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JavaScript API

This documentation is an overview of the JavaScript API provided by Phoenix. Currently, the supported version of JavaScript is based on the ECMAScript 6 standard. macOS versions prior to Sierra (10.12) support ECMAScript 5.1. Use this as a guide for writing your window management script. Your script should reside in ~/.phoenix.js. Alternatively — if you prefer — you may also have your script in ~/Library/Application Support/Phoenix/phoenix.js or ~/.config/phoenix/phoenix.js. Phoenix includes Lodash (4.17.15) — you can use its features in your configuration. Lodash provides useful helpers for handling JavaScript functions and objects. You may also use JavaScript preprocessing and languages such as CoffeeScript to write your Phoenix-configuration.


  1. Getting Started
  2. Managing Handlers
  3. Loading
  4. Preprocessing
  5. About Coordinates
  6. Logging and Debugging


  1. Keys
  2. Events
  3. Preferences
  4. Require
  5. Phoenix
  6. Storage
  7. Point
  8. Size
  9. Rectangle
  10. Identifiable
  11. Iterable
  12. Key
  13. Event
  14. Timer
  15. Task
  16. Image
  17. Modal
  18. Screen
  19. Space
  20. Mouse
  21. App
  22. Window

Getting Started

This documentation uses pseudocode to outline the API. Many of the classes represent global objects in the script’s context — functions that are marked as static can be accessed through these global objects. All other functions are instance functions. Instance objects can be accessed through the global objects or constructed with relevant constructors.

For example, to bind a key to a function, you construct a Key-object. Notice that you must keep a reference to the handler, otherwise your callback will not get called.

var handler = new Key('q', [ 'control', 'shift' ], function () {});

To move the focused window to a new coordinate, you can call the setTopLeft-function for a Window-instance. To get a Window-instance, you can for example get the focused window with the focused-function for the global Window-object.

Window.focused().setTopLeft({ x: 0, y: 0 });

To combine, bind a key to move the focused window.

var handler = new Key('q', [ 'control', 'shift' ], function () {
  Window.focused().setTopLeft({ x: 0, y: 0 });

As an other example, to bind an event to a function, you construct an Event-object. Again notice that you must keep a reference to the handler, otherwise your callback will not get called.

var handler = new Event('screensDidChange', function () {});

Managing Handlers

As previously mentioned you must keep a reference to your handlers, otherwise your callbacks will not get called. In return, if you release the reference to the handler, it will also be disabled eventually. Beware that this can be rather delayed and you are always safer to manually disable the handlers before letting the reference go. This gives you full control over the lifecycle of your handlers and can be especially useful when you want to dynamically create handlers.

Obviously, in most cases you do not want to worry about the lifecycle of your handlers. This is why Phoenix also provides managed handlers that are held for you. You can use these managed handlers to set keys, events, timers and tasks, but also to disable them. Basically, when you create a managed handler, the handler is constructed and its reference is stored. You will get an identifier for the handler which you can then use to disable it. When you disable the handler, Phoenix will take care of properly disposing it for you.

For example, to bind a key to a function.

Key.on('q', [ 'control', 'shift' ], function () {});

You can disable the handler with its identifier.

var identifier = Key.on('q', [ 'control', 'shift' ], function () {});;


Your configuration file is loaded when the app launches. All functions are evaluated (and executed if necessary) when this happens. Phoenix also reloads the configuration when any changes are detected to the file(s). You may also reload the configuration manually from the status bar or programmatically from your script.

The following locations are valid configuration paths and the first existing file will be used. You may also use these paths for the debug-configuration (.debug.js). Whilst loading, all symlinks will be resolved, so in the end your configuration can also be a symlink to any desired destination.

