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951 lines (776 loc) · 29.7 KB

Oh my Julia 정말 행복한 거니


  • Overview

    • Generation of simulated stock price data using log-normal distribution
    • Implementation of Monte Carlo simulation by creating multiple instances

    Monte Carlo Simulation of Price Index Random Walks

  • Code and Results : RandomWalk.jl

    Load packages
    import Pkg
    # List of necessary packages
    packages = [
    # Function to install a package if it's not already installed
    function install_if_needed(pkg::String)
        if !haskey(Pkg.project().dependencies, pkg)
            println("Installing package $(pkg)...")
    # Install any missing packages from the list
    for pkg in packages
    @time using Distributions, Plots
    println("Packages loaded successfully.")
    Set constants and generate multiple random walks
    # Set simulation parameters
    n_steps = 1000       # Number of simulation steps
    n_simulations = 30   # Number of simulations
    initial_value = 100  # Initial price index
    μ = 0.0              # Mean of daily returns (log returns)
    σ = 0.03             # Standard deviation of daily returns (log returns)
    # Function to simulate price index random walks
    function generate_random_walk(n_steps, initial_value, μ, σ)
        returns = rand(Normal(μ, σ), n_steps)
        price_changes = exp.(cumsum(returns))
        return initial_value * price_changes
    # Generate multiple random walks
    all_prices = [generate_random_walk(n_steps, initial_value, μ, σ) for _ in 1:n_simulations]
    Plot and save
    # Create the chart
    p = plot(title="Monte Carlo Simulation of Price Index Random Walks",
            xlabel="Time Step",
            ylabel="Price Index",
    # Plot each random walk
    for prices in all_prices
        plot!(p, 1:n_steps, prices, alpha=0.5, linewidth=1.5)
    # Add a horizontal line for the initial price index
    hline!([initial_value], color=:red, linestyle=:dash, label="Initial Index", linewidth=2)
    # Customize the appearance
    plot!(p, size=(800, 600))
    plot!(p, ylims=(0, maximum([maximum(prices) for prices in all_prices]) * 1.1))
    # Save the chart
    file_name = "random_walk.png"
    savefig(p, "./Images/$(file_name)")
    println("Chart saved as $(file_name).")
  • Upgraded version from Double Pendulum Simulation (2024.09.22)

    • The code structure remains largely the same, but the mathematical complexity has increased due to the addition of one more pendulum
    • Created with thoughts of my wife. Of course, the three red pendulums symbolize her lovely eyes, nose, and mouth. You nahm sayin?

