This project adds Arduino support to the vim editor. It handles syntax, compiling and generating a MakeFile. I used kchmck's as a template for this readme.
The Arduino Hacking article from PragPub got me on this path of creating a vim module. A very interesting read on making a more robust arduino ide.
Installing the typical way takes less time, but leaves plugin files scattered.
Download the latest zipball off this plugin's page.
Extract the archive into
:unzip -od ~/.vim
These steps are also used to update the plugin.
Since this plugin uses "rolling releases" based on git commits, using pathogen and git is the preferred way to install. It takes more steps, but ends up cleaner and easier to keep up-to-date.
Install tpope's pathogen into
and add this line to yourvimrc
:call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
Be aware that it must be added before any
filetype plugin indent on
lines according to the install page:Note that you need to invoke the pathogen functions before invoking "filetype plugin indent on" if you want it to load ftdetect files. On Debian (and probably other distros), the system vimrc does this early on, so you actually need to "filetype off" before "filetype plugin indent on" to force reloading.
To get the all the features of this plugin, be sure you do have a
filetype plugin indent on
Create, and change into, the
directory:$ mkdir -p ~/.vim/bundle $ cd ~/.vim/bundle
Make a clone of the
repository:$ git clone
Change into the
directory:$ cd ~/.vim/bundle/vim-arduino
Pull in the latest changes:
$ git pull
Ditch the Arduino IDE and start writing your code in vim!
You will need to modify the MakeFile to fit your project's needs. I'm building my projects on a osx Lion so you might have to update the upload:all function. I tried to make the kill all running monitors piece as generic as possible. I need to come up with a better way to handle these params instead of hardcoded in the MakeFile. I do have a method for figuring out what port your arduino is plugged into that I need to merge.
$ # Your Arduino environment.
$ ARD_REV = 22
$ ARD_HOME = /Applications/Development/
$ AVR_HOME = $(ARD_HOME)/hardware/tools/avr
$ ARD_BIN = $(AVR_HOME)/bin
$ AVRDUDE = $(ARD_BIN)/avrdude
$ AVRDUDE_CONF = $(AVR_HOME)/etc/avrdude.conf
$ # Your favorite serial monitor.
$ MON_CMD = screen
$ MON_SPEED = 9600
$ # Board settings.
$ BOARD = uno
$ PORT = /dev/tty.usbmodemfa131
$ PROGRAMMER = stk500v1
To generate the template makefile type the following.
You will need to double check the makefile template and update to your settings.
Create your file with a pde extension.
$ vim HelloWorld.pde
The <F9>
key compiles the current MakeFile and parses any errors.
Make all from a pde file.
other command switches.
:ArduinoMake all
:ArduinoMake clean
:ArduinoMake upload
:ArduinoMake monitor
Again many thanks to all the different parts of work at play here. What I've done is simple. I just wanted a bundle of all the greatness I've been reading in arduino forums.
chris blazek