  1. ~/.phoenix.js
  2. ~/Library/Application Support/Phoenix/phoenix.js
  3. ~/.config/phoenix/phoenix.js


You may add JavaScript preprocessing to your configuration by adding a Shebang-directive to the beginning of your file. It must be the first statement in your file. Phoenix should support all popular JavaScript compilers, but be aware that you need to have the compiler installed on your setup and accessible through your shell’s PATH for Phoenix to find it. You also need to ask the compiler to output to the standard output so Phoenix is able to evaluate the result. For example, use CoffeeScript to write your configuration:

#!/usr/bin/env coffee -p

Key.on 's', [ 'control', 'shift' ], ->

Or use Babel to use ECMAScript 6 JavaScript in macOS versions prior to Sierra:

#!/usr/bin/env babel

Key.on('s', [ 'control', 'shift' ], () => {

About Coordinates

macOS has two commonly used coordinate systems: for higher level elements the origo (0, 0) is situated in the bottom-left corner of the screen, on the contrary for lower level elements the origo is situated in the top-left corner of the screen (flipped). This API has no distinction between these systems — Points can represent both cases. The larger part of the API uses a flipped top-left based origin, unless otherwise is stated.

Logging and Debugging

To log messages, use Phoenix.log. The messages are delivered to the Console (app). You can filter logs by process by searching for “Phoenix”. You can also follow the logs from a terminal by running log stream --process Phoenix.

To debug your configuration, use Safari’s Web Inspector. You can attach to the context from Safari’s “Develop” menu under your devices name. Read a more comprehensive instruction to get started. In the Web Inspector’s Console you can also see messages outputted with console.log. Note, this only works on non-notarised versions of Phoenix (2.6.2 or later) or with debug builds.

1. Keys

All valid keys for binding are as follows:

  • Modifiers: command (cmd), option (alt), control (ctrl) and shift (case insensitive)
  • Keys: case insensitive character or case sensitive special key including function keys, arrow keys, keypad keys etc. as listed below
  • You can bind any key on your local keyboard layout, for instance an å-character if your keyboard has one
  • If you use multiple keyboard layouts, Phoenix will use the active layout when the context is loaded

Special Keys

  • Action: return, tab, space, delete, escape, help, home, pageUp, forwardDelete, end, pageDown, left, right, down and up
  • Function: f1f19
  • Keypad: keypad., keypad*, keypad+, keypadClear, keypad/, keypadEnter, keypad-, keypad=, keypad0, keypad1, keypad2, keypad3, keypad4, keypad5, keypad6, keypad7, keypad8 and keypad9

2. Events

Phoenix supports the following (case sensitive) events:


  • didLaunch triggered once when Phoenix has launched and the context is ready
  • willTerminate triggered when Phoenix will terminate, use this event to perform any tasks before the application terminates


  • screensDidChange triggered when screens (i.e. displays) are added, removed, or dynamically reconfigured


  • spaceDidChange triggered when the active space has changed


All of the following mouse events receive the corresponding Point-object as the first argument for the callback function. This object is also enhanced with a modifiers array which contains the key modifiers pressed when the mouse event is triggered.

  • mouseDidMove triggered when the mouse has moved
  • mouseDidLeftClick triggered when the mouse did left click
  • mouseDidRightClick triggered when the mouse did right click
  • mouseDidLeftDrag triggered when the mouse did left drag
  • mouseDidRightDrag triggered when the mouse did right drag


All of the following app events receive the corresponding App-instance as the first argument for the callback function.

  • appDidLaunch triggered when an app has launched
  • appDidTerminate triggered when an app has terminated
  • appDidActivate triggered when an app has activated
  • appDidHide triggered when an app becomes hidden
  • appDidShow triggered when an app is shown (becomes unhidden)


All of the following window events receive the corresponding Window-instance as the first argument for the callback function.

  • windowDidOpen triggered when a window has opened
  • windowDidClose triggered when a window has closed
  • windowDidFocus triggered when a window was focused within an app
  • windowDidMove triggered when a window has moved
  • windowDidResize triggered when a window has resized
  • windowDidMinimise or windowDidMinimize triggered when a window has minimised
  • windowDidUnminimise or windowDidUnminimize triggered when a window has unminimised

3. Preferences

Phoenix supports the following (case sensitive) preferences:

  • daemon (boolean): if set true Phoenix will run completely in the background, this also removes the status bar menu, defaults to false
  • openAtLogin (boolean): if set true Phoenix will automatically open at login, defaults to false if no value has been previously set

Set the preferences using the Phoenix-object — for example:

  daemon: true,
  openAtLogin: true

4. Require

You can modularise your configuration using the require-function. It will load the referenced JavaScript-file and reload it if any changes are detected. If the path is relative, it is resolved relatively to the absolute location of the primary configuration file. If this file is a symlink, it will be resolved before resolving the location of the required file. If the file does not exist, require will throw an error.