    Triple Pendulum Simulation

  • Code and Results : TriplePendulum.jl

    0. Load packages
    using Pkg
    # List of necessary packages
    packages = [
        "Plots",               # For plotting the pendulum and animation
        "DifferentialEquations",# To solve the differential equations of motion
        "StaticArrays"          # For efficient small array operations
    # Function to install a package if it's not already installed
    function install_if_needed(pkg::String)
        if !haskey(Pkg.project().dependencies, pkg)
            println("Installing package $pkg...")
    # Install any missing packages from the list
    for pkg in packages
    @time using Plots, DifferentialEquations, StaticArrays
    println("Packages loaded successfully.")
    1. Set constants and prepare mathematical works
    # Physical constants for the triple pendulum system
    g = 9.81   # Gravitational acceleration (m/s^2)
    L1, L2, L3 = 1.0, 1.0, 1.0   # Lengths of the rods (meters)
    m1, m2, m3 = 0.8, 1.0, 1.2   # Masses of the bobs (kg)
    # Equations of motion for the triple pendulum system
    function triple_pendulum!(du, u, p, t)
        θ1, θ2, θ3, ω1, ω2, ω3 = u   # Unpack current state variables
        Δθ12 = θ2 - θ1               # Angle difference between pendulums 1 and 2
        Δθ23 = θ3 - θ2               # Angle difference between pendulums 2 and 3
        # Denominators in the equations of motion, ensuring no division by zero
        denominator1 = (m1 + m2 + m3) * L1 - m2 * L1 * cos(Δθ12)^2 - m3 * L1 * cos(Δθ12)^2
        denominator2 = (m2 + m3) * L2 - m3 * L2 * cos(Δθ23)^2
        denominator3 = m3 * L3
        # First three components: angular velocities
        du[1] = ω1
        du[2] = ω2
        du[3] = ω3
        # Next three components: angular accelerations based on the equations of motion
        du[4] = (-g * (m1 + m2 + m3) * sin(θ1) - m2 * L2 * ω2^2 * sin(Δθ12) - m3 * L2 * ω2^2 * sin(Δθ12)) / denominator1
        du[5] = (-g * (m2 + m3) * sin(θ2) - m3 * L3 * ω3^2 * sin(Δθ23)) / denominator2
        du[6] = (-g * m3 * sin(θ3)) / denominator3
    # Initial conditions: [θ1, θ2, θ3, ω1, ω2, ω3]
    # Pendulum angles are π/4 radians, and angular velocities are 0.
    u0 =/4, π/4, π/4, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0]
    # Time span for the simulation (0 to 40 seconds)
    tspan = (0.0, 40.0)
    # Define the ODE problem using the triple_pendulum! function
    prob = ODEProblem(triple_pendulum!, u0, tspan)
    # Solve the ODE with time step control, adjusting for small errors
    sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), reltol=1e-8, abstol=1e-8, saveat=0.05)
    # Lists to store the trajectory of the third pendulum bob
    x3_traj = []
    y3_traj = []
    2. Animate and save
    # Frame rate for the animation
    fps = 30  # frames per second
    # Determine how many solution steps to skip to achieve desired fps
    frame_skip = max(Int(floor(length(sol.t) / (fps * (tspan[2] - tspan[1])))), 1)
    println("Creating the animation...")
    # Measure the time taken to create the animation
    @time begin
        anim = @animate for i in 1:frame_skip:length(sol.t)
            # Unpack the angles at the i-th time step
            θ1 = sol[i][1]
            θ2 = sol[i][2]
            θ3 = sol[i][3]
            # Calculate the positions of the pendulum bobs
            x1 = L1 * sin(θ1)
            y1 = -L1 * cos(θ1)
            x2 = x1 + L2 * sin(θ2)
            y2 = y1 - L2 * cos(θ2)
            x3 = x2 + L3 * sin(θ3)
            y3 = y2 - L3 * cos(θ3)
            # Save the position of the third pendulum bob for plotting its trajectory
            push!(x3_traj, x3)
            push!(y3_traj, y3)
            # Plot the pendulum configuration
            plot(legend=false, aspect_ratio=:equal, xlims=(-3.2, 3.2), ylims=(-3.2, 2.2), grid=false, framestyle=:none)
            plot!([0, x1, x2, x3], [0, y1, y2, y3], linewidth=2, label="")
            scatter!([x1, x2, x3], [y1, y2, y3], markercolor=:red, markersize=12)
            scatter!([0], [0], markercolor=:blue, markersize=15)
            # Plot the trajectory of the third pendulum bob
            plot!(x3_traj, y3_traj, linewidth=1, color=:grey)
            # Add title and adjust font size
            title!("Triple Pendulum like My Wife")
            plot!(titlefont = font(20))
            # Hide axis labels but keep the axes visible
            plot!(xlabel="", ylabel="", xticks=:none, yticks=:none)
    # Save the animation as a gif file
    filename = "triple_pendulum.gif"
    gif(anim, filename, fps=fps)
  • I did not fully understand the mathematical content, but I found the code created by ChatGPT helpful.

  • The package loading and animation generation time took quite a long time

    Double Pendulum Simulation

  • Reference : Double pendulum (Wikipedia)

