diff --git a/examples/transmon/data/pi_gate/T_100_dt_0.4_Q_200.0_R_0.01_dda_bound_0.05_00000.jld2 b/examples/transmon/data/pi_gate/T_100_dt_0.4_Q_200.0_R_0.01_dda_bound_0.05_00000.jld2
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c3c56f4a
Binary files /dev/null and b/examples/transmon/data/pi_gate/T_100_dt_0.4_Q_200.0_R_0.01_dda_bound_0.05_00000.jld2 differ
diff --git a/images/diagram.svg b/images/diagram.svg
index ef9f2cbb..66d7910f 100644
--- a/images/diagram.svg
+++ b/images/diagram.svg
@@ -1 +1 @@
\ No newline at end of file
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/dynamics.jl b/src/dynamics.jl
index e043b65c..92eb65fb 100644
--- a/src/dynamics.jl
+++ b/src/dynamics.jl
@@ -3,6 +3,11 @@ module Dynamics
export AbstractDynamics
export QuantumDynamics
+export dynamics
+export dynamics_jacobian
+export dynamics_hessian_of_lagrangian
+export dynamics_components
using ..QuantumSystems
using ..QuantumUtils
using ..StructureUtils
@@ -31,51 +36,23 @@ struct QuantumDynamics <: AbstractDynamics
-function QuantumDynamics(
- integrators::Vector{<:AbstractIntegrator},
- traj::NamedTrajectory;
- verbose=false
- if verbose
- println(" constructing knot point dynamics functions...")
- end
- free_time = traj.timestep isa Symbol
- if free_time
- @assert all([
- !isnothing(state(integrator)) &&
- !isnothing(controls(integrator)) &&
- !isnothing(timestep(integrator))
- for integrator ∈ integrators
- ])
- else
- @assert all([
- !isnothing(state(integrator)) &&
- !isnothing(controls(integrator))
- for integrator ∈ integrators
- ])
- end
- for integrator ∈ integrators
- if integrator isa QuantumIntegrator && controls(integrator) isa Tuple
- drive_comps = [traj.components[s] for s ∈ integrator.drive_symb]
- number_of_drives = sum(length.(drive_comps))
- @assert number_of_drives == integrator.n_drives "number of drives ($(number_of_drives)) does not match number of drive terms in Hamiltonian ($(integrator.n_drives))"
- end
- end
+function dynamics_components(integrators::Vector{<:AbstractIntegrator})
dynamics_comps = []
- let comp_mark = 0
- for integrator ∈ integrators
- integrator_comps = (comp_mark + 1):(comp_mark + dim(integrator))
- push!(dynamics_comps, integrator_comps)
- comp_mark += dim(integrator)
- end
+ comp_mark = 0
+ for integrator ∈ integrators
+ integrator_comps = (comp_mark + 1):(comp_mark + dim(integrator))
+ push!(dynamics_comps, integrator_comps)
+ comp_mark += dim(integrator)
+ return dynamics_comps
+function dynamics(
+ integrators::Vector{<:AbstractIntegrator},
+ traj::NamedTrajectory
+ dynamics_comps = dynamics_components(integrators)
dynamics_dim = dim(integrators)
function f(zₜ, zₜ₊₁)
δ = Vector{eltype(zₜ)}(undef, dynamics_dim)
for (integrator, integrator_comps) ∈ zip(integrators, dynamics_comps)
@@ -83,22 +60,27 @@ function QuantumDynamics(
return δ
+ return f
- function ∂f(zₜ, zₜ₊₁)
- ∂ = zeros(eltype(zₜ), dynamics_dim, 2traj.dim)
+function dynamics_jacobian(
