This topic contains release notes for Tanzu Application Platform v1.2
Release Date: MONTH DAY, 2022
This release includes the following changes, listed by component and area.
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
- View resource status on a workload
- Added ability to indicate how Cartographer can read the state of the resource and reflect it on the owner status.
- Surfaces information about the health of resources directly on the owner status.
- Adds a field in the spec
where authors can specify how to determine the health of the underlying resource for that template. The resource can be in one of the following states: A stamped resource can be in one of three states: 'Healthy' (status True), 'Unhealthy' (status False), or 'Unknown' (status Unknown). If no healthRule is defined, Cartographer defaults to listing the resource asHealthy
once it is successfully applied to the cluster and any outputs are read off the resource.
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
TODO deprecation notice, namespace bug as known issue
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
TODO fill this out
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
Supply Chain Plug-in
- Added ability to visualize CVE scan results in the Details pane for both Build and Image Scan stages, as well as scan policy information, without using the CLI
- Added ability to visualize the deployment of a workload as a deliverable in a multicluster environment in the supply chain graph
- Added a deeplink to view approvals for PRs in a GitHub repository so that PRs can be reviewed and approved, resulting in the deployment of a workload to any cluster configured to accept a deployment
- Added Reason column to the Workloads table to indicate causes for errors encountered during supply chain execution
Feature 2
- Feature 1
- Feature 2
This release has the following breaking changes, listed by area and component.
- Breaking change 1
- Breaking change 2
- Breaking change 1
- Breaking change 2
- Breaking change 1
- Breaking change 2
This following issues, listed by area and component, are resolved in this release.
- Resolved issue 1
- Resolved issue 2
- Resolved issue 1
- Resolved issue 2
- Resolved issue 1
- Resolved issue 2
- Resolved issue 1
- Resolved issue 2
- Resolved issue 1
- Resolved issue 2
- Resolved issue 1
- Resolved issue 2
- Resolved issue 1
- Resolved issue 2
- Resolved issue 1
- Resolved issue 2
This release has the following known issues, listed by area and component.
- Known issue 1
- Known issue 2
- Known issue 1
- Known issue 2
- Known issue 1
- Known issue 2
- Known issue 1
- Known issue 2
- Known issue 1
- Known issue 2
- Known issue 1
- Known issue 2
- Known issue 1
- Known issue 2