  • Code and Results : DoublePendulum.jl

    0. Load packages
    using Pkg
    # List of packages to check and install
    packages = [
    # Function to install packages if they are not already installed
    function install_if_needed(pkg::String)
        if !haskey(Pkg.project().dependencies, pkg)
            println("Installing package: $pkg...")
    # Install missing packages
    for pkg in packages
    @time using Plots, DifferentialEquations, StaticArrays
    println("Packages loaded successfully.")
    1. Set constants and prepare mathematical works
    # Physical constants
    g = 9.81    # Acceleration due to gravity (m/s^2)
    L1 = 1.0    # Length of the first rod (m)
    L2 = 1.0    # Length of the second rod (m)
    m1 = 1.0    # Mass of the first pendulum bob (kg)
    m2 = 1.0    # Mass of the second pendulum bob (kg)
    # Equations of motion for the double pendulum
    function double_pendulum!(du, u, p, t)
        θ1, θ2, ω1, ω2 = u
        Δθ = θ2 - θ1
        denominator1 = (m1 + m2) * L1 - m2 * L1 * cos(Δθ)^2
        denominator2 = (L2 / L1) * denominator1
        du[1] = ω1
        du[2] = ω2
        du[3] = (m2 * L1 * ω1^2 * sin(Δθ) * cos(Δθ) + m2 * g * sin(θ2) * cos(Δθ) + 
                  m2 * L2 * ω2^2 * sin(Δθ) - (m1 + m2) * g * sin(θ1)) / denominator1
        du[4] = (-m2 * L2 * ω2^2 * sin(Δθ) * cos(Δθ) + (m1 + m2) * (g * sin(θ1) * cos(Δθ) - 
                  L1 * ω1^2 * sin(Δθ) - g * sin(θ2))) / denominator2
    # Initial conditions: [θ1, θ2, ω1, ω2] (angles in radians, angular velocities)
    u0 =/2, π/4, 0.0, 0.0]
    # Time span for simulation (extended time)
    tspan = (0.0, 40.0)  # Increased duration
    # Define the problem
    prob = ODEProblem(double_pendulum!, u0, tspan)
    # Solve the problem with time step control
    sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), reltol=1e-8, abstol=1e-8, saveat=0.05)
    # Store the trajectory of the second pendulum bob
    x2_traj = []
    y2_traj = []
    2. Animate and save
    # Create an animation
    fps = 30  # Frames per second
    frame_skip = max(Int(floor(length(sol.t) / (fps * (tspan[2] - tspan[1])))), 1)
    println("Creating animation...")
    # Measure the time taken to create the animation
    @time begin
        anim = @animate for i in 1:frame_skip:length(sol.t)
            θ1 = sol[i][1]
            θ2 = sol[i][2]
            # Coordinates of the pendulum bobs
            x1 = L1 * sin(θ1)
            y1 = -L1 * cos(θ1)
            x2 = x1 + L2 * sin(θ2)
            y2 = y1 - L2 * cos(θ2)
            # Save second pendulum's position
            push!(x2_traj, x2)
            push!(y2_traj, y2)
            # Plot the double pendulum with fixed range, no grid, and axis
            plot(legend=false, aspect_ratio=:equal, xlims=(-2.2, 2.2), ylims=(-2.2, 0.7), grid=false, framestyle=:none)
            plot!([0, x1, x2], [0, y1, y2], linewidth=2, label="")
            scatter!([x1, x2], [y1, y2], markercolor=:red, markersize=12)
            scatter!([0], [0], markercolor=:blue, markersize=15)
            # Plot the solid line trajectory of the second pendulum
            plot!(x2_traj, y2_traj, linewidth=1, color=:grey)
            # Title and axis customization
            title!("Double Pendulum")
            plot!(titlefont = font(20))  # Set title font size
            plot!(xlabel="", ylabel="", xticks=:none, yticks=:none)  # Hide axis labels but keep axes
    # Save the animation as a gif
    filename = "double_pendulum.gif"
    gif(anim, filename, fps=fps)
  • Overview

    K-Means Clustering For Text Data

    • Perform PCA & K-Means Clustering on Text Data
      • Data(texts.json) : 40 English text samples of approximately 10 sentences each, covering topics such as politics, economics, culture, technology, and random subjects. The data is generated in JSON format through ChatGPT.
    • Outliers: Users can manually input outliers into the code if detected.
    • Clustering: Although clustering is an unsupervised learning method, the original text categories are displayed during visualization for comparison purposes.
    • Development Environment (Online) : Julia 1.6.3 on Replit
  • Future Improvements

    • Add Performance Evaluation: Incorporate performance evaluation features for PCA and K-Means Clustering.
    • Evaluation Methods: Since evaluating unsupervised learning results with confusion matrices is challenging, explore methods to assess group homogeneity and other evaluation metrics.
  • Code and Results : KMeansClusteringForTextData.jl