5. Phoenix

Use the Phoenix-object for API-level tasks.

class Phoenix

  static void reload()
  static void set(Map<String, AnyObject> preferences)
  static void log(AnyObject... arguments)
  static void notify(String message)

  • reload() manually reloads the context and any changes in the configuration files
  • set(Map<String, AnyObject> preferences) sets the preferences from the given key–value map, any previously set preferences with the same key will be overridden
  • log(AnyObject... arguments) logs the arguments to the Console (app)
  • notify(String message) delivers the message to the Notification Center

6. Storage

Use the Storage-object to store values across reloads and reboots as JSON.

class Storage

  static void set(String key, AnyObject value)
  static AnyObject get(String key)
  static void remove(String key)

  • set(String key, AnyObject value) stores the value for the key, any previously set value with the same key will be overridden
  • get(String key) retrieves and returns the value for the key (undefined if no value has been set)
  • remove(String key) removes the key and the value associated with it

7. Point

A simple point object for 2D-coordinates.

class Point

  property double x
  property double y


8. Size

A simple 2D-size object.

class Size

  property double width
  property double height


9. Rectangle

A 2D-rectangle representation of a Point and Size.

class Rectangle

  property double x
  property double y
  property double width
  property double height


10. Identifiable

Objects that implement Identifiable can be identified and compared.

interface Identifiable

  int hash()
  boolean isEqual(AnyObject object)

  • hash() returns the hash value for the object
  • isEqual(AnyObject object) returns true if the given object is equal with this object

11. Iterable

Objects that implement Iterable can be traversed relatively to the current object.

interface Iterable

  Object next()
  Object previous()

  • next() returns the next object or the first object when on the last one
  • previous() returns the previous object or the last object when on the first one

12. Key

Use the Key-object to construct keys, access their properties, and enable or disable them. You can have multiple handlers for a single key combination, however only one can be enabled at a time. Enabling a key combination that has been exclusively registered by another app will fail.

class Key implements Identifiable

  static int on(String key, Array<String> modifiers, Function callback)
  static void once(String key, Array<String> modifiers, Function callback)
  static void off(int identifier)

  property String key
  property Array<String> modifiers

  constructor Key Key(String key, Array<String> modifiers, Function callback)
  boolean isEnabled()
  boolean enable()
  boolean disable()

  • on(String key, Array<String> modifiers, Function callback) constructs a managed handler for a key and returns the identifier for the handler, for arguments see new Key(...)
  • once(String key, Array<String> modifiers, Function callback) constructs a managed handler for a key that is by default only triggered one time and then disabled, for more control you can explicitly return false from the callback function and the handler will not be disabled until you return something else, for arguments see new Key(...)
  • off(int identifier) disables the managed handler for a key with the given identifier
  • key read-only property for the key character in lower case or case sensitive special key
  • modifiers read-only property for the key modifiers in lower case
  • new Key(String key, Array<String> modifiers, Function callback) constructs and binds the key character with the specified modifiers (can be an empty list) to a callback function and returns the handler, you must keep a reference to the handler in order for your callback to get called, you can have multiple handlers for a single key combination, only one can be enabled at a time, any previous handler for the same key combination will automatically be disabled, the callback function receives its handler as the first argument and as the second argument a boolean that indicates if the key was repeated (key combination is held down)
  • isEnabled() returns true if the key handler is enabled, by default true
  • enable() enables the key handler, any previous handler for the same key combination will automatically be disabled, returns true if successful
  • disable() disables the key handler, returns true if successful

13. Event

Use the Event-object to construct events, access their properties or to disable them. You can have multiple handlers for a single event.

class Event implements Identifiable

  static int on(String event, Function callback)
  static void once(String event, Function callback)
  static void off(int identifier)

  property String name

  constructor Event Event(String event, Function callback)
  void disable()

  • on(String event, Function callback) constructs a managed handler for an event and returns the identifier for the handler, for arguments see new Event(...)
  • once(String event, Function callback) constructs a managed handler for an event that is by default only triggered one time and then disabled, for more control you can explicitly return false from the callback function and the handler will not be disabled until you return something else, for arguments see new Event(...)
  • off(int identifier) disables the managed handler for an event with the given identifier
  • name read-only property for the event name
  • new Event(String event, Function callback) constructs and binds an event to a callback function and returns the handler, you must keep a reference to the handler in order for your callback to get called, you can have multiple handlers for a single event, the callback function receives its handler as the last argument, for any additional arguments see events
  • disable() disables the event handler

14. Timer

Use the Timer-object to construct and control timers. A timer can fire only once or be repeating.

class Timer implements Identifiable

  static int after(double interval, Function callback)
  static int every(double interval, Function callback)
  static void off(int identifier)

  constructor Timer Timer(double interval, boolean repeats, Function callback)
  void stop()

  • after(double interval, Function callback) constructs a managed handler for a timer that fires only once and returns the identifier for the handler, for arguments see new Timer(...)
  • every(double interval, Function callback) constructs a managed handler for a timer that fires repeatedly and returns the identifier for the handler, for arguments see new Timer(...)
  • off(int identifier) disables the managed handler for a timer with the given identifier
  • new Timer(double interval, boolean repeats, Function callback) constructs a timer that fires the callback once or repeatedly until stopped with the given interval (in seconds) and returns the handler, you must keep a reference to the handler in order for your callback to get called, the callback function receives its handler as the only argument
  • stop() stops the timer immediately

15. Task

Use the Task-object to construct tasks, access their properties or to terminate them. Beware that some task properties are only set after the task has completed.

class Task implements Identifiable

  static int run(String path, Array arguments, Function callback)
  static void terminate(int identifier)

  property int status
  property String output
  property String error

  constructor Task Task(String path, Array arguments, Function callback)
  void terminate()

  • run(String path, Array arguments, Function callback) constructs a managed handler for a task and returns the identifier for the handler, for arguments see new Task(...)
  • terminate(int identifier) terminates the managed handler for a task with the given identifier
  • status read-only property for the termination status
  • output read-only property for the standard output
  • error read-only property for the standard error
  • new Task(String path, Array arguments, Function callback) constructs a task that asynchronously executes an absolute path with the given arguments and returns the handler, you must keep a reference to the handler in order for your callback to get called, the callback function receives its handler as the only argument
  • terminate() terminates the task immediately

16. Image

Use the Image-object to construct images.

class Image implements Identifiable

  static Image fromFile(String path)

  • fromFile(String path) loads an image from the given path, the path is resolved before attempting to load the image, returns undefined if unsuccessful

17. Modal

Use the Modal-object to display content as modal windows (in front of all other windows). Modals can be used to display icons and/or text for visual cues. Properties defined as dynamic can be altered while the modal is displayed.

class Modal implements Identifiable

  static Modal build(Map<String, AnyObject> properties)

  property Point origin
  property double duration
  property double animationDuration
  property double weight
  property String appearance
  property Image icon
  property String text

  constructor Modal Modal()
  Rectangle frame()
  void show()
  void close()

  • build(Map<String, AnyObject> properties) builds a modal with the specified properties and returns it, origin should be a function that receives the frame for the modal as the only argument and returns a Point-object which will be set as the origin for the modal
  • origin dynamic property for the origin of the modal, the enclosed properties are read-only so you must pass an object for this property, bottom-left based origin, by default (0, 0)
  • duration property for the duration (in seconds) before automatically closing the modal, if the duration is set to 0 the modal will remain open until closed, by default 0
  • animationDuration property for the animation duration (in seconds) for showing and closing the modal, if the duration is set to 0 the animation will be disabled, by default 0.2
  • weight dynamic property for the weight of the modal (in points), by default 24
  • appearance property for the appearance of the modal (dark|light|transparent), by default dark
  • icon dynamic property for the icon displayed in the modal
  • text dynamic property for the text displayed in the modal
  • new Modal() constructs and returns a new modal
  • frame() returns the frame for the modal, the frame is adjusted for the current content, therefor you must first set the weight, icon and text to get an accurate frame, bottom-left based origin
  • show() shows the modal, you must set at least an icon or text for the modal to be displayed
  • close() closes the modal

18. Screen

Use the Screen-object to access frame sizes and other screens on a multi-screen setup. Beware that a screen can get stale if you keep a reference to it and it is for instance disconnected while you do so.

