Util when working, some trick and more :)
- Remove all key which value is blank? squeeze_hash.rb
- Get record of two tables, order by updated_at order_by_updated_at_two_tables.md
- Get next/prev record when using UUID as primary key in Postgresql get next/prev record using UUID
- Check job is running or scheduling in sidekiq check_job_sidekiq
- Simulate cost and broken tubes
- Auto move mouse and click for unix system auto_switch_application.sh
- Kill process using port .. kill_process.md
- Get diff array #get-diff-array
- Get deep value: #get-deep-value-object
- Manual mapping user role #manual-mapping-role
- i18n with pure js #i18n-with-pure-js
- lambda-catch-forwared-mailgun #lambda-catch-forwared-mailgun
- PostgreSQL not running on Mac 2335c6
- Downgrade mysql from 8.0 to 5.7 MACOS-mojave edab683
- Get the count of two table fields in a single MySQL query? 6ba4c987
- Save SVG with optional change color 432570
- Format date before display or save format to db? Solution
- Make 192.168.1.xxx:3000 accessable when start Rails Server or PHP Laravel Make 192.168.1.xxx:3000 accessable
- Upload question: Find last number of N^M Algorithm -- Resolution by Code
- Convert kansuji Code -- Demo
- react-native-form-validator react-native-form-validator
- ✅ 💰forward.VN - Simple bank transaction website repp
- ❌ Simple timesheet management private-notion
- ✅ Major element by JS repo