    0. Load packages
    using Pkg
    # Check and install required packages if not already installed
    function install_if_needed(pkg::String)
        Checks if a package is installed. If not, installs it.
        # Arguments
        - `pkg::String`: The name of the package to check and install.
        if !haskey(Pkg.project().dependencies, pkg)
            println("Installing package $pkg...")
            println("Package $pkg is already installed.")
    # List of packages to check and install
    packages = [
    # Install missing packages
    for pkg in packages
    using JSON
    using Random
    using StatsBase
    using Clustering
    using Plots
    using Distances
    using LinearAlgebra
    using Colors
    1. Extract data
    # Load texts from a JSON file
    function load_texts_from_json(file_path::String)
        Loads text data from a JSON file.
        # Arguments
        - `file_path::String`: The path to the JSON file.
        # Returns
        - A list of text data from the JSON file.
        data = JSON.parsefile(file_path)
        return data["texts"]
    texts_data = load_texts_from_json("texts.json")
    println("Successfully loaded $(length(texts_data)) texts from the JSON file.")
    # Extract contents and categories from the text data
    indices = [item["index"] for item in texts_data]
    contents = [item["content"] for item in texts_data]
    categories = [item["category"] for item in texts_data]
    2. Filter user-defined outlier
    # Function to filter outliers
    function filter_outliers(X, indices_to_exclude)
        Filters out specified outlier indices from the dataset.
        # Arguments
        - `X::Matrix{Float64}`: The dataset matrix.
        - `indices_to_exclude::Vector{Int}`: Indices of outliers to exclude.
        # Returns
        - A matrix with outliers filtered out.
        return hcat([X[:, i] for i in 1:size(X, 2) if i  indices_to_exclude]...)
    # User-defined outlier indices (for further adjustments)
    user_outlier_indices = []
    # Filter contents and categories based on filtered_indices
    filtered_indices = vec(filter_outliers(reshape(indices, 1, length(indices)), user_outlier_indices))
    filtered_contents = [contents[i] for i in filtered_indices]
    filtered_categories = [categories[i] for i in filtered_indices]
    println("Filtered out $(length(user_outlier_indices)) user-defined outliers. Remaining data points: $(length(filtered_indices)).")
    3. Preprocessing : Tokenizing and vectorizing
    # Preprocess text by tokenizing and lowercasing
    function preprocess(text)
        Preprocesses text by splitting into words and converting to lowercase.
        # Arguments
        - `text::String`: The text to preprocess.
        # Returns
        - A list of words from the preprocessed text.
        words = split(lowercase(text), r"[^\w]+")
        filter!(word -> word != "", words)
        return words
    # Create a corpus from the contents
    corpus = [preprocess(text) for text in filtered_contents]
    vocab = unique(reduce(vcat, corpus))
    println("Finished preprocessing texts.")
    # Convert text to vectors based on vocabulary
    function vectorize(text, vocab)
        Converts a list of words to a vector based on the given vocabulary.
        # Arguments
        - `text::Vector{String}`: The list of words to vectorize.
        - `vocab::Vector{String}`: The vocabulary to use for vectorization.
        # Returns
        - A vector representing the frequency of each word in the vocabulary.
        counts = countmap(text)
        return [get(counts, word, 0) for word in vocab]
    # Vectorize all texts
    vectors = [vectorize(text, vocab) for text in corpus]
    X = hcat(vectors...)
    println("Finished vectorizing texts.")
    4. PCA
    # Perform PCA for dimensionality reduction
    function pca(X; k=2)
        Applies Principal Component Analysis (PCA) for dimensionality reduction.
        # Arguments
        - `X::Matrix{Float64}`: The data matrix to reduce.
        - `k::Int`: The number of principal components to keep (default is 2).
        # Returns
        - A matrix with reduced dimensions based on PCA.
        X_centered = X .- mean(X, dims=2)
        cov_matrix = X_centered * X_centered' / (size(X, 2) - 1)
        eigenvalues, eigenvectors = eigen(cov_matrix)
        sorted_indices = sortperm(eigenvalues, rev=true)
        top_indices = sorted_indices[1:k]
        return eigenvectors[:, top_indices]' * X_centered
    # Perform PCA
    X_reduced = pca(X; k=2)
    println("Finished PCA.")
    5. Detect Outliers
    # Detect outliers from PCA results
    function detect_outliers_pca(X_reduced; iqr_multiplier=1.5)
        Detects outliers based on the PCA results using IQR.
