This is a simple HTML builder / DOM builder, which runs in a web browser without any compilation. The following features allow you to write not only readable but also writable code.
- The functions have the same names as tags / attributes / styles / events / character references.
- The functions return 'this' for using method chaining.
- The functions with no arguments do not require parentheses.
- The functions with string arguments can also be used as tagged templates.
It is recommended to use dual indentation, one for JavaScript and the other for HTML (cf. Example 2). Each language should have its own indentation. Dual indentation makes HTML blocks findable, if/for statements available, and levels of nesting fewer, so that you can write more readable code.
See Wiki for details. A converter is here.
- Write a 'script' element the 'type' attribute of which is 'module'.
- Import html.js from a CDN.
- Write HTML with html.js (cf. Example 1-4).
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>The first HTML</title>
<script type="module">
import {HTML, E} from "";
const h = HTML(document.body);
h. $P;
h. T`The first HTML.`;
h. $;
const h = HTML(document.body); // target element
h. $H1. T`TITLE`. $;
h. $DIV. id`div-example`. s.color`red`;
h. T`Click! > `;
h. $A. class`link`. href``;
h. T`Example Company`;
h. $;
h. $;
h.publish(); // append nodes to target element
<div id="div-example" style="color: red;">
Click! >
<a class="link" href="">
Example Company
const inks = [
{ label: "K", color: "Black", date: "2020-04-03", quantity: 50 },
{ label: "C", color: "Cyan", date: "2020-02-15", quantity: 30 },
{ label: "M", color: "Magenta", date: "2021-04-03", quantity: 80 },
{ label: "Y", color: "Yellow", date: "2020-01-30", quantity: 15 }
const h = HTML(document.body);
h. $H1. T`Inks`. $;
h. $TABLE;
h. $TBODY;
for (const ink of inks) { // for ..
h. $TR;
h. $TD. T(ink.label). $;
h. $TD. T(ink.color). $;
h. $TD. T( $;
if (ink.quantity >= 20) { // if ..
h. $TD. T(ink.quantity + "ml"). s.color`green`. $;
} else {
h. $TD. T(ink.quantity + "ml"). s.color`red`. s.backgroundColor`pink`. $;
h. $TD;
h. $BUTTON. type`button`. disabled(ink.quantity >= 20). T`Replace`. $;
h. $;
h. $;
h. $;
h. $;
<td style="color: green;">50ml</td>
<button type="button" disabled="">Replace</button>
<td style="color: green;">30ml</td>
<button type="button" disabled="">Replace</button>
<td style="color: green;">80ml</td>
<button type="button" disabled="">Replace</button>
<td style="color: red; background-color: pink;">15ml</td>
<button type="button">Replace</button>
HTML`div-target`. $SPAN. T.copy. T`2022 Example Company`. $. publish(); // one liner
<... id="div-target">
<span>©2022 Example Company</span>
let newID = 0;
const id1 = ++newID;
const id2 = ++newID;
const h = HTML`div-target`; // id of target element
h. $SPAN. T`Click here.`;
h. $;
h. $SPAN. id(id1). $;
h. $BR. $;
h. $SPAN;
h. on.publish(publishSubHTML);
h. $;
h. $SPAN. id(id2). data_`count``1`. hidden. $;
h.publish(); // fire 'publish' events after replace nodes
function publishSubHTML(event) {
HTML(event.currentTarget). T`Click here, many times.`. publish();
function showMessage(event) {
HTML(id1). T`Clicked!`. publish(); // publish(): replace child nodes
function appendMessage(event) {
const count = Number(E(id2).dataset.count); // E(id): get element by id
const h = HTML(id2);
h. T`Clicked!`. T(count);
h. $SPAN. id(id2). data_`count`(count + 1). hidden. $;
h.publish(true); // publish(true): replace target element
<... id="div-target">
Click here.
<span id="1">
Click here, many times.
<span id="2" data-count="4" hidden=""></span>
const js = HTML().HTML // from HTML
<div id="div-example" style="color: red;">
Click! >
<a class="link" href="">
Example Company
.toLocaleString(); // to JavaScript
T`Click! > `.
T`Example Company`.
©2022 katsu-oh, MIT License: