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#Publish to Apple News


Installing the Publish to Apple News plugin is similar to the process of installing other WordPress plugins. Simply perform these steps:

  1. Download the Publish to Apple News plugin.
  2. Upload the entire “publish-to-apple-news” folder to the “./wp-content/plugins” directory on your web server.
  3. Activate the Publish to Apple News plugin using the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.

Once activated, the "Apple News" menu should appear in your WordPress Admin panel.

NEW IN 1.1.6: More descriptive errors messages to allow for easier troubleshooting, especially for those without access to the News Preview tool.

NEW IN 1.1.4: We've made some improvements to the default template built into the plugin. Although it won't override your current settings, we strongly recommend placing the Cover image at the top of the Component Order settings for the best experience.

BREAKING CHANGE IN 1.1: Please note the "Options" page has been merged into a single page for setting sections, preview and pull quotes when pushing content to Apple News. This both adds functionality and streamlines the workflow.

Troubleshooting: Resolving Image Issues

Until recently, Apple News required all images to be bundled with the API request. Some hosts do not support allow_url_fopen, which is required for this functionality to work. Apple News now supports remote images so if you are experiencing any errors with images, please go to Settings > Apple News and set Use Remote Images to 'yes' under Advanced Settings. Please note that in order for this to work, your images must be publicly accessible which is the case for most sites. However, if you're testing on a local development site, your images are likely not accessible and therefore you should set this to 'no'.

###Troubleshooting: Resolving Potential Permissions Issues

In most cases, the Publish to Apple News plugin should function immediately once installed. However, in some cases the default permissions WordPress has set for the plugin directory may be too restrictive to allow plugins to function properly. If you encounter errors, you may need to modify the permissions of both the “./apple-export/workspace” and the “./apple-export/workspace/tmp” directories. In most cases, setting permissions for these two directories to “775” will enable plugins to function properly. For additional information and detailed instructions for setting WordPress directory permissions, please see this WordPress technical post.


Once the Publish to Apple News plugin has been installed and activated, the next step is configuration. To begin, choose Settings > Apple News from the WordPress Admin panel.

###Publishing your WordPress Site to Apple News

This plugin is not responsible for setting up or managing your News Publisher channel with Apple, nor does using this plugin guarantee that Apple News will accept your content. Some information and links to documentation are provided here to point you in the right direction for this process. Please see the Apple Developer and Apple News Publisher documentation and terms on Apple’s website for complete information.

To enable content from your WordPress blog to be published to your Apple News channel, you must obtain and enter your Apple News API credentials from Apple to enable your WordPress content to be published to Apple News.

To obtain these credentials, click the “Apple News documentation” link at the top of the “API Settings” subsection of Settings > Apple News. This link will direct you to instructions for obtaining your credentials. Once you receive them from Apple, enter your private API Key, Secret, and Channel settings into the “Apple News API” fields. Once entered, you can begin publishing WordPress site content to Apple News.

###General (Site-wide) Settings

Once your WordPress site has been linked to your Apple News channel, your next step is to configure site-wide general settings that determine how your content will be published to Apple News. You may want to review these site-wide settings on occasion.

####Choosing How Content is Published to Apple News

The most important setting is the “Automatically Publish to Apple News” setting, located at the bottom of the “Apple News API” subsection of Settings > Apple News.

By default, this option is set to Yes, so that whenever you publish or update an article on your own WordPress site, the article will also be automatically pushed to your Apple News channel, without any additional action or customization on your part. In most cases, this setting is recommended.

If you would instead prefer more granular control over which content is posted to your Apple News channel, set “Automatically Publish…” to No. With this setting, new content posted to your site will not be automatically pushed to your Apple News channel. In this case, you will need to manually push any posts you create, or later modify, to Apple News (this process is described in “Per-Post Settings” below).

####Set Default Formatting

The “Formatting” subsection of Settings > Apple News provides options that determine the general appearance for how posts in Apple News should appear. These settings are relatively detailed, giving you a higher level of control over how your content should appear. Note that if you do not apply specific preferences, the default settings have been designed so that your content will have a consistent, professional appearance.

####Advanced Settings

Advanced settings allow you to set custom content height settings. In most cases, the default settings will provide the best results. However, you can also enter custom values if desired (values are typographical point sizes). To return to the default values, simply clear any values entered into these fields.


Once the above steps are completed, you’re ready to publish content to Apple News. If you’ve chosen to automatically publish your blog content to Apple News, all posts created and updated from this time forward will automatically be pushed to your Apple News channel. If you’ve disabled Automatic Publishing to Apple News, the following section describes the tools you’ll use to manually publish selected posts from your WordPress site to Apple News.

In addition, no matter which Automatic Publishing option you’ve selected, this section describes how you can override general settings for any specific post as desired.

###The “Apple News” Admin Panel Menu

The “Apple News” menu (not to be confused with the site-wide Settings > Apple News described in the previous section) provides important tools and settings for specific posts.

####Controlling Individual Posts

The top section of the “Apple News” pane provides a dashboard-like view that displays each post you’ve published on your WordPress blog, as well as whether each post has been published to your Apple News channel, and if so, the date of the latest update. In addition, individual and bulk controls give you granular control over each post.

As described above, if you’ve chosen to automatically publish content to Apple News, each new post that you publish (or later update) on your own WordPress site will also be automatically pushed to your Apple News channel. In this case, your primary use of these settings will likely be to override any posts you choose not to publish to Apple News.

On the other hand, if you’ve chosen not to automatically publish your content to Apple News, you will likely use these settings much more frequently. These settings will be the tool you’ll use each time you wish to initially publish — or later update — WordPress posts to Apple News.

