
  password   <- liftIO $ T.putStrLn "Enter your password:" >> T.getLine

  if userpw == password
     then return token
     else throwE WrongPassword

No, of course not. But I did choose that name deliberately. What we have with our EitherIO monad is looking more and more like exceptions in languages like Java, Python, C++ and so on. And that's not a bad way to view it.

However, there are some differences. One big difference is that our "exceptions" are just normal values that are being returned from the function, while more traditional (Java, Python) exceptions are interruptions of normal control flow. Another difference is that our "exceptions" are checked by the type system, so we can't forget to catch our exceptions.

But let's entertain that idea further. What happens if we just say goodbye to Either and talk about exceptions instead? First, we'll need to rename our EitherIO monad:

data ExceptIO e a = ExceptIO {
    runExceptIO :: IO (Either e a)

It still works the same as before, it's just been renamed. The names need to be changed throughout the code, but other than that, the code still works.

So if we can throw what basically amounts to exceptions...

Yes! Keep going!

Can we also...


...catch them?

Oh, I'm so happy you asked! Of course we can. And it's real simple too! We need to define a function that does the catching. Call it catchE, so it looks similar to throwE.

catchE :: ExceptIO e a -> (e -> ExceptIO e a) -> ExceptIO e a
catchE throwing handler =
  ExceptIO $ do
    result <- runExceptIO throwing
    case result of
      Left failure -> runExceptIO (handler failure)
      success      -> return success

This unwraps the throwing computation and inspects its result, if it was successful, it just returns it right back without doing anything. If it was a failure, it runs the handler with the error as an argument, and returns the result of that instead.

We can use this to spice up our application a little. We'll start by writing two exception handlers – one that catches just a single exception, and one that catches all exceptions.

wrongPasswordHandler :: LoginError -> ExceptIO LoginError Text
wrongPasswordHandler WrongPassword = do
  liftIO (T.putStrLn "Wrong password, one more chance.")
wrongPasswordHandler err = throwE err

The wrongPasswordHandler handles only the WrongPassword exception, and rethrows everything else. It responds to a WrongPassword exception by running the userLogin function again to give the user a second chance.

The other exception handler will respond to exceptions by printing an error message and then re-throwing the exception to abort the current execution.

printError :: LoginError -> ExceptIO LoginError a
printError err = do
  liftIO . T.putStrLn $ case err of
    WrongPassword -> "Wrong password. No more chances."
    NoSuchUser -> "No user with that email exists."
    InvalidEmail -> "Invalid email address entered."

  throwE err

We'll create a third function where we use these exceptions.

loginDialogue :: ExceptIO LoginError ()
loginDialogue = do
  let retry =  userLogin `catchE` wrongPasswordHandler
  token     <- retry `catchE` printError
  liftIO $ T.putStrLn (append "Logged in with token: " token)

Note in particular how we "wrap" exception handlers around each other. In the innermost layer is the userLogin computation, which gets wrapped by the wrongPasswordHandler handler, and then that entire package gets wrapped by the printError handler. You need to wrap your handlers in the order you expect them to catch exceptions from underneath each other.

There is just one, tiny, little thing I want to change in our ExceptIO type. Currently, we're stuck with only being able to combine IO and exceptions. What if we wanted to combine exceptions with database transactions, or lists, or some other kind of monad? We can make the other monad an argument to our exception monad.

Then we'll also have to change the name from ExceptIO to ExceptT. Why the T, you ask? Because it's a monad transformer. Congratulations! You made it all the way. You've created and used your first monad transformer. That's no small feat.

The following is our entire program after that change. Most of the functions we defined manually already exist in the transformers library, in the Control.Monad.Trans.Except module. Use that when you can instead of creating your own types, but feel free to reference our program here when you are curious how something works!

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

import Data.Text
import Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Map as Map
import Control.Applicative

data ExceptT e m a = ExceptT {
    runExceptT :: m (Either e a)

instance Functor m => Functor (ExceptT e m) where
  fmap f = ExceptT . fmap (fmap f) . runExceptT

instance Applicative m => Applicative (ExceptT e m) where
  pure    = ExceptT . pure . Right
  f <*> x = ExceptT $ liftA2 (<*>) (runExceptT f) (runExceptT x)

instance Monad m => Monad (ExceptT e m) where
  return  = ExceptT . return . Right
  x >>= f = ExceptT $ runExceptT x >>= either (return . Left) (runExceptT . f)

liftEither :: Monad m => Either e a -> ExceptT e m a
liftEither x = ExceptT (return x)

lift :: Functor m => m a -> ExceptT e m a
lift x = ExceptT (fmap Right x)

throwE :: Monad m => e -> ExceptT e m a
throwE x = liftEither (Left x)

catchE :: Monad m => ExceptT e m a -> (e -> ExceptT c m a) -> ExceptT c m a
catchE throwing handler = ExceptT $ do
  x <- runExceptT throwing
  case x of
    Left failure  -> runExceptT (handler failure)
    Right success -> return (Right success)

data LoginError = InvalidEmail
                | NoSuchUser
                | WrongPassword

users :: Map Text Text
users = Map.fromList [("", "qwerty123"), ("localhost", "password")]

main :: IO ()
main = do
  runExceptT loginDialogue
  return ()

loginDialogue :: ExceptT LoginError IO ()
loginDialogue = do
  let retry =  userLogin `catchE` wrongPasswordHandler
  token     <- retry `catchE` printError
  lift $ T.putStrLn (append "Logged in with token: " token)

wrongPasswordHandler :: LoginError -> ExceptT LoginError IO Text
wrongPasswordHandler WrongPassword = do
  lift (T.putStrLn "Wrong password, one more chance.")
wrongPasswordHandler err = throwE err

printError :: LoginError -> ExceptT LoginError IO a
printError err = do
  lift . T.putStrLn $ case err of
    WrongPassword -> "Wrong password. No more chances."
    NoSuchUser -> "No user with that email exists."
    InvalidEmail -> "Invalid email address entered."
  throwE err

userLogin :: ExceptT LoginError IO Text
userLogin = do
  token      <- getToken
  userpw     <- maybe (throwE NoSuchUser)
                  return (Map.lookup token users)
  password   <- lift (T.putStrLn "Enter your password:" >> T.getLine)

  if userpw == password
     then return token
     else throwE WrongPassword

getToken :: ExceptT LoginError IO Text
getToken = do
  lift (T.putStrLn "Enter email address:")
  input <- lift T.getLine
  liftEither (getDomain input)

getDomain :: Text -> Either LoginError Text
getDomain email =
  case splitOn "@" email of
    [name, domain] -> Right domain
    _              -> Left InvalidEmail