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@import "css/litvis.less"
import VegaLite exposing (..)
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So many choices here. Could show a conventional flow map as arcs (as with cycle movement across London). Could show an OD map. I am also attracted by the idea of a simple map illustrating Trump's claim to build a wall in Colorado between the US and Mexico. But cartographically I think OD maps are more interesting, so will use US state-to-state migration as an example to illustrate this.
Estimated state-to-state migration data for 2018 are available from the US Census Bureau.
The state migration figures were extracted from the spreadsheet, projected from a grid to a list and saved as usStateMigration.csv
The gridded locations of each state were taken from the arrangement described by Jonathan Schwabish and stored in the file usGridmap.csv
that links US state names to their location on a 8x11 grid.
Location of generated files:
path : String -> String
path file =
"" ++ file
To illustrate the cartographic layout of a gridmap, we can symbolise each state square and its state label. This gives us the basic specification for projecting US states onto a grid. Note that the grid itself is a square (11 x 11 cells) but there are only 8 rows from north to south, so we use scDomain
to centre those 8 cells within the grid.
usGridmap1 : Spec
usGridmap1 =
cfg =
<< configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
w =
stateData =
dataFromUrl (path "usGridmap.csv") [ parse [ ( "row", foNum ), ( "col", foNum ) ] ]
enc =
<< position X
[ pName "col"
, pQuant
, pScale [ scNice niFalse, scZero False, scDomain (doNums [ 0, 10 ]) ]
, pAxis []
<< position Y
[ pName "row"
, pQuant
, pSort [ soDescending ]
, pScale [ scNice niFalse, scZero False, scDomain (doNums [ -1.5, 8.5 ]) ]
, pAxis []
<< text [ tName "state" ]
squareSpec =
asSpec [ square [ maSize (w * w / 120), maColor "#ccc" ] ]
labelSpec =
asSpec [ textMark [ maFontSize (w / 40), maOpacity 0.5 ] ]
toVegaLite [ cfg [], width w, height w, stateData, enc [], layer [ squareSpec, labelSpec ] ]
To show some quantitative value in a state, here's a specification without labels where each state is coloured by the amount of some value flowing into it. For illustration we will create a single flow to Maryland (MD). We can use the usGridmap.csv
data source to convert any state name into its row and column position by using the lookup
usGridmap2 : Spec
usGridmap2 =
cfg =
<< configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
w =
stateData =
dataFromUrl (path "usGridmap.csv") [ parse [ ( "row", foNum ), ( "col", foNum ) ] ]
flowData =
dataFromColumns []
<< dataColumn "to" (strs [ "MD" ])
<< dataColumn "volume" (nums [ 100 ])
trans =
<< lookup "to" stateData "state" (luFields [ "col", "row" ])
encPos =
<< position X
[ pName "col"
, pQuant
, pScale [ scNice niFalse, scZero False, scDomain (doNums [ 0, 10 ]) ]
, pAxis []
<< position Y
[ pName "row"
, pQuant
, pSort [ soDescending ]
, pScale [ scNice niFalse, scZero False, scDomain (doNums [ -1.5, 8.5 ]) ]
, pAxis []
encFlow =
<< color [ mName "volume", mQuant, mLegend [] ]
squareSpec =
asSpec [ stateData, encPos [], square [ maSize (w * w / 120), maColor "#ccc" ] ]
flowSpec =
asSpec [ flowData [], trans [], encFlow [], square [ maSize (w * w / 120), maOpacity 1 ] ]
toVegaLite [ cfg [], width w, height w, layer [ squareSpec, flowSpec ] ]
Now let's repeat this gridmap for every state in the US by faceting the entire chart by the grid cell position of the state:
usGridmap3 : Spec
usGridmap3 =
cfg =
<< configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
<< configuration (coHeader [ hdLabelFontSize 0.1 ])
<< configuration (coFacet [ facoSpacing 10 ])
w =
500 / 11
stateData =
dataFromUrl (path "usGridmap.csv") [ parse [ ( "row", foNum ), ( "col", foNum ) ] ]
flowData =
dataFromColumns []
<< dataColumn "to" (strs [ "MD" ])
<< dataColumn "volume" (nums [ 100 ])
trans =
<< lookup "to" stateData "state" (luFields [ "col", "row" ])
enc =
<< position X
[ pName "col"
, pQuant
, pScale [ scNice niFalse, scZero False, scDomain (doNums [ 0, 10 ]) ]
, pAxis []
<< position Y
[ pName "row"
, pQuant
, pSort [ soDescending ]
, pScale [ scNice niFalse, scZero False, scDomain (doNums [ -1.5, 8.5 ]) ]
, pAxis []
squareSpec =
asSpec [ stateData, enc [], square [ maSize (w * w / 120), maColor "#ccc" ] ]
encFlow =
<< color [ mName "volume", mQuant, mLegend [] ]
flowSpec =
asSpec [ flowData [], trans [], encFlow [], square [ maSize (w * w / 120), maOpacity 1 ] ]
dMapSpec =
asSpec [ width w, height w, layer [ squareSpec, flowSpec ] ]
[ cfg []
, stateData
, facet
[ rowBy [ fName "row", fOrdinal, fHeader [ hdTitle "" ] ]
, columnBy [ fName "col", fOrdinal, fHeader [ hdTitle "" ] ]
, specification dMapSpec
But so far we have repeated the same map, once for each state. Instead we can store the separate grid positions for origin and destinations, faceting by origin position but displaying the flow magnitudes at the destination position. This gives us our OD map.
