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186 lines (134 loc) · 7.32 KB

File metadata and controls

186 lines (134 loc) · 7.32 KB

v2.3.0 (Unreleased)

  • Migrated to Go modules
  • Upgraded NATS client to 1.10 and test server to NATS 2.1.4


Listener batch size handling

  • Fail config validation if listener batch size is greater than 1MB. NATS will only accept messages of up to 1MB in size.
  • Ensure the listener will never send a batch to NATS that is bigger than the 1MB which NATS will accept. This was previously possible under some circumstances.

InfluxDB HTTP basic auth support

influx-spout writers can now authenticate to InfluxDB backends if required. The username and password are read from two environment variables (INFLUXDB_USER and INFLUXDB_PASS).

Write retries

influx-spout writers will now retry failed writes for a configurable number of times. Retries are configured by the following new options:

  • writer_retry_batches: The maximum number of batches that failed to write to InfluxDB to track for retry at any given time. The oldest retry batch will be discarded if necessary to keep the set of batches being retried within this limit. Default is 1. Set to 0 to disable write retries.
  • writer_retry_interval: The amount of time between write retry attempts. Default is "10s".
  • writer_retry_timeout: The maximum amount of time to keep retrying a given batch. Default is "1m"

Enforce maximum writer batch size

When writing a batch to InfluxDB it is possible for the batch size to exceed the maximum batch size because incoming lines are unlikely to exactly fit inside the desired batch size. A BatchSplitter is now used to ensure that the configured batch size is never exceeded.

This is important because InfluxDB has a maximum body size that it will accept.


  • Fixed escape handling bugs in downsampler component.
  • The Prometheus metrics published by each influx-spout component is now documented in
  • InfluxDB Line Protocol unescaping is now about 4% faster.
  • Batches recevied by the listener component will now have a newline added if it is missing.
  • Fixed incorrect accounting of received batches for the UDP listener.
  • Fix potential issues with batch memory growth. Batch buffers now grow by at least the maximum UDP packet size to ensure that there is always sufficient memory available.


New downsampler component

The downsamper is useful for creating rolled up versions of metrics streams for long term archive.

It reads measurements from one or more NATS subjects, averaging numeric fields over a sampling period (as set by downsample_period), emitting the averaged values every sampling period. For non-numeric fields, the last value seen for each sampling period is emitted. Measurements are emitted on clean time boundaries regardless of when the downsampler was started.

Downsampled lines are emitted to a NATS subject with the same name as the input subject but with a suffix as set by the downsample_suffix configuration option (default is -archive)

filter: New "tags rule type

A new rule type has been introduced which allows matching against one or more exact tags on measurement lines. The approach taken is much faster than using regexes to achieve the same kinds of matches (80-1000% depending on number tags to match and line size). This approach is also much safer as matching is independent of tag order and matches tag keys and values precisely.

filter: Tag sorting

The filter now orders tag keys in all measurement lines passing through it. This ensures the best performance when lines are inserted into InfluxDB and is also required for the downsampler component.

filter: Avoid unnecessary escaping

Unescaping of lines is now avoided where possible avoiding unnecessary computation and memory allocation. This improves performance significantly in many cases.

filter: Measurement name hash caching

The hash of measurement names in lines are now cached. This speeds up matching when there are multiple "basic" filter rules.


  • Fixed invalid TOML in README
  • Fix race in probes package tests
  • Retry gnatsd startup in tests (a common reason for CI failure)
  • Automatically manage probe port allocations in end-to-end test
  • Generate releases out of Travis CI


Configuration cleanup


Some significant changes to influx-spout's configuration file have been made to improvement usability, clarity and consistency. These changes break compatibility with the previous configuration file format. Some configuration options have been renamed, some take a different value type and one has been removed.

Here's a summary of the changes:

Old Name New Name Old Format New Format
batch_max_mb batch_max_size integer (MB) string, flexible units (e.g. "20MB")
nats_pending_max_mb nats_max_pending_size integer (MB) string, flexible units (e.g. "1GB")
read_buffer_bytes read_buffer_size integer (bytes) string, flexible units (e.g. "512K")
batch batch_max_count integer count (unchanged)
listener_batch_size Removed - use batch_max_size instead
batch_max_secs batch_max_age integer (seconds) string, flexible units (e.g. "5m")
max_time_delta_secs max_time_delta integer (seconds) string, flexible units (e.g. "30s")
write_timeout_secs write_timeout integer (seconds) string, flexible units (e.g. "10s")

Listener batch aging

The listener component will now send its batch if the age of the batch exceeds a configured limit, as set by the batch_max_age option. This prevents batched lines from being held up if the rate of data received by the listener drops. The default listener batch age is 5 minutes.

Hostname included in internal metrics

The metrics that each influx-spout component exposes (in Prometheus format) now include a hostname label.

Configurable stats interval

The interval at which each influx-spout component publishes its own metrics is now configurable using the new stats_interval option. This was previously fixed at 3 seconds.

Configuration validation

Various errors in influx-spout's configuration are now checked for. influx-spout will fail to start if a configuration error is detected.

Performance improvements for internal stats

  • Avoid unnecessary name lookups for index based metrics.
  • Use atomic counter updates instead of mutex.
  • stats package microbenchmark is now 78% faster.

Developer tooling for manual tests

  • Added slow (fake) influxd tool (cmd/slowinfluxd). This is useful for testing how influx-spout behaves when dealing with slow consumers.
  • Added watchmem tool for monitoring memory consumption.
  • Documented how to run a manual slow consumer test.


  • Code structure: all binaries now live as subpackages under the cmd top level package.
  • The writer and listener now share the same batch type instead of having independent but similar implementations.
  • Cleaner handling for internal Prometheus labels.
  • Fixed minor linter issues


For this release and older see the notes at