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Anko ❤️ SQLite

Have you ever been tired of parsing SQLite query results using Android cursors? It required you to write lots of boilerplate code enclosed in countless try..finally blocks to close all the resources properly.

Anko provides lots of different functions to simplify communication with SQLite database.


Db package

All database-related tools are in the package. You could just import all children in one time:


Accessing database

If you use SQLiteOpenHelper, you could just call method getReadableDatabase() or getWritableDatabase() (result is actually the same in production code), but then you must be sure to call close() on the received SQLiteDatabase, and you have to cache the helper class somewhere, and if you use it from several threads, you must be aware of proper open-close concurrent access. It's tough. That's why Android developers not really keen on default SQLite API.

Anko provides a special class ManagedSQLiteOpenHelper that seamlessly replaces the default one. That's how you can use it:

class MyDatabaseOpenHelper(ctx: Context) : ManagedSQLiteOpenHelper(ctx, "MyDatabase", null, 1) {

    class object {
        private var instance: MyDatabaseOpenHelper? = null

        synchronized fun getInstance(ctx: Context): MyDatabaseOpenHelper {
            if (instance == null) {
                instance = MyDatabaseOpenHelper(ctx.getApplicationContext())
            return instance!!

    override fun onCreate(db: SQLiteDatabase) {
        // Here you create tables (more info about that is below)

    override fun onUpgrade(db: SQLiteDatabase, oldVersion: Int, newVersion: Int) {
        // Here you can upgrade tables, as usual

// Access properties for Context (you could use it in Activity, Service etc.)
val Context.database: MyDatabaseOpenHelper
    get() = MyDatabaseOpenHelper.getInstance(getApplicationContext())

// Access property for Fragment
val Fragment.database: MyDatabaseOpenHelper
    get() = MyDatabaseOpenHelper.getInstance(getActivity().getApplicationContext())

So what's the sense? Now, instead of enclosing your code into try blocks, you can write this:

database.use {
    // Now `this` is a SQLiteDatabase instance

Database will be closed for sure after executing all code in {}.

Asynchronous call example (please read here about async):

class SomeActivity : Activity() {
    private fun loadAsync() {
        async {
            val result = database.use {
                // Now `this` is a SQLiteDatabase instance
            uiThread { loadComplete(result) }
🐧 These and all methods mentioned below may throw SQLiteException. You have to handle it by yourself because it's unreasonable for library to pretend that they don't occur.

Creating and dropping tables

With Anko you can easily create new tables and drop existing. Syntax is straightforward.

Let's create a sample Customer table:

database.use {
  createTable("Customer", ifNotExists = true, 
    "_id" to INT + PRIMARY_KEY + UNIQUE,
    "name" to TEXT,
    "photo" to BLOB

ifNotExists argument is optional and its default value is false.

In SQLite there're five main types: NULL, INT, REAL, TEXT and BLOB. But each column may have some modificators like PRIMARY KEY or UNIQUE. You can append such modificators just "adding" them to the type name.

To drop table, use dropTable function:

dropTable("User", ifNotExists = true)

ifNotExists behave the same for dropTable.

Inserting data

Usually, you need a ContentValues instance to insert a row. Here's a sample code:

val values = ContentValues()
values.put("_id", 5)
values.put("name", "John Smith")
values.put("email", "")
db.insert("User", null, values)

Anko lets you to eliminate ceremonies by writing values directly in insert() function:

  "_id" to 42,
  "name" to "John",
  "email" to ""

Functions insertOrThrow(), replace(), replaceOrThrow() are also exist.

Querying data

Anko provides a convenient query builder. It may be created with, vararg columns) where db is an instance of SQLiteDatabase.