+ integrators::Vector{<:AbstractIntegrator},
+ traj::NamedTrajectory
+ dynamics_comps = dynamics_components(integrators)
+ dynamics_dim = dim(integrators)
+ free_time = traj.timestep isa Symbol
+ function ∂f(zₜ, zₜ₊₁)
+ ∂ = zeros(eltype(zₜ), dynamics_dim, 2traj.dim)
for (integrator, integrator_comps) ∈ zip(integrators, dynamics_comps)
if integrator isa QuantumIntegrator
if integrator.autodiff
∂P(z1, z2) = ForwardDiff.jacobian(
zz -> integrator(zz[1:traj.dim], zz[traj.dim+1:end], traj),
[z1; z2]
∂[integrator_comps, 1:2traj.dim] = ∂P(zₜ, zₜ₊₁)
if free_time
@@ -111,10 +93,8 @@ function QuantumDynamics(
∂xₜf, ∂xₜ₊₁f, ∂uₜf =
Integrators.jacobian(integrator, zₜ, zₜ₊₁, traj)
∂[integrator_comps, x_comps] = ∂xₜf
∂[integrator_comps, x_comps .+ traj.dim] = ∂xₜ₊₁f
if u_comps isa Tuple
for (uᵢ_comps, ∂uₜᵢf) ∈ zip(u_comps, ∂uₜf)
∂[integrator_comps, uᵢ_comps] = ∂uₜᵢf
@@ -122,11 +102,8 @@ function QuantumDynamics(
∂[integrator_comps, u_comps] = ∂uₜf
elseif integrator isa DerivativeIntegrator
if free_time
x_comps, dx_comps, Δt_comps = comps(integrator, traj)
∂xₜf, ∂xₜ₊₁f, ∂dxₜf, ∂Δtₜf =
@@ -136,7 +113,6 @@ function QuantumDynamics(
∂xₜf, ∂xₜ₊₁f, ∂dxₜf =
Integrators.jacobian(integrator, zₜ, zₜ₊₁, traj)
∂[integrator_comps, x_comps] = ∂xₜf
∂[integrator_comps, x_comps .+ traj.dim] = ∂xₜ₊₁f
∂[integrator_comps, dx_comps] = ∂dxₜf
@@ -147,29 +123,28 @@ function QuantumDynamics(
error("integrator type not supported: $(typeof(integrator))")
return sparse(∂)
+ return ∂f
+function dynamics_hessian_of_lagrangian(
+ integrators::Vector{<:AbstractIntegrator},
+ traj::NamedTrajectory
+ dynamics_comps = dynamics_components(integrators)
+ free_time = traj.timestep isa Symbol
function μ∂²f(zₜ, zₜ₊₁, μₜ)
μ∂² = zeros(eltype(zₜ), 2traj.dim, 2traj.dim)
for (integrator, integrator_comps) ∈ zip(integrators, dynamics_comps)
if integrator isa QuantumIntegrator
if integrator.autodiff
μ∂²P(z1, z2, μ) = ForwardDiff.hessian(
zz -> μ' * integrator(zz[1:traj.dim], zz[traj.dim+1:end], traj),
[z1; z2]
μ∂²[1:2traj.dim, 1:2traj.dim] = sparse(μ∂²P(zₜ, zₜ₊₁, μₜ[integrator_comps]))
if free_time
x_comps, u_comps, Δt_comps = comps(integrator, traj)
μ∂uₜ∂xₜf, μ∂²uₜf, μ∂Δtₜ∂xₜf, μ∂Δtₜ∂uₜf, μ∂²Δtₜf, μ∂xₜ₊₁∂uₜf, μ∂xₜ₊₁∂Δtₜf =
@@ -179,7 +154,6 @@ function QuantumDynamics(
μ∂uₜ∂xₜf, μ∂²uₜf, μ∂xₜ₊₁∂uₜf =
hessian_of_the_lagrangian(integrator, zₜ, zₜ₊₁, μₜ[integrator_comps], traj)
if u_comps isa Tuple
for (uᵢ_comps, μ∂uₜᵢ∂xₜf) ∈ zip(u_comps, μ∂uₜ∂xₜf)
μ∂²[x_comps, uᵢ_comps] += μ∂uₜᵢ∂xₜf
@@ -209,25 +183,63 @@ function QuantumDynamics(
μ∂²[Δt_comps, Δt_comps] .+= μ∂²Δtₜf
elseif integrator isa DerivativeIntegrator
if free_time
x_comps, dx_comps, Δt_comps = comps(integrator, traj)
μ∂dxₜ∂Δtₜf = -μₜ[integrator_comps]
μ∂²[dx_comps, Δt_comps] += μ∂dxₜ∂Δtₜf
return sparse(μ∂²)
+ return μ∂²f
+function QuantumDynamics(
+ integrators::Vector{<:AbstractIntegrator},
+ traj::NamedTrajectory;
+ verbose=false
+ if verbose
+ println(" constructing knot point dynamics functions...")