It would be trivial to swap the origins and destinations, giving a set of origin maps by simply swapping the from
and to
fields in the trans
usMigrationODMap : Spec
usMigrationODMap =
cfg =
<< configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
<< configuration (coHeader [ hdLabelFontSize 0.1 ])
<< configuration (coFacet [ facoSpacing 10 ])
w =
1200 / 11
stateData =
dataFromUrl (path "usGridmap.csv") [ parse [ ( "row", foNum ), ( "col", foNum ) ] ]
flowData =
dataFromUrl (path "usStateMigration.csv") [ parse [ ( "volume", foNum ) ] ]
trans =
<< lookup "from" stateData "state" (luFieldsAs [ ( "col", "oCol" ), ( "row", "oRow" ) ])
<< lookup "to" stateData "state" (luFieldsAs [ ( "col", "dCol" ), ( "row", "dRow" ) ])
labelTrans =
<< filter (fiExpr "datum.from ==")
encPos =
<< position X
[ pName "col"
, pQuant
, pScale [ scNice niFalse, scZero False ]
, pAxis []
<< position Y
[ pName "row"
, pQuant
, pSort [ soDescending ]
, pScale [ scNice niFalse, scZero False ]
, pAxis []
encLabel =
<< text [ tName "state" ]
labelSpec =
asSpec [ stateData, encLabel [], textMark [ maFontSize (w / 18), maOpacity 0.5, maFont "Roboto Condensed", maColor "white" ] ]
res =
<< resolution (reScale [ ( chColor, reIndependent ) ])
encFlow =
<< position X
[ pName "dCol"
, pQuant
, pScale [ scNice niFalse, scZero False, scDomain (doNums [ 0, 10 ]) ]
, pAxis []
<< position Y
[ pName "dRow"
, pQuant
, pSort [ soDescending ]
, pScale [ scNice niFalse, scZero False, scDomain (doNums [ -1.5, 8.5 ]) ]
, pAxis []
<< color
[ mCondition (prTest (expr "datum.volume < 0"))
[ mStr "black" ]
[ mName "volume", mQuant, mScale [ scType scSymLog ], mScale [ scScheme "reds" [ 0, 1 ] ], mLegend [] ]
flowSpec =
asSpec [ encFlow [], square [ maSize (w * w / 120), maOpacity 1 ] ]
dMapSpec =
asSpec [ width w, height w, layer [ flowSpec, labelSpec ] ]
[ cfg []
, title "US State to State Migration, 2018"
[ tiAnchor anMiddle
, tiFontSize (w / 2.7)
, tiOffset (w / -1.2)
, tiFont "Roboto"
, tiSubtitle "Each small map represents a single state's out-migrants, showing where in the US they moved. \nDarker red indicates larger numbers of people moving. Black squares represent those who did not move."
, tiSubtitleFontSize (w / 7.6)
, flowData
, trans []
, res []
, facet
[ rowBy [ fName "oRow", fOrdinal, fHeader [ hdTitle "" ] ]
, columnBy [ fName "oCol", fOrdinal, fHeader [ hdTitle "" ] ]
, specification dMapSpec