class Screen implements Identifiable, Iterable

  static Screen main()
  static Array<Screen> all()

  String identifier()
  Rectangle frame()
  Rectangle visibleFrame()
  Rectangle flippedFrame()
  Rectangle flippedVisibleFrame()
  Space currentSpace() // macOS 10.11+
  Array<Space> spaces() // macOS 10.11+
  Array<Window> windows(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals)

  • main() returns the screen containing the window with the keyboard focus
  • all() returns all screens, the first screen in this array corresponds to the primary screen for the system
  • identifier() returns the UUID for the screen
  • frame() returns the whole frame for the screen, bottom-left based origin
  • visibleFrame() returns the visible frame for the screen subtracting the Dock and Menu from the frame when visible, bottom-left based origin
  • flippedFrame() returns the whole frame for the screen, top-left based origin
  • flippedVisibleFrame() returns the visible frame for the screen subtracting the Dock and Menu from the frame when visible, top-left based origin
  • currentSpace() returns the current space for the screen (macOS 10.11+, returns undefined otherwise)
  • spaces() returns all spaces for the screen (macOS 10.11+, returns an empty list otherwise)
  • windows(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) returns all windows for the screen if no optionals are given


  • visible (boolean): if set true returns all visible windows for the screen, if set false returns all hidden windows for the screen

19. Space

Use the Space-object to control spaces. These features are only supported on El Capitan (10.11) and upwards. A single window can be in multiple spaces at the same time. To move a window to a different space, remove it from any existing spaces and add it to a new one. You can switch to a space by focusing on a window in that space. Beware that a space can get stale if you keep a reference to it and it is for instance closed while you do so.

class Space implements Identifiable, Iterable

  static Space active() // macOS 10.11+
  static Array<Space> all() // macOS 10.11+

  boolean isNormal()
  boolean isFullScreen()
  Array<Screen> screens()
  Array<Window> windows(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals)
  void addWindows(Array<Window> windows)
  void removeWindows(Array<Window> windows)

  • active() returns the space containing the window with the keyboard focus (macOS 10.11+, returns undefined otherwise)
  • all() returns all spaces, the first space in this array corresponds to the primary space (macOS 10.11+, returns an empty list otherwise)
  • isNormal() returns true if the space is a normal space
  • isFullScreen() returns true if the space is a full screen space
  • screens() returns all screens to which the space belongs to
  • windows(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) returns all windows for the space if no optionals are given
  • addWindows(Array<Window> windows) adds the given windows to the space
  • removeWindows(Array<Window> windows) removes the given windows from the space


  • visible (boolean): if set true returns all visible windows for the space, if set false returns all hidden windows for the space

20. Mouse

Use the Mouse-object to control the cursor.

class Mouse

  static Point location()
  static boolean move(Point point)

  • location() returns the cursor position
  • move(Point point) moves the cursor to a given position, returns true if successful

21. App

Use the App-object to control apps. Beware that an app can get stale if you keep a reference to it and it is for instance terminated while you do so, refer to isTerminated().

class App implements Identifiable

  static App get(String appName)
  static App launch(String appName, Map<String, AnyObject> optionals)
  static App focused()
  static Array<App> all()

  int processIdentifier()
  String bundleIdentifier()
  String name()
  Image icon()
  boolean isActive()
  boolean isHidden()
  boolean isTerminated()
  Window mainWindow()
  Array<Window> windows(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals)
  boolean activate()
  boolean focus()
  boolean show()
  boolean hide()
  boolean terminate(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals)

  • get(String appName) returns the running app with the given name, returns undefined if the app is not currently running
  • launch(String appName, Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) launches and returns the app with the given name, returns undefined if unsuccessful
  • focused() returns the focused app
  • all() returns all running apps
  • processIdentifier() returns the process identifier (PID) for the app, returns -1 if the app does not have a PID
  • bundleIdentifier() returns the bundle identifier for the app
  • name() returns the name for the app
  • icon() returns the icon for the app
  • isActive() returns true if the app is currently frontmost
  • isHidden() returns true if the app is hidden
  • isTerminated() returns true if the app has been terminated
  • mainWindow() returns the main window for the app, returns undefined if the app does not currently have a main window
  • windows(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) returns all windows for the app if no optionals are given
  • activate() activates the app and brings its windows forward, returns true if successful
  • focus() activates the app and brings its windows to focus, returns true if successful
  • show() shows the app, returns true if successful
  • hide() hides the app, returns true if successful
  • terminate(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) terminates the app, returns true if successful