        # Arguments
        - `X_reduced::Matrix{Float64}`: The PCA-reduced data matrix.
        - `iqr_multiplier::Float64`: The multiplier for IQR to determine outliers.
        # Returns
        - Indices of the detected outliers.
        n = size(X_reduced, 2)
        outlier_indices = Int[]
        for j in 1:size(X_reduced, 1)
            pc_values = X_reduced[j, :]
            q1 = quantile(pc_values, 0.25)
            q3 = quantile(pc_values, 0.75)
            iqr = q3 - q1
            lower_bound = q1 - iqr_multiplier * iqr
            upper_bound = q3 + iqr_multiplier * iqr
            outlier_indices_for_pc = findall(x -> x < lower_bound || x > upper_bound, pc_values)
            append!(outlier_indices, outlier_indices_for_pc)
        return unique(outlier_indices)
    # Function to print outlier texts
    function print_outlier_texts(texts, indices)
        Prints the indices and truncated contents of texts that are considered outliers.
        # Arguments
        - `texts::Vector{String}`: The list of text contents.
        - `indices::Vector{Int}`: Indices of texts that are considered outliers.
        if length(indices) > 0
            println("Detected outliers based on PCA:")
            for index in indices
                text = texts[index]
                truncated_text = length(text) > 50 ? text[1:50] * " ……" : text
                println("  Index $(filtered_indices[index]): $truncated_text")
            println("No outliers detected based on PCA.")
    # Detect outliers from PCA results
    outlier_indices = detect_outliers_pca(X_reduced)
    # Print detected outliers
    print_outlier_texts(filtered_contents, outlier_indices)
    6. K-means clustering
    # Perform K-means clustering
    function perform_kmeans(X, k; distance=Euclidean())
        Performs K-means clustering on the data matrix.
        # Arguments
        - `X::Matrix{Float64}`: The data matrix to cluster.
        - `k::Int`: The number of clusters.
        - `distance::Function`: The distance function to use (default is Euclidean).
        # Returns
        - A Clustering.KMeans result.
        return kmeans(X, k; distance=distance)
    k = 3  # Set the desired number of clusters
    result = perform_kmeans(X, k)
    labels = result.assignments
    println("Finished K-means clustering with k=$k, n=$(length(filtered_indices)).")
    7. Plot & Save
    # Map categories to marker initials
    category_to_initial = Dict(
        "politics" => "P",
        "economics" => "E",
        "culture" => "C",
        "technology" => "T",
        "random" => "R"
    marker_initials = [category_to_initial[category] for category in filtered_categories]
    # Plot clusters with category initials
    function save_clusters_plot(X_reduced, labels, marker_initials, k, filename="text_kmeans.png")
        Saves a scatter plot of clustered data with category initials.
        # Arguments
        - `X_reduced::Matrix{Float64}`: The data matrix with reduced dimensions.
        - `labels::Vector{Int}`: Cluster labels for each data point.
        - `marker_initials::Vector{String}`: Initials representing categories.
        - `k::Int`: The number of clusters.
        - `filename::String`: The file name to save the plot (default is "text_kmeans.png").
        p = scatter(X_reduced[1, :], X_reduced[2, :], group=labels, color=labels, 
                    legend=false, marker=:o, markersize=10,  # Adjust marker size here
                    title="K-Means Clustering Results for Text Data with k=$k, n=$(length(filtered_indices))",
                    xlabel="PC1", ylabel="PC2", size=(800, 600))
        # Add text annotations for category initials
        scatter!(X_reduced[1, :], X_reduced[2, :], marker=:o, markersize=15, color=labels)
        for i in 1:size(X_reduced, 2)
                X_reduced[1, i],
                X_reduced[2, i],
    # Plot clusters with category initials
    save_clusters_plot(X_reduced, labels, marker_initials, k)
    println("Cluster plot saved to file.")
    8. Results
    Package JSON is already installed.
    Package Random is already installed.
    Package StatsBase is already installed.
    Package Clustering is already installed.
    Package Plots is already installed.
    Package Distances is already installed.
    Package LinearAlgebra is already installed.
    Package Colors is already installed.
    Successfully loaded 40 texts from the JSON file.
    Filtered out 0 user-defined outliers. Remaining data points: 40.
    Finished preprocessing texts.
    Finished vectorizing texts.
    Finished PCA.
    No outliers detected based on PCA.
    Finished K-means clustering with k=3, n=40.
    Cluster plot saved to file.
  • Overview