+ end
+ free_time = traj.timestep isa Symbol
+ if free_time
+ @assert all([
+ !isnothing(state(integrator)) &&
+ !isnothing(controls(integrator))
+ for integrator ∈ integrators
+ ])
+ else
+ @assert all([
+ !isnothing(state(integrator)) &&
+ !isnothing(controls(integrator))
+ for integrator ∈ integrators
+ ])
+ end
+ for integrator ∈ integrators
+ if integrator isa QuantumIntegrator && controls(integrator) isa Tuple
+ drive_comps = [traj.components[s] for s ∈ integrator.drive_symb]
+ number_of_drives = sum(length.(drive_comps))
+ @assert number_of_drives == integrator.n_drives "number of drives ($(number_of_drives)) does not match number of drive terms in Hamiltonian ($(integrator.n_drives))"
+ end
+ end
+ f = dynamics(integrators, traj)
+ ∂f = dynamics_jacobian(integrators, traj)
+ μ∂²f = dynamics_hessian_of_lagrangian(integrators, traj)
if verbose
println(" determining dynamics derivative structure...")
+ dynamics_dim = dim(integrators)
∂f_structure, ∂F_structure, μ∂²f_structure, μ∂²F_structure =
dynamics_structure(∂f, μ∂²f, traj, dynamics_dim)
@@ -275,7 +287,15 @@ function QuantumDynamics(
return μ∂²s
- return QuantumDynamics(integrators, F, ∂F, ∂F_structure, μ∂²F, μ∂²F_structure, dynamics_dim)
+ return QuantumDynamics(
+ integrators,
+ F,
+ ∂F,
+ ∂F_structure,
+ μ∂²F,
+ μ∂²F_structure,
+ dynamics_dim
+ )
QuantumDynamics(P::AbstractIntegrator, traj::NamedTrajectory; kwargs...) =
diff --git a/src/losses.jl b/src/losses.jl
index fdae2b76..888bc61c 100644
--- a/src/losses.jl
+++ b/src/losses.jl
@@ -43,16 +43,66 @@ abstract type AbstractLoss end
function infidelity(ψ̃::AbstractVector, ψ̃goal::AbstractVector)
ψ = iso_to_ket(ψ̃)
ψgoal = iso_to_ket(ψ̃goal)
- return abs(1 - abs2(ψ'ψgoal))
+ return abs(1 - abs2(ψgoal'ψ))
-function unitary_infidelity(Ũ⃗::AbstractVector, Ũ⃗_goal::AbstractVector)
- U = iso_vec_to_operator(Ũ⃗)
- Ugoal = iso_vec_to_operator(Ũ⃗_goal)
- N = size(U, 1)
- return abs(1 - 1 / N * abs(tr(Ugoal'U)))
+@inline @views function isovec_unitary_fidelity(Ũ⃗::AbstractVector, Ũ⃗_goal::AbstractVector)
+ n = Int(sqrt(length(Ũ⃗) ÷ 2))
+ U⃗ᵣ = Ũ⃗[1:end ÷ 2]
+ U⃗ᵢ = Ũ⃗[end ÷ 2 + 1:end]
+ Ū⃗ᵣ = Ũ⃗_goal[1:end ÷ 2]