####Individual Controls

To publish a single post to your Apple News channel (or perform other actions), locate the desired post in the list of your locally published content, and hover your mouse immediately below the post’s title. This will display a contextual menu, presenting the following choices: “Download” and “Publish”. In addition, for posts already published to Apple News, two more choices will be displayed: “Delete from Apple News” and “Copy News URL“.

Choosing “Publish” will take you to a screen where you can select the sections to publish to, set the article as a preview, and optionally add a Pull Quote for the selected post. In addition to entering a pull quote, you can choose to place it at the top, middle, or bottom of the selected post. Click the button at the bottom to push the current version of the selected post to Apple News

Choosing “Delete from Apple News” will permanently remove the post from Apple News. You can override either choice at any future time (e.g., a post deleted from Apple News can later be published once again if desired). Note that once a post has been deleted from Apple News, no further updates will automatically be published to Apple News, regardless of whether you’ve enabled “Automatically Publish to Apple News” in your general settings.

The “Download” option will generate a JSON document describing the selected post to your browser’s default Downloads location.

####Bulk Publishing Controls

Bulk actions can be particularly helpful for pushing older content to your Apple News channel. This is because Automatic Publishing only takes effect on content created or modified after the Publish to Apple News plugin has been installed. Therefore, to push a number of pre-existing posts to Apple News, Bulk Publishing can save significant time and redundant steps.

Warning: Using Bulk Publishing for a large number of pre-existing posts at one time may require significant processing time and server resources. It is recommended that you test this feature with smaller batches of pre-existing posts first.

You can choose to publish several posts to your Apple News channel at once, using the Bulk Actions control located at the top left of this section. Simply check any number of desired posts, then select “publish” from the Bulk Actions menu. This will open a page displaying the posts you’ve selected, and the status of each post as it is pushed to Apple News. Note that while bulk publishing actions are in progress, you should not close your browser window or navigate away from this page. Doing so will halt the bulk action in progress.

Bulk publishing will use the default section for your channel unless you have previously set the channel via the Apple News meta box on the post edit screen.


In general, little effort should be required to prepare your content itself for publishing to Apple News once you’ve configured this plugin to your desired settings. Even so, these simple tips will help your content look its best:

####Controlling Image Placement

By default, images inserted in your content will be placed inline, and will follow WordPress placement rules. You may find your images will be presented better within Apple News if you take the time to set the appearance of each image. To do this, in the WordPress text editor, click on an image, which will display a contextual alignment menu. This will provide you with a series of simple granular controls, allowing you to determine more precisely where each image will be displayed when your post appears in Apple News.

The featured image on your post will automatically be used as the Apple News cover image. If no featured image is found, the first available image in the post will be used as the cover and will be automatically removed from the body in order to avoid duplication.

Note that images smaller than the body width (~1024px) will always be aligned. If you want to display an image without alignment, make sure it’s big enough.


You may also select an image to appear as a banner at the top of your post. To do this, choose a featured image by clicking on the “Set Featured Image” link when creating or updating a post. The image will displayed full width at the top of the selected post.

####Image Galleries

You can add image galleries the same way you do in WordPress, by using the “Add Media” button in the WordPress editor. Once there, navigate to “Create Gallery” and choose any images you want. Once done, choose to use “Full Size” images instead of thumbnails. By default, galleries will be shown as a horizontal slide; if desired, you can change this to “Mosaic” style in the plugin settings.


While this plugin is not responsible for managing advertising options for your Apple News channel, it does provide simple settings to help you prepare your content for this. Please see the Apple News Publisher and iAds documentation and terms on Apple’s website for more information about advertising options on Apple News.

By default, your exported posts should be ready to include advertising content somewhere in the middle of your content. If you don’t want your WordPress content to be prepared in this way, simply set the “Advertisement” option in the plugin settings to No.

For developers

If you are a developer, feel free to keep reading if you want to contribute. Publish to Apple News WordPress plugin works only on the admin-side so no public/ folder.

Coding standards

PHP code must follow WordPress Coding Standards.

Using EditorConfig is recommended so files always use the same formatting.


In order to work with the plugin, you'll need a webserver such as Apache with PHP 5.3.6+ and MySQL 5+.

It's recommended to create a symbolic link for better code organization.

  1. git clone ssh://... apple-export
  2. cd apple-export
  3. ln -s /home/my-user/my-projects/wppl /var/www/my-wp-installation/wp-content/plugins/apple-export

Make sure /home/my-user has execute permissions or WordPress might not show it as a plugin. You can do so by doing chmod o+x /home/my-user.

PHP Configuration

Make sure PHP's memory_limit setting is big enough, or set to -1, as the plugin might work with big images. Also make sure PHP's upload limit is big enough.

Running tests

You'll need PHPUnit v4.5+ to run tests. Initially you'll need to set up the test environment, you can do so by running

bin/ <db-name> <db-user> <db-pass> [db-host] [wp-version]

For example

bin/ wp_test root '' localhost latest

That script will download latest wordpress as well as latest wordpress' tests so /tests/bootstrap.php can load them.

You'll also need to set up your API credentials using your system's environmental variables. For UNIX systems (OS X, Linux, etc) you can simply edit the ~/.profile file, adding your variables as follows:

export WP_PLUGIN_KEY=my-api-key
export WP_PLUGIN_SECRET=my-api-secret
export WP_PLUGIN_CHANNEL=my-api-channel

Once updated, reload it using source ~/.profile. Test it out by doing echo $WP_PLUGIN_KEY, it should display your key in the terminal.

Now you can simply use the phpunit command to run the tests.