Method Description
column(String) Add a column to select
distinct(Boolean) Distinct query (default is false)
where(String) Specify a raw where query part
where(String, args) Specify a where query part with args
whereSupport(String, args) Specify a where query part with (?) mark args
orderBy(String, [ASC/DESC]) Order by this column
groupBy(String) Group by this column
limit(count: Int) Limit query results count
limit(offset: Int, count: Int) Limit query results with offset
having(String) Specify a raw having query part
having(String, args) Specify a having query part with args

Functions marked with ⭐ parse its arguments in a special way. They allow you to provide query arguments with no particular order and support value escaping seamlessly. The easiest way to describe the behavior is to show it by an example."User", "name")
  .where("(_id > {userId}) and (name = {userName})",
    "userName" to "John",
    "userId" to 42)

Here, {userId} part will be replaced with 42 and {userName} — with 'John'. Value will be escaped if its type is not numeric (Int, Float and others) or Boolean. For unknown types, String value will be used (this means it gets the value from toString() method).

whereSupport accepts arguments of String type. It works the same as query() function from SQLiteDatabase (question marks ? will be replaced with actual values from arguments).

How can we exec the query? Using exec() function. It accepts an extension function which type is Cursor.() -> T. It launches the received function and then closes Cursor so you don't need to close it by yourself:"User", "email").exec {
	// Doing some stuff with emails

Parsing query result

So we're got some Cursor, how can we parse it? Fortunately, Anko provides functions parseSingle, parseOpt and parseList.

Method Description
parseSingle(rowParser): T Parse exactly one row
parseOpt(rowParser): T? Parse zero or one row
parseList(rowParser): List<T> Parse all rows

Note than parseSingle() and parseOpt() throw an exception if Cursor contains more than one row.

Now the question is: what is rowParser. Well, each function support two different types of parsers: RowParser and MapRowParser:

public trait RowParser<T> {
  fun parseRow(columns: Array<Any>): T

public trait MapRowParser<T> {
  fun parseRow(columns: Map<String, Any>): T

If you want to be very efficient, use RowParser (but then you must know the index of each column). Its parseRow accepts list of Any (the actual type of Any could be nothing but Long, Double, String or ByteArray).

MapRowParser is more convenient way to parse. Each map key is a column name.

Anko already contains parsers for single-column rows:

  • ShortParser
  • IntParser
  • LongParser
  • FloatParser
  • DoubleParser
  • StringParser
  • BlobParser

Also you can create a row parser from class constructor. Assuming you have a class:

class Person(val firstName: String, val secondName: String, val age: Int)

you can create a parser of (String, String, Int) row this way:

val rowParser = classParser<Person>()

For now Anko does not support creating such parsers with optional arguments. Also note that constructor will be invoked using Java Reflection so writing a custom RowParser is more reasonable for really huge data sets.

If you're using Anko builder, you can directly call parseSingle, parseOpt or parseList on it.

Custom row parsers

For example, you want to implement a new parser for columns (Int, String, String). You could create a new class:

public class MyRowParser : RowParser<Triple<Int, String, String>> {
  override fun parseRow(columns: Array<Any>): Triple<Int, String, String> {
    return Triple(columns[0] as Int, columns[1] as String, columns[2] as String)

But it's easier to make use of helper function rowParser:

val parser = rowParser { (id: Int, name: String, email: String) -> 
  Triple(id, name, email)

rowParser makes all class casts under the hood and you can name lambda arguments as you want.

Cursor streams

Anko provides a way to access SQLite Cursor in functional way. Just call or cursor.mapStream() extension methods to get a kotlin.Stream. Also do not forget to close a Cursor.

Updating values

Finally you want to update some old rows in database. It's just like this:

update("User", "name" to "Alice")
  .where("_id = {userId}", "userId" to 42)

Update also contains whereSupport() function in case you want to provide query in a traditional way:

update("User", "name" to "Alice")
  .whereSupport("_id = ?", 42)


There's a special function transaction() which allows you to enclose some operations in a single SQL transaction.

transaction {
	// Your transaction code

Transaction will succeed if no exception was thrown from the {} block.

🐧 If you want to abort a transaction for some reason, throw a TransactionAbortException exception. You don't need to handle this exception by yourself in this case.