+ Ū⃗ᵢ = Ũ⃗_goal[end ÷ 2 + 1:end]
+ Tᵣ = Ū⃗ᵣ' * U⃗ᵣ + Ū⃗ᵢ' * U⃗ᵢ
+ Tᵢ = Ū⃗ᵣ' * U⃗ᵢ - Ū⃗ᵢ' * U⃗ᵣ
+ return 1 / n * sqrt(Tᵣ^2 + Tᵢ^2)
+@views function unitary_infidelity(Ũ⃗::AbstractVector, Ũ⃗_goal::AbstractVector)
+ ℱ = isovec_unitary_fidelity(Ũ⃗, Ũ⃗_goal)
+ return abs(1 - ℱ)
+@views function unitary_infidelity_gradient(Ũ⃗::AbstractVector, Ũ⃗_goal::AbstractVector)
+ n = Int(sqrt(length(Ũ⃗) ÷ 2))
+ U⃗ᵣ = Ũ⃗[1:end ÷ 2]
+ U⃗ᵢ = Ũ⃗[end ÷ 2 + 1:end]
+ Ū⃗ᵣ = Ũ⃗_goal[1:end ÷ 2]
+ Ū⃗ᵢ = Ũ⃗_goal[end ÷ 2 + 1:end]
+ Tᵣ = Ū⃗ᵣ' * U⃗ᵣ + Ū⃗ᵢ' * U⃗ᵢ
+ Tᵢ = Ū⃗ᵣ' * U⃗ᵢ - Ū⃗ᵢ' * U⃗ᵣ
+ ℱ = 1 / n * sqrt(Tᵣ^2 + Tᵢ^2)
+ ∇ᵣℱ = 1 / (n^2 * ℱ) * (Tᵣ * Ū⃗ᵣ - Tᵢ * Ū⃗ᵢ)
+ ∇ᵢℱ = 1 / (n^2 * ℱ) * (Tᵣ * Ū⃗ᵢ + Tᵢ * Ū⃗ᵣ)
+ ∇ℱ = [∇ᵣℱ; ∇ᵢℱ]
+ return -sign(1 - ℱ) * ∇ℱ
+@views function unitary_infidelity_hessian(Ũ⃗::AbstractVector, Ũ⃗_goal::AbstractVector)
+ n = Int(sqrt(length(Ũ⃗) ÷ 2))
+ U⃗ᵣ = Ũ⃗[1:end ÷ 2]
+ U⃗ᵢ = Ũ⃗[end ÷ 2 + 1:end]
+ Ū⃗ᵣ = Ũ⃗_goal[1:end ÷ 2]
+ Ū⃗ᵢ = Ũ⃗_goal[end ÷ 2 + 1:end]
+ Tᵣ = Ū⃗ᵣ' * U⃗ᵣ + Ū⃗ᵢ' * U⃗ᵢ
+ Tᵢ = Ū⃗ᵣ' * U⃗ᵢ - Ū⃗ᵢ' * U⃗ᵣ
+ Wᵣᵣ = Ū⃗ᵣ * Ū⃗ᵣ'
+ Wᵣᵢ = Ū⃗ᵣ * Ū⃗ᵢ'
+ Wᵢᵢ = Ū⃗ᵢ * Ū⃗ᵢ'
+ ℱ = 1 / n * sqrt(Tᵣ^2 + Tᵢ^2)
+ ∇ᵣℱ = 1 / (n^2 * ℱ) * (Tᵣ * Ū⃗ᵣ - Tᵢ * Ū⃗ᵢ)
+ ∇ᵢℱ = 1 / (n^2 * ℱ) * (Tᵣ * Ū⃗ᵢ + Tᵢ * Ū⃗ᵣ)
+ ∇ℱ = [∇ᵣℱ; ∇ᵢℱ]
+ ∂ᵣ²ℱ = 1 / ℱ * (∇ᵣℱ * ∇ᵣℱ' + 1 / n^2 * (Wᵣᵣ + Wᵢᵢ))
+ ∂ᵢ²ℱ = 1 / ℱ * (∇ᵢℱ * ∇ᵢℱ' + 1 / n^2 * (Wᵣᵣ + Wᵢᵢ))
+ ∂ᵣ∂ᵢℱ = 1 / ℱ * (∇ᵣℱ * ∇ᵢℱ' + 1 / n^2 * (Wᵣᵢ - Wᵣᵢ'))
+ ∂²ℱ = [∂ᵣ²ℱ ∂ᵣ∂ᵢℱ; ∂ᵣ∂ᵢℱ' ∂ᵢ²ℱ]
+ return -sign(1 - ℱ) * (∇ℱ * ∇ℱ' + ∂²ℱ)
function unitary_trace_loss(Ũ⃗::AbstractVector, Ũ⃗_goal::AbstractVector)
U = iso_vec_to_operator(Ũ⃗)
Ugoal = iso_vec_to_operator(Ũ⃗_goal)
@@ -163,35 +213,16 @@ struct UnitaryInfidelityLoss <: AbstractLoss
- # l = Ũ⃗ -> unitary_infidelity(Ũ⃗, Ũ⃗_goal)
- # ∇l = Ũ⃗ -> ForwardDiff.gradient(l, Ũ⃗)
- # Symbolics.@variables Ũ⃗[1:length(Ũ⃗_goal)]
- # Ũ⃗ = collect(Ũ⃗)
- # ∇²l_symbolic = Symbolics.sparsehessian(l(Ũ⃗), Ũ⃗)
- # K, J, _ = findnz(∇²l_symbolic)
- # kjs = collect(zip(K, J))
- # filter!(((k, j),) -> k ≤ j, kjs)
- # ∇²l_structure = kjs
- # ∇²l_expression = Symbolics.build_function(∇²l_symbolic, Ũ⃗)
- # ∇²l = eval(∇²l_expression[1])
l = Ũ⃗ -> unitary_infidelity(Ũ⃗, Ũ⃗_goal)
