- checkStatus if service is running
- events [start, stop, authorization, background, foreground]
- implement all methods for both platforms
Since alpha.8:
- onError event signature = { code, message }
- post/sync attributes customization via postTemplate config prop
- enable partial plugin reconfiguration
- Android on "activity" event
- iOS configuration persistence
Since alpha.12
- iOS ACTIVITY_PROVIDER (experimental)
Since alpha.15
- checkStatus returns status of location services (locationServicesEnabled)
- iOS RAW_LOCATION_PROVIDER continue to run on app terminate
- start and stop methods doesn't accept callback (use event listeners instead)
- for background syncing syncUrl option is required
- on Android DISTANCE_FILTER_PROVIDER now accept arbitrary values (before only 10, 100, 1000)
- all plugin constants are in directly BackgroundGeolocation namespace. (check index.js)
- plugin can be started without executing configure (stored settings or defaults will be used)
- location property locationId renamed to just id
- iOS pauseLocationUpdates now default to false (becuase iOS docs now states that you need to restart manually if you set it to true)
- iOS finish method replaced with startTask and endTask
Since alpha.8:
- Android bind to service on facade construct
Since alpha.14
- iOS saveBatteryOnBackground defaults to false
Since alpha.15
- shared code base with react-native
Since alpha.13:
- iOS open location settings on iOS 10 and later (PR #158) by @asafron
Since alpha.15
- checkStatus authorization
- Android fix for #362 Build Failed: cannot find symbol (PR #378)
- Android allow override google play services version
- iOS support for iOS 11 (#PR 330)
- iOS httpHeaders values are not sent with syncUrl on iOS PR #325
- Android Make account name configurable PR #334 by unixmonkey
- Android fixing issue #195 PR204
- iOS extremely stupid config bug from 2.2.3
- Android issue #173 - allow stop service and prevent crash on destroy
- Android android.hardware.location permission
- iOS onStationary null location
- iOS fix potential issue sending outdated location
- iOS handle null config options
- iOS suppress minor error messages on first app run
- iOS option pauseLocationUpdates PR #156
- iOS compilation errors
- Android location filtering
- Android db logging instead of file
- iOS location prop heading renamed to bearing
- Android don't try sync when locations count is lower then threshold
- Android issue #130 - sync complete notification stays visible
- Android don't try sync when locations count is zero
- Android issue #137 - fix only for API LEVEL >= 17
- Android issue #139 - Starting backgroundGeolocation just after configure failed
- iOS issue #132 use Library as DB path
- Android, iOS limit maximum number of locations in db (maxLocations)
- Android showAppSettings
- Android, iOS database logging (getLogEntries)
- Android, iOS autosync locations to server with configurable threshold
- Android, iOS method getValidLocations
- iOS watchLocationMode and stopWatchingLocationMode
- iOS configurable NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription
- Locations stored into db at all times
- iOS persist locations also when url option is not used
- iOS dropping support for iOS < 4
- Android fix crash on permission change
- Android permission error code: 2
- Android on start err callback instead configure err callback
- Android overall background service reliability
- iOS do not block js thread when posting locations
- iOS database not created
- iOS switching mode
- iOS option saveBatteryOnBackground
- iOS time validation rule for location
- iOS prevent unintentional start when in background
- Android Destroy Existing Provider Before Creating New One (#94)
- iOS memory leak
- Android notificationIcon option split into small and large!!!
- Android stopOnTerminate defaults to true
- Android option locationService renamed to locationProvider
- Android providers renamed (see README.md)
- Android bugfixing
- SampleApp moved into separate repo
- deprecated backgroundGeoLocation
- iOS split cordova specific code to allow code sharing with react-native-background-geolocation
- desiredAccuracy map any number
- Android locationTimeout option renamed to interval
- iOS switchMode (formerly setPace)
- Android startOnBoot option
- Android startForeground option
- iOS, Android http posting of locations (options url and httpHeaders)
- iOS showLocationSettings
- iOS showAppSettings
- iOS isLocationEnabled
- iOS getLocations
- iOS deleteLocation
- iOS deleteAllLocations
- iOS foreground mode
- WP8 platform
- Android deprecated window.plugins.backgroundGeoLocation
- iOS queued locations are send FIFO (before fix LIFO)
- iOS7 crash on start
- iOS attempt to fix #46 and #39
- Android ANDROID_FUSED_LOCATION stopOnStillActivity (enhancement #69)
- Android ANDROID_FUSED_LOCATION fixing crash on start
- Android ANDROID_FUSED_LOCATION unregisterReceiver on destroy
- Android ANDROID_FUSED_LOCATION startTracking when STILL after app has started
- Android 6.0 permissions issue #21
- iOS cordova 6 compilation error
- iOS fix for iOS 9
- iOS removing cordova-plugin-geolocation dependency
- iOS user prompt for using location services
- iOS error callback when location services are disabled
- iOS error callback when user denied location tracking
- iOS adding error callbacks to SampleApp
- iOS temporarily using cordova-plugin-geolocation-ios9-fix to fix issues with iOS9
- iOS fixing SampleApp indexedDB issues
- Android ANDROID_FUSED_LOCATION fix config setActivitiesInterval
- Android ANDROID_FUSED_LOCATION using ActivityRecognition (saving battery)
- Android fixing crash on exit
- Android fixing #9 - immediate bg service crash
- Android fixing #9
- Android persist location when main activity was killed
- Android persisting position when debug is on
- Android issue #11
- iOS fixing plugin dependencies (build)
- iOS related fixes for SampleApp
- Android ANDROID_FUSED_LOCATION ditching setSmallestDisplacement(stationaryRadius) (seems buggy)
- Android deprecating config option.interval
- Android allow run in background for FusedLocationService (wakeLock)
- Android will try to persist locations when main activity is killed
- Android new methods: (getLocations, deleteLocation, deleteAllLocations)
- Android stop exporting implicit intents (security)
- SampleApp updates
- deprecating window.plugins clobber
- SampleApp updates
- Android showLocationSettings and watchLocationMode
- Android only cosmetic changes, but we need stable base
- Android not setting any default notificationIcon and notificationIconColor.
- Android refactoring
- Android updated SampleApp
- Android fixing FusedLocationService start and crash on stop
- Android fix return types
- Android fix #3 NotificationBuilder.setColor method not present in API Level <21
- Android replacing Notication.Builder for NotificationCompat.Builder
- SampleApp can send position to server.
- SampleApp offline mode (IndexedDB)
- Android unnecessary plugins
- Docs: removing instructions to enable cordova geolocation in foreground and user accept location services
- Android FusedLocationService
- Android package names reverted
- Android configuration refactored
- WP8 merged improvements
- Android unused classes
- All removing deprecated url, params, headers
- Android Add icon color parameter
- Changed the plugin.xml dependencies to the new NPM-based plugin syntax
- updated SampleApp
- Android open activity when notification clicked 69989e79a8a67485fc88463eec8d69bb713c2dbe
- Android duplicate desiredAccuracy extra
- Android compilation error
- maintenance version
- Android using callbacks same as iOS
- Android storing position into sqlite