  • Code and Results : InitialPractice.jl

    1. Calculation
    println(1 + 20 + 4)
    println(+(1, 20, 4))
    x = 2
    for i  0:0.2:2
        println("sin^2($i π) + cos^2($i π) = ", sin(i * π)^2 + cos(i * π)^2)
    # What is the difference between sin() and sin.()?
    sin^2(0.0 π) + cos^2(0.0 π) = 1.0
    sin^2(0.2 π) + cos^2(0.2 π) = 1.0
    sin^2(0.4 π) + cos^2(0.4 π) = 0.9999999999999999
    sin^2(0.6 π) + cos^2(0.6 π) = 1.0
    sin^2(0.8 π) + cos^2(0.8 π) = 1.0
    sin^2(1.0 π) + cos^2(1.0 π) = 1.0
    sin^2(1.2 π) + cos^2(1.2 π) = 0.9999999999999999
    sin^2(1.4 π) + cos^2(1.4 π) = 1.0
    sin^2(1.6 π) + cos^2(1.6 π) = 1.0
    sin^2(1.8 π) + cos^2(1.8 π) = 1.0000000000000002
    sin^2(2.0 π) + cos^2(2.0 π) = 1.0
    2. Macro : @time @threads
    using Base.Threads
    # 2.1 @time
    x = zeros(3)
    @time for i  1:10_000
        x += rand(3)
    # 2.2 @threads
    Threads.nthreads() = 16                    # no physical multi-core
    @time for i  1:20
        print(i, " ")
    @time @threads for i  1:20
        print(i, " ")
      0.107893 seconds (148.09 k allocations: 10.412 MiB, 99.20% compilation time)
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 
      0.000255 seconds (462 allocations: 11.062 KiB)
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 
      0.182614 seconds (39.54 k allocations: 2.568 MiB, 95.79% compilation time)
    3. Merge strings
    println(join(["Hello", "World"], ""))
    println("Hello" * "World")
    4. K-means Clustering
    using RDatasets, Clustering, Plots
    # RDatasets.datasets()                                     # list datasets in RDatasets
    data = dataset("datasets", "iris")[:, 1:4]
    data = Array(data)'
    results = kmeans(data, 3, display=:iter)
    names = ["sepallength", "sepalwidth"]                      # hope to call them from the dataset but ……
    markers = [:circle, :utriangle, :xcross]
    p = plot(dpi = 300, legend = :none)
    for i in 1:3
        i_cluster = findall(x -> x == i, results.assignments)
            p, data[1, i_cluster], data[2, i_cluster],
            marker = markers[i],
            ms = 6,
            xlabel = names[1],
            ylabel = names[2]
    png(p, "Images/iris_kmeans.png")
      Iters               objv        objv-change | affected 
          0       1.577500e+02
          1       9.988221e+01      -5.786779e+01 |        2
          2       8.774180e+01      -1.214041e+01 |        2
          3       8.495218e+01      -2.789621e+00 |        2
          4       8.401278e+01      -9.394005e-01 |        2
          5       8.304698e+01      -9.657970e-01 |        2
          6       8.174960e+01      -1.297380e+00 |        2
          7       8.080638e+01      -9.432261e-01 |        2
          8       7.987358e+01      -9.327962e-01 |        2
          9       7.934436e+01      -5.292157e-01 |        2
         10       7.892131e+01      -4.230544e-01 |        2
         11       7.885567e+01      -6.564390e-02 |        0
         12       7.885567e+01       0.000000e+00 |        0
    K-means converged with 12 iterations (objv = 78.85566582597659)
    [6.853846153846153 5.005999999999999 5.88360655737705; 3.0769230769230766 3.428000000000001 2.740983606557377; 5.715384615384615 1.4620000000000002 4.388524590163935; 2.053846153846153 0.2459999999999999 1.4344262295081966]
    [39, 50, 61]

    K-means Clustering

    5. Regression
    using GLM, RDatasets
    faithful = dataset("datasets", "faithful")
    out1 = lm(@formula(Waiting ~ Eruptions), faithful)
    StatsModels.TableRegressionModel{LinearModel{GLM.LmResp{Vector{Float64}}, GLM.DensePredChol{Float64, LinearAlgebra.CholeskyPivoted{Float64, Matrix{Float64}, Vector{Int64}}}}, Matrix{Float64}}
    Waiting ~ 1 + Eruptions
                  Coef.  Std. Error      t  Pr(>|t|)  Lower 95%  Upper 95%
    (Intercept)  33.4744    1.15487   28.99    <1e-84    31.2007    35.7481
    Eruptions    10.7296    0.314753  34.09    <1e-99    10.11      11.3493
    6. Animated Plotting
    using Plots
    θ = range(0, 2π, length=100)
    x = sin.(2θ * 2)
    y = cos.(2θ * 2)
    z = θ
    anim = @animate for i  0:3:360
        plot(x, y, z, xlabel="x", ylabel="y", zlabel="z", camera=(i,30), title="azimuth = $i")
    gif(anim, "Images/helix.gif", fps=50)
    [ Info: Saved animation to /home/user/helix.gif
