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Localizable Strings

All strings in the Tink PFM SDK are by default in English. To localize the strings in your app you can provide your own strings by specifying strings for a specific set of keys in a strings file named TinkPFMUI.

For example: To add a Italian translation for the latest transactions title displayed in the financial overview, add "Tink.Overview.LatestTransactions.Title" = "Ultime transazioni"; to your it.lproj/TinkPFMUI.strings file in your app bundle. Then the SDK will use that string instead of the default ones when running on a device that has the language setting set to prefer Italian.


Key Default Description
AccountDetail.Header.AccountNumberFormat Account number: %@ String format for displaying account number in account detail header.

Actionable Insights

Key Default Description
ActionableInsights.SuggestCategories.TransactionCount %d expenses Formatting of transaction count in actionable insight.
ActionableInsights.Archive.EmptyState No archived events Text for message to display if there are no archived actionable insights.
ActionableInsights.Archive.Title Archive Title for list of archived insights.
ActionableInsights.ArchivedInsight.ActionDescription You answered %@ Text shown to describe when an insight was archived.
ActionableInsights.List.ArchiveButton Archive Button title for button to present archived insights list.
ActionableInsights.List.EmptyState No new events Text for message to display if there are no actionable insights.
ActionableInsights.List.Title Events Title for actionable insights list.
ActionableInsights.WeeklyExpensesByDay.Legend Average Legend for weekly expenses by day insight.


Key Default Description
Categorization.CategoryPicker.CancelButton Cancel Title for the cancel button that will dismiss the select category modal shown when categorizing a transaction.
Categorization.CategoryPicker.Title Select a category Title of the select category modal shown when categorizing a transaction.
Categorization.SimilarTransactions.ChangeSelectedButton.HasSelectedTransactions Change %d Selected Default button title for select button if the user has one or more similar transactions.
Categorization.SimilarTransactions.ChangeSelectedButton.NoSelectedTransactions Change Selected Default button title for select button if the user has deselected all similar transactions.
Categorization.SimilarTransactions.Description Do you want to categorize these transactions as %@ also Description text shown above list of similar transactions shown after selecting a category when categorizing a transaction.
Categorization.SimilarTransactions.SkipButton Skip Button title for for button to skip selecting any similar transactions.
Categorization.SimilarTransactions.Title Similar Transactions Title for similar transactions screen.
Categorization.CategoryPicker.NoCategoriesError.Title Error Title of the alert that is shown when no categories can be found.
Categorization.CategoryPicker.NoCategoriesError.Message Could not load any categories. Message of the alert that is shown when no categories can be found.

Category Statistics

Key Default Description
CategoryStatistics.CategoryPicker.SelectButton Select Title for select button in category picker modal to filter statistics on the over time screen.
CategoryStatistics.CategoryPicker.Title Categories Title for category picker modal to filter statistics on over time screen.
CategoryStatistics.CategoryPicker.Title.ShowAll All categories Description of option to not filter statistics by a category but instead show statistics for all categories.
CategoryStatistics.FilterPeriod.AllTime All time Description for option to not filter category statistics within a specific time range.
CategoryStatistics.FilterPeriod.CancelButton Cancel Cancel button for sheet with options to filter category statistics over time by different time periods.
CategoryStatistics.FilterPeriod.Last6Months Last 6 months Description for option to filter category statistics within the last 6 months.
CategoryStatistics.FilterPeriod.Last12Months Last 12 months Description for option to filter category statistics within the last 12 months
CategoryStatistics.FilterPeriod.Title Time period Title for sheet with options to filter category statistics overtime by different time periods.
CategoryStatistics.Generic.TransactionsButton Transactions Title of button to list transactions for the currently shown statistics.
CategoryStatistics.GroupedTransactions.Title.Other Transactions Title for list of transactions that are not one with the largest amounts of the category.
CategoryStatistics.GroupedTransactions.Title.Top Transactions Title for list of transactions that are similar in the same category.
CategoryStatistics.OverTime.FilterCategoryButton.AllCategories All categories Title for button to show list of categories to filter statistics by.
CategoryStatistics.OverTime.LongPressSubtitle.Expenses Spent in %@ Subtitle shown when user long press bar in chart for expenses category statistics.
CategoryStatistics.OverTime.LongPressSubtitle.FilterCategory %1$@ in %2$@ Subtitle shown when user long press bar in chart for category statistics with a category filter set.
CategoryStatistics.OverTime.LongPressSubtitle.Income Income in %@ Subtitle shown when user long press bar in chart for income category statistics.
CategoryStatistics.OverTime.LongPressSubtitle.Transfer Transferred in %@ Subtitle shown when user long press bar in chart for transfer category statistics.
CategoryStatistics.TopTransactions.Other Other Title of list item representing a group of transactions that are not one with the largest amounts of the category.
CategoryStatistics.Transactions.Title Transactions Title for list of transactions representing the currently shown statistics.


Key Default Description
Generic.AmountFormatter.Abbreviation.Millions  m Short suffix to use when formatting amounts larger than a million.
Generic.AmountFormatter.Abbreviation.Thousands  k Short suffix to use when formatting amounts larger than a 10 000.
Generic.DateRangeFormatter.YearSpan %1$@ – %2$@ How two dates in different years should be formatted, e.g. 25 Dec - 24 Jan.
Generic.ErrorAlert.DismissButton OK Title of button to dismiss a generic error alert.
Generic.ErrorAlert.Message Something went wrong. Message to show in a generic error alert.
Generic.ErrorAlert.Title Error Title to show in a generic error alert.
Generic.Expenses.Title Expenses Title for category statistics representing only expenses.
Generic.Income.Title Income Title for category statistics representing only incomes.
Generic.Monthly.TabTitle Monthly Title for tab showing chart of data for one month.
Generic.OverTime.AverageSubtitle %@ in average per month Subtitle with average per month shown on over time views.
Generic.OverTime.TabTitle Over time Title for tab showing bar chart of data over time.
Generic.Transfers.Title Transfers Title for category statistics representing only transfers.


Key Default Description
Overview.Accounts.EmptyState No accounts Text to display in overview when there are no accounts.
Overview.ActionableInsights.RecentInsights recent events Recent insights suffix.
Overview.ActionableInsights.RecentInsights.Singular recent event Recent insight suffix.
Overview.ActionableInsights.ViewButton View Title for button to view actionable insights.
Overview.ActionableInsightsArchive.Title View archived events Title for card to show archived actionable insights.
Overview.AllTransactions.Title All transactions Title for list of all transactions.
Overview.LatestTransactions.SeeAllButton See all Title for button to see all transactions.
Overview.LatestTransactions.Title Latest transactions Title for latest transactions list.


Key Default Description
Transactions.NoTransactions No transactions available Text to display in the transaction list when there are no transactions.