- ∇l = Ũ⃗ -> ForwardDiff.gradient(l, Ũ⃗)
- ∇²l = Ũ⃗ -> ForwardDiff.hessian(l, Ũ⃗)
+ ∇l = Ũ⃗ -> unitary_infidelity_gradient(Ũ⃗, Ũ⃗_goal)
+ ∇²l = Ũ⃗ -> unitary_infidelity_hessian(Ũ⃗, Ũ⃗_goal)
Ũ⃗_dim = length(Ũ⃗_goal)
- # ∇²l_structure = loss_hessian_structure(∇²l, Ũ⃗_dim)
∇²l_structure = []
for (i, j) ∈ Iterators.product(1:Ũ⃗_dim, 1:Ũ⃗_dim)
if i ≤ j
push!(∇²l_structure, (i, j))
return new(l, ∇l, ∇²l, ∇²l_structure, name)
@@ -202,7 +233,6 @@ function (loss::UnitaryInfidelityLoss)(
@assert !(gradient && hessian)
if !(gradient || hessian)
return loss.l(Ũ⃗_end)
elseif gradient
diff --git a/src/objectives.jl b/src/objectives.jl
index d9be550a..a1f67388 100644
--- a/src/objectives.jl
+++ b/src/objectives.jl
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ export Objective
export QuantumObjective
export QuantumStateObjective
export QuantumUnitaryObjective
+export UnitaryInfidelityObjective
export MinimumTimeObjective
@@ -82,8 +83,6 @@ function sparse_to_moi(A::SparseMatrixCSC)
vals = [A[i,j] for (i,j) ∈ inds]
return (inds, vals)
@@ -176,6 +175,77 @@ function QuantumObjective(;
return Objective(L, ∇L, ∂²L, ∂²L_structure, Dict[params])
+ UnitaryInfidelityObjective
+function UnitaryInfidelityObjective(;
+ name::Union{Nothing,Symbol}=nothing,
+ goal::Union{Nothing,AbstractVector{<:Real}}=nothing,
+ Q::Float64=100.0,
+ eval_hessian::Bool=true
+ @assert !isnothing(goal) "unitary goal name must be specified"
+ loss = :UnitaryInfidelityLoss
+ l = eval(loss)(name, goal)
+ params = Dict(
+ :type => :UnitaryInfidelityObjective,
+ :names => name,
+ :goals => goal,
+ :loss => loss,
+ :Q => Q,
+ :eval_hessian => eval_hessian,
+ )
+ @views function L(Z⃗::AbstractVector{<:Real}, Z::NamedTrajectory)
+ return Q * l(Z⃗[slice(Z.T, Z.components[name], Z.dim)])
+ end
+ @views function ∇L(Z⃗::AbstractVector{<:Real}, Z::NamedTrajectory)
+ ∇ = zeros(Z.dim * Z.T)
+ Ũ⃗_slice = slice(Z.T, Z.components[name], Z.dim)
+ Ũ⃗ = Z⃗[Ũ⃗_slice]
+ ∇l = l(Ũ⃗; gradient=true)
+ ∇[Ũ⃗_slice] .= Q * ∇l
+ return ∇
+ end
+ function ∂²L_structure(Z::NamedTrajectory)
+ final_time_offset = index(Z.T, 0, Z.dim)
+ comp_start_offset = Z.components[name][1] - 1
+ structure = [
+ ij .+ (final_time_offset + comp_start_offset)
+ for ij ∈ l.∇²l_structure
+ ]
+ return structure
+ end
+ @views function ∂²L(Z⃗::AbstractVector{<:Real}, Z::NamedTrajectory; return_moi_vals=true)
+ H = spzeros(Z.dim * Z.T, Z.dim * Z.T)
+ Ũ⃗_slice = slice(Z.T, Z.components[name], Z.dim)
+ H[Ũ⃗_slice, Ũ⃗_slice] = Q * l(Z⃗[Ũ⃗_slice]; hessian=true)
+ if return_moi_vals
+ Hs = [H[i,j] for (i, j) ∈ ∂²L_structure(Z)]
+ return Hs
+ else
+ return H
+ end
+ end
+ # ∂²L_structure(Z::NamedTrajectory) = []
+ # ∂²L(Z⃗::AbstractVector{<:Real}, Z::NamedTrajectory) = []
+ return Objective(L, ∇L, ∂²L, ∂²L_structure, Dict[params])
function QuantumObjective(
@@ -186,6 +256,14 @@ function QuantumObjective(
return QuantumObjective(name=name, goals=goal, loss=loss, Q=Q)
+function UnitaryInfidelityObjective(
+ name::Symbol,
+ traj::NamedTrajectory,
+ Q::Float64
+ return UnitaryInfidelityObjective(name=name, goal=traj.goal[name], Q=Q)
function QuantumObjective(
diff --git a/src/problem_templates.jl b/src/problem_templates.jl
index 14e9a976..c68e11f9 100644
--- a/src/problem_templates.jl
+++ b/src/problem_templates.jl
@@ -161,16 +161,16 @@ function UnitarySmoothPulseProblem(
- J = QuantumUnitaryObjective(:Ũ⃗, traj, Q)
+ J = UnitaryInfidelityObjective(:Ũ⃗, traj, Q)
J += QuadraticRegularizer(:a, traj, R_a)
J += QuadraticRegularizer(:da, traj, R_da)
J += QuadraticRegularizer(:dda, traj, R_dda)
if free_time
integrators = [
- UnitaryPadeIntegrator(system, :Ũ⃗, :a, :Δt),
- DerivativeIntegrator(:a, :da, :Δt, traj),
- DerivativeIntegrator(:da, :dda, :Δt, traj),
+ UnitaryPadeIntegrator(system, :Ũ⃗, :a),
+ DerivativeIntegrator(:a, :da, traj),
+ DerivativeIntegrator(:da, :dda, traj),
integrators = [
@@ -451,14 +451,14 @@ function QuantumStateSmoothPulseProblem(
if free_time
ψ̃_integrators = [
- QuantumStatePadeIntegrator(system, Symbol("ψ̃$i"), :a, :Δt)
+ QuantumStatePadeIntegrator(system, Symbol("ψ̃$i"), :a)
for i = 1:length(ψ_inits)
integrators = [
- DerivativeIntegrator(:a, :da, :Δt, traj),
- DerivativeIntegrator(:da, :dda, :Δt, traj)
+ DerivativeIntegrator(:a, :da, traj),
+ DerivativeIntegrator(:da, :dda, traj)
ψ̃_integrators = [