The Privacy Policy for the Kissfd application of KissCode Systems Kft. (Hereinafter: the Application). The current and effective version of this Privacy Statement can be found at: The Application demonstrates the use of the Kiss Framework. When using the Application, the functionality offered by the Framework will be demonstrated using this working demo program. This Application does not use client-side web cookies and does not handle or transmit any personal data. If the device on which the Application is installed has a camera, the Application may use it if the user gives permission to do so. The Application does not record video, but you can take a photo at a specific moment by pressing the Capture button in the Application Camera object. This image will not be saved. ---------- EN version The Privacy Policy for the Kissfd application of KissCode Systems Kft. (Hereinafter: the Application). The current and effective version of this Privacy Statement can be found at: The Application demonstrates the use of the Kiss Framework. When using the Application, the functionality offered by the Framework will be demonstrated using this working demo program. This Application does not use client-side web cookies and does not handle or transmit any personal data. If the device on which the Application is installed has a camera, the Application may use it if the user gives permission to do so. The Application does not record video, but you can take a photo at a specific moment by pressing the Capture button in the Application Camera object. This image will not be saved.