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This is a NodeJS based software for raspberry pi to control my heater at home. Maybe you'll find it useful for yourself.


  • Time and location based temperature: at home, away, or away for holidays
  • Interrupt the automatic setup for 15 minutes heating
  • control via iOS 10 HomeKit
  • Display the current status on a connected LCD display

How it works

Right now the software just activates a relay when the temperature gets too low. In theory it should be possible to extend it in order to support digital thermostats.


  • RaspberryPi or similar
  • relay module (I used the Foxnovo 2-channel relay)
  • temperature sensor (I used a DS18B20 sensor)
  • some wiring
  • NodeJS 6 (tested with 6.9.x)
  • MongoDB (tested with 3.4.x)
  • optional: -- forever a node deamonizer, OR: -- pm2 and avanced process manager, which consumes quite a lot of ressouces (wasn't able to run it on a raspberry 1, you should use forever instead -- 1602 LCD display module


  • setup your RaspberryPi (or something similar) like in the matching guidelines
  • connect your relay to GND and a GPIO port
  • connect and setup your temerature sensor according to it's manual
  • install NodeJS like this:
    $ wget 
    $ sudo dpkg -i node_latest_armhf.deb
  • node -v should now return something like this:
    $ node -v
  • optionally install pm2 or forever like this:
    $ sudo npm install pm2 -g
    $ sudo npm install forever -g
  • checkout this repository, probably in ~/raspi-heater/ or /etc/raspi-heater/
  • run npm install in that directory
  • create environment config file:
    • create new file .env
    • add the mongodb location like MONGODB='localhost/heater'
    • you can use both a local mongodb and a server based, although i noticed that the latency is likely too high to support a proper control
  • Adjust config.json to your needs:
    • Change the GPIO ports to your ones and your sensor name
    • Change the desired days, times and temperatures - if no temerature is set for a status, the default temperatures will be used
    • Change the locale
    • If you want to use multiple raspi-heaters: -- use the same central database -- give each one a different zone id -- deactivate the home- and holiday status accessories on every instance exept the main one
  • start the processes you need:
    • bin/control.js for the general controller
    • bin/homekit.js for homekit support
    • bin/display.js if you've connected a display
    • you can start all three with the pm2 process manager with the added process.json
  • if you want to start the processes via a custom /etc/init.d-Script, you probably want to install raspi-heater into a public location like /etc/raspi-heater instead of one users home folder
    • then you can add the processes to your custom /etc/init.d-script (assuming you want to use forever):
      cd /etc/raspi-heater && sudo forever bin/control.js
      cd /etc/raspi-heater && sudo forever bin/homekit.js
      cd /etc/raspi-heater && sudo forever bin/display.js
    • if you want to use pm2 you can simply add:
      cd /etc/raspi-heater && sudo pm2 start process.json
  • to check the current status:
    $ node bin/status.js
    #### raspi-heater Status
    heaterOn        true   since 8 minutes
    targetHeaterOn  false  since a few seconds
    cooldownOn      false  since 25 minutes
    heatingMode     auto   changed 8 minutes ago
    isHome     true
    isHoliday  false
    current temerature:  19.9
    target temerature:   20.0

Future features (maybe)

  • browser interface
    • server based, with own database and replication
  • real support for multiple instances in the same home network