Launch Optionals

  • focus (boolean): if set true the app will automatically be focused on launch, by default the app launches to the background

Window Optionals

  • visible (boolean): if set true returns all visible windows for the app, if set false returns all hidden windows for the app

Terminate Optionals

  • force (boolean): if set true force terminates the app

22. Window

Use the Window-object to control windows. Every screen (i.e. display) combines to form a large rectangle. Every window lives within this rectangle and their position can be altered by giving coordinates inside this rectangle. To position a window to a specific display, you need to calculate its position within the large rectangle. To figure out the coordinates for a given screen, use the functions in Screen. Beware that a window can get stale if you keep a reference to it and it is for instance closed while you do so.

class Window implements Identifiable

  static Window focused()
  static Window at(Point point)
  static Array<Window> all(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals)
  static Array<Window> recent()

  Array<Window> others(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals)
  String title()
  boolean isMain()
  boolean isNormal()
  boolean isFullScreen()
  boolean isMinimised() // or isMinimized()
  boolean isVisible()
  App app()
  Screen screen()
  Array<Space> spaces() // macOS 10.11+
  Point topLeft()
  Size size()
  Rectangle frame()
  boolean setTopLeft(Point point)
  boolean setSize(Size size)
  boolean setFrame(Rectangle frame)
  boolean setFullScreen(boolean value)
  boolean maximise() // or maximize()
  boolean minimise() // or minimize()
  boolean unminimise() // or unminimize()
  Array<Window> neighbours(String direction) // or neighbors(...)
  boolean raise()
  boolean focus()
  boolean focusClosestNeighbour(String direction) // or focusClosestNeighbor(...)
  boolean close()

  • focused() returns the focused window for the currently active app, can be undefined if no window is focused currently
  • at(Point point) returns the topmost window at the specified point, can be undefined if no window is present at the given position
  • all(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) returns all windows in screens if no optionals are given
  • recent() returns all visible windows in the order as they appear on the screen (from front to back), essentially returning them in the most-recently-used order
  • others(Map<String, AnyObject> optionals) returns all other windows on all screens if no optionals are given
  • title() returns the title for the window
  • isMain() returns true if the window is the main window for its app
  • isNormal() returns true if the window is a normal window
  • isFullScreen() returns true if the window is a full screen window
  • isMinimised() or isMinimized() returns true if the window is minimised
  • isVisible() returns true if the window is a normal and unminimised window that belongs to an unhidden app
  • app() returns the app for the window
  • screen() returns the screen where most or all of the window is currently present
  • spaces() returns the spaces where the window is currently present (macOS 10.11+, returns an empty list otherwise)
  • topLeft() returns the top left point for the window
  • size() returns the size for the window
  • frame() returns the frame for the window
  • setTopLeft(Point point) sets the top left point for the window, returns true if successful
  • setSize(Size size) sets the size for the window, returns true if successful
  • setFrame(Rectangle frame) sets the frame for the window, returns true if successful
  • setFullScreen(boolean value) sets whether the window is full screen, returns true if successful
  • maximise() or maximize() resizes the window to fit the whole visible frame for the screen, returns true if successful
  • minimise() or minimize() minimises the window, returns true if successful
  • unminimise() or unminimize() unminimises the window, returns true if successful
  • neighbours(String direction) or neighbors(...) returns windows to the direction (west|east|north|south) of the window
  • raise() makes the window the frontmost window of its app (but does not focus the app itself), returns true if successful
  • focus() focuses the window, returns true if successful
  • focusClosestNeighbour(String direction) or focusClosestNeighbor(...) focuses the closest window to the direction (west|east|north|south) of the window, returns true if successful
  • close() closes the window, returns true if successful

Window Optionals

  • visible (boolean): if set true returns all visible windows in screens, if set false returns all hidden windows in screens

Others Optionals

  • visible (boolean): if set true returns visible windows, if set false returns hidden windows
  • screen (Screen): returns all other windows on the specified screen