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how-to-optimize-your-context-value |
How to optimize your context value |
2019-05-06 |
Kent C. Dodds |
_Why and how you can optimize your context provider's value to avoid performance issues_ |
./images/banner.jpg |
Photo by [Paweł Czerwiński]( |
NOTE: I want to add that the times it's important to optimize your context value is when a certain combination of the following conditions are met:
- Your context value changes frequently
- Your context has many consumers
- You are bothering to use
(because things are legit slow) - You've actually measured things and you know it's slow and needs to be optimized
If that explains your situation, then read on (and don't miss the alternative solution which is honestly probably better anyway).
No seriously, if you're going to do this stuff just because you think your code might be slow, then don't bother. I'm not joking. React is really fast and adding complexity in the name of performance when performance is good enough is just wasteful of your "complexity budget"
When I
explained how I create and use context for my React applications,
I touched briefly on the importance of using React's useMemo
hook. Here's that
example again:
// src/count-context.js
import React from 'react'
const CountContext = React.createContext()
function CountProvider(props) {
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0)
const value = React.useMemo(() => {
return {
}, [count])
return <CountContext.Provider value={value} {...props} />
function useCount() {
const context = React.useContext(CountContext)
if (!context) {
throw new Error('useCount must be used within a CountProvider')
const {count, setCount} = context
const increment = React.useCallback(() => setCount(c => c + 1), [setCount])
return {
export {CountProvider, useCount}
I got a lot of questions about why useMemo
is necessary here, so I'm going to
demonstrate how not using useMemo
can result in unnecessary re-renders for
folks who want to use React.memo
(which is like PureComponent
for function components).
Here's the final app that we're going to build to demonstrate this:
The boxes each represent an individual component and the number in gray represents the render count of that component. Here's the codesandbox:
Here's the basic structure of the components:
<CountDisplay />
<Counter />
So when <App />
re-renders, it'll re-render all of the other components. Most
of the time this isn't a problem, mostly because the <App />
re-render very often. But you could imagine this being in any part of the tree
of our application. Let's say that rendering <CountDisplay />
<Counter />
is expensive for one reason or another, so we've put that in a
With that setup, we can click the "force render" button which will trigger a
re-render of the <App />
component, but because the props to the memoized
<CountDisplay />
and <Counter />
components does not change, those don't
Great! We're all set to reveal this problem. You'll notice that things are only re-rendering when they should. Let's click on "force render" three times and "Increment count" twice:
Notice that the <App />
has now been rendered 4 times and the others have only
been rendered 3 times. This is exactly what we want. The count components get a
re-render only when they need it, which is what we get from React.memo
So now let's remove the useMemo
from the context provider:
function CountProvider(props) {
const [count, setCount] = React.useState(0)
const value = {count, setCount}
return <CountContext.Provider value={value} {...props} />
Now let's try to do the same thing again:
Oh no! Everything is getting rendered when we click "force render" and the memoized components are getting re-rendered anyway. So why is that happening? It's happening because of the way that React context works.
the React Context.Provider
All consumers that are descendants of a Provider will re-render whenever the Provider’s
prop changes. The propagation from Provider to its descendant consumers is not subject to theshouldComponentUpdate
method, so the consumer is updated even when an ancestor component bails out of the update.Changes are determined by comparing the new and old values using the same algorithm as
That last bit is the important part.
is really similar to ===
So const value = {count, setCount}
in the CountProvider
function is creating
a brand new object every time it's called. So when React does it's check, newValue)
, it will always be false, meaning that
every time CountProvider
is re-rendered, every context consumer will be
re-rendered as well, even if the actual relevant values are unchanged.
And by the way, we can't solve this by memoizing CountProvider
, because the children
prop will change every render, so it wont
be effective anyway.
Most of the time, this wont be a huge deal, especially if your context value
doesn't change very often, but it's normally pretty easy to memoize the value
with React.useMemo
anyway so may as well do it all the time for your context
value and avoid the problem.
Good luck!
I should mention there's an alternative approach to this which does not require
. It involves separating the state and the mechanism for updating that
state into two separate contexts. Here's that:
Not only do you not need to useMemo
in this case, but you actually can avoid
re-rendering the components that just use the updater context:
Notice that this is the same as with the useMemo
solution, except because the
<Counter />
component's context isn't getting updated, we avoid the re-render
of that component entirely which is cool.
I personally feel like this is more complicated of an API than is necessary for
most situations, so I'll stick with the useMemo
solution for my own code. But
if you really have a context with a lot of consumers and many only update the
context value (not consume it as well), then consider splitting the state
updater from the state value itself.