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@import "css/litvis.less"
import VegaLite exposing (..)
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I like the idea that showing a polar azimuthal projection allows pie charts to be created in Vega-Lite, even though it wouldn't normally be considered as having a polar coordinates / pie chart facility. Combining a pie chart with a map of Antarctica gives an interesting chart / map hybrid. A possible value to map would be territorial claims on the continent.
Downloaded Global country file including Antarctica.
In mapshaper, filter only Antarctica and save as topoJSON:
filter 'FID == "ATA"' o format=topojson drop-table antarctica.json
Territorial zones copied directly from the Wikipedia page and stored inline in the Vega-Lite spec.
Location of generated files:
path : String -> String
path file =
"" ++ file
Use an azimuthalEquidistant projection rotated by 90 degrees to centre on south pole.
antarctica : Spec
antarctica =
data =
dataFromUrl (path "antarctica.json") [ topojsonFeature "antarctica" ]
proj =
projection [ prType azimuthalEquidistant, prRotate 0 90 0 ]
antarcticaSpec =
asSpec [ geoshape [ maFill "lightgrey" ] ]
graticuleSpec =
[ graticule [ grStep ( 15, 5 ), grExtent ( -180, -60 ) ( 180, -90 ) ]
, geoshape [ maFilled False, maStrokeWidth 0.3 ]
toVegaLite [ width 400, height 400, data, proj, layer [ antarcticaSpec, graticuleSpec ] ]
We can create a a function to generate set of 'pie' slices radiating out from the south pole as geoJson features. The north
value allows the pie slices to be of different lengths so that the overlapping territorial claims by Argentina, Chile and UK can be differentiated.
toGeojson : List ( ( String, Float, Float ), Float ) -> Spec
toGeojson zones =
inc =
seq a b x xs north =
if x >= b then
b :: xs |> List.reverse |> (\lng -> ( lng, -60 - north ))
else if modBy inc (ceiling x) == 0 then
seq a b (x + 1) ((ceiling >> toFloat) x :: xs) north
seq a b (x + 1) xs north
segments a b north =
seq a b (a + 1) [ a ] north ++ [ ( b, -60 - north ), ( b, -90 ), ( a, -90 ) ]
geom ( ( label, a, b ), north ) =
geometry (geoPolygon [ segments a b north ]) [ ( "country", str label ) ]
geoFeatureCollection ( geom zones)
This allows us to overlay the wedges representing territorial claims on the Antarctica map:
antarcticaZones : Spec
antarcticaZones =
cfg =
<< configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
w =
h =
geoData =
dataFromUrl (path "antarctica.json") [ topojsonFeature "antarctica" ]
penguinData =
dataFromColumns []
<< dataColumn "img" (strs [ path "emperor.png" ])
terrData =
[ ( ( "Argentina", -74, -25 ), 2 )
, ( ( "Australia", 142.033, 160 ), 6 )
, ( ( "Australia", 44.633, 136.017 ), 4 )
, ( ( "Chile", -90, -53 ), 3 )
, ( ( "France", 136.017, 142.033 ), 5 )
, ( ( "New Zealand", -180, -150 ), 7 )
, ( ( "New Zealand", 160, 180 ), 7 )
, ( ( "Norway", -20, 44.633 ), 5 )
, ( ( "United Kingdom", -80, -20 ), 1 )
[ jsonProperty "features" ]
labelData =
dataFromColumns []
<< dataColumn "country" (strs [ "Argentina", "Australia", "Australia", "Chile", "France", "New Zealand", "Norway", "United Kingdom" ])
<< dataColumn "longitude" (nums [ -43, 150, 90, -85, 139.5, -177, 17, -23 ])
<< dataColumn "latitude" (nums [ -70, -70, -70, -71, -69, -74, -74, -67 ])
proj =
projection [ prType azimuthalEquidistant, prRotate 297 90 0 ]
antarcticaSpec =
asSpec [ geoData, geoshape [ maFill "lightgrey" ] ]
graticuleSpec =
[ graticule [ grStep ( 15, 5 ), grExtent ( -180, -60 ) ( 180, -90 ) ]
, geoshape [ maFilled False, maStrokeWidth 0.3, maStroke "white" ]
encZone =
<< color [ mName "", mLegend [] ]
terrSpec =
asSpec [ terrData, encZone [], geoshape [ maOpacity 0.2 ] ]
encLabel =
<< position Longitude [ pName "longitude" ]
<< position Latitude [ pName "latitude" ]
<< text [ tName "country" ]
labelSpec =
asSpec [ labelData [], encLabel [], textMark [ maFont "Cinzel", maFontSize (w / 50) ] ]
imgEnc =
<< position X [ pNum (w * 0.5), pQuant ]
<< position Y [ pNum (h * 0.9), pQuant ]
<< url [ hName "img" ]
penguinSpec =
asSpec [ penguinData [], imgEnc [], image [ maWidth (w / 8), maHeight (h / 8) ] ]
[ cfg []
, title "Territorial Claims\nin Antarctica"
[ tiAnchor anStart
, tiFont "Cinzel"
, tiFontSize (w / 26)
, tiOffset (w / -9.5)
, width w
, height h
, proj
, layer [ antarcticaSpec, terrSpec, graticuleSpec, labelSpec, penguinSpec ]