# About Python3 Port Scanner v0.1 An easy to use Python3 package that could perform port scanning conveniently. # Features 1- Simply scans for open ports on a given IP address. 2- 0-65535, accepts ports in the range of. # Usage Using this scripts is very easy, u only need CMD or Terminal. Lets open a CMD or Terminal, and enter commands. ```sh $ git clone https://github.com/kdrhnucr/python3-port-scanner.git $ cd python3-port-scanner $ python3 python3-port-scanner.py ``` Enter IP adress or localhost. And enter desired port ranges. (example would be 1-30) After shows all open ports. # Output ```sh Please enter IP adress (or localhost): is a IP address to scan Please enter the range of ports in format: (example would be 10-30) Enter desired port range: 10-30 Port 23 is OPEN on Port 80 is OPEN on ```