If you experience or witness (or have experienced or have witnessed) violations of the Code of Conduct or have any other concerns, please notify the Keen IO Community moderators identified in this document, and/or submit an online report here. Anonymous reports can also be made. Reports can be made at any time, but as soon as possible is preferred.
Code of Conduct violations can be reported by:
- Submitting an online report form here.
- Emailing the moderators alias, moderators@keen.io.
- Contacting one of the moderators privately on Slack, via email, by text or phone call, or in person.
- Pinging moderators via Slackbot on Slack by typing, “moderator please.”
- Communicating with an event organizer, who may themselves be a moderator or will be in contact with a moderator “on call.”
Reports of Code of Conduct violations should include as many details as possible, for example:
- Contact info for the reporter (unless anonymous)
- Names or descriptions of people involved
- When and where it happened
- What happened
- Additional context
- If it is ongoing
The Keen IO Community prioritizes marginalized people’s safety over privileged people’s comfort. Our moderators will not act on reports regarding:
- “Reverse”-isms, including “reverse racism,” “reverse sexism,” and “cisphobia.”
- Reasonable communication of boundaries, such as “leave me alone,” “go away,” or “I’m not discussing this with you.”
- Verbal communication in a tone you don’t find pleasant (try focusing on responding to the content or disengaging instead).
- Criticizing racist, sexist, cissexist, or otherwise oppressive behavior or assumptions.
The Keen IO Community moderators may reject any report believed to have been made in bad faith. Reports intended to silence legitimate criticism may be deleted without response.
When taking a private report, our community moderators will ensure you are safe and cannot be overheard. They may involve other moderators to ensure your report is managed properly. Once safe, we'll ask you to tell us about what happened. This can be upsetting, but we'll handle it as respectfully as possible, and you can bring someone to support you. You won't be asked to confront anyone and we won't tell anyone who you are. Our team will be happy to help you contact venue security, local law enforcement, local support services, provide escorts, or otherwise assist you to feel safe. We value your participation. Once again, we invite all those who participate in the Keen IO Community to help us create safe and positive community experiences.