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224 lines (133 loc) · 5.49 KB

File metadata and controls

224 lines (133 loc) · 5.49 KB


v5.x to v6.0

New Requirements

  • PHP 8.1+

New features


Backward Incompatible Changes

  • Units::LENGTH_* constants have been replaced by the UnitLength enum.
  • LocalizedListFormatter:TYPE_* constants have been replaced by the ListType enum.
  • DateTimeFormatter::WIDTH_* constants have been replaced by the DateTimeFormatLength enum.

Deprecated Features


Other Changes

  • Some code is now generated from CLDR data, such as Units getters and methods.

v4.x to v5.0

New Requirements

  • PHP >=7.1 <8.2

New features

  • Support for the new plural operand e and compact decimal exponent e.g. 123c6.

  • The optional parameter data_path to Repository::fetch() can be used by the function to burrow in the data to fetch a target.

  • CurrencyCollection::$codes returns the list of defined currency codes.

  • Support for Supplemental Currency Data Fractions:

     /* @var $cldr \ICanBoogie\CLDR\Repository */
     $euro_fraction = $cldr->supplemental->currency_data->fraction_for('EUR');
     echo $euro_fraction->digits;        // 2
     echo $euro_fraction->rounding;      // 0
     echo $euro_fraction->cash_digits;   // 2
     echo $euro_fraction->cash_rounding; // 0

Backward Incompatible Changes

  • PathMapper was replaced by GitHub\UrlResolver.

  • With the advent of Fraction, the properties digits, rounding, cash_digits, and cash_rounding have been removed from Currency. Get them through the fraction property:

     /* @var \ICanBoogie\CLDR\Currency $currency */
     /* @var \ICanBoogie\CLDR\Currency $currency */
  • Renamed Units::format_combination() as format_compound() to match the language used by Unicode.

Deprecated Features


Other Changes

  • Targets CLDR v41

  • As of CLDR v38, all JSON data is contained in this single repository. References and the way they are resolved internal has been updated, without breaking the public interfaces.

  • Improved documentation and moved elements from the README to the docs directory.

v3.x to v4.0

New Requirements

Requires PHP 7.1+

New features


Backward Incompatible Changes

  • Numbers symbols are now represented by a Symbols instance instead of an array. Methods using numeric symbols have been updated. The currency symbol is no longer added to the numeric symbols, it is now a separated parameter.

     /* @var ICanBoogie\CLDR\CurrencyFormatter $formatter */
     /* @var array $symbols */
     $formatter->format($number, $pattern, $symbols);
     /* @var ICanBoogie\CLDR\CurrencyFormatter $formatter */
     /* @var ICanBoogie\CLDR\Numbers\Symbols $symbols */
     /* @var string $currencySymbol */
     $formatter->format($number, $pattern, $symbols, $currencySymbol);
  • List patterns are now represented by a ListPattern instance instead of an array. Methods using a list pattern have been updated.

     /* @var ICanBoogie\CLDR\ListFormatter $formatter */
     /* @var array $list_pattern */
     $formatter->format([ 1, 2, 3 ], list_pattern);
     /* @var ICanBoogie\CLDR\ListFormatter $formatter */
     /* @var ICanBoogie\CLDR\Locale\ListPattern $list_pattern */
     $formatter->format([ 1, 2, 3 ], list_pattern);
  • Removed NumberPattern:$format, it was never used.

  • Removed the localized() method on entities that don't naturally require access to the repository: NumberFormatter and ListFormatter. You can use $repository->locales['fr']->localize($formatter) to get a localized formatter, or the number_formatter and list_formater properties of the Locale object.

  • The fluent interface of units is now more on par with the rest of the API.

     echo $units->duration_hour(23);
     echo $units->duration_hour(23, $units::LENGTH_SHORT);
     echo $units->volume_liter->per_unit(12.345, $units->duration_hour);
     echo $units->volume_liter->per_unit(12.345, $units->duration_hour, $units::LENGTH_SHORT);
     echo $units->duration_hour(23);
     echo $units->duration_hour(23)->as_short;
     echo $units->volume_liter(12.345)->per($units->duration_hour);
     echo $units->volume_liter(12.345)->per($units->duration_hour)->as_short;

Deprecated Features

  • The localized currency formatter no longer supports a $symbols parameter. If you need to customize how a currency is formatted, create your own Symbols instance and use it with a non-localized formatter e.g. $repository->format_currency().

  • The localized list formatter no longer accepts a list pattern or a type, only a type. If you need to customize how a list is formatted, create you own ListPattern instance and use it with a non-localized formatter e.g. $repository->format_list().

Other Changes

  • Compatible with PHP 8.1+
  • Targets CLDR v36
  • Improved type annotations, including generics.