diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
index b055777..f30aaa9 100644
--- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml
+++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml
@@ -29,7 +29,8 @@ repos:
exclude: |
- docs/openapi.json
+ docs/openapi.json|
+ docs/project_structure.md
- prettier
diff --git a/docs/clients.md b/docs/clients.md
deleted file mode 100644
index a5bcaad..0000000
--- a/docs/clients.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-# API Clients
-hatch run generate:all
-## Python
-The python client is generated using [openapi-generator](https://openapi-generator.tech/). It will be
-generated in the `dist/clients/python` directory.
-from typing import List, Dict, Any
-from openapi_client import ApiClient, AnimalsApi, AnimalsRead, Configuration
-config = Configuration(host="http://localhost:8000")
-client = ApiClient(configuration=config)
-animals_api = AnimalsApi(api_client=client)
-animals_dicts: List[Dict[str, Any]] = animals_api.animals_get_animals()
-animals = [AnimalsRead(**animal) for animal in animals_dicts]
-## TypeScript
-The TypeScript client is generated
-using [openapi-typescript-codegen](https://github.com/ferdikoomen/openapi-typescript-codegen). It will be
-generated in the `dist/clients/typescript` directory.
-import { AnimalsApi, AnimalsRead } from "./clients/typescript";
-const animalsApi = new AnimalsApi({ basePath: "http://localhost:8000" });
-const animals: AnimalsRead[] = await animalsApi.animalsGetAnimals();
-!!! note
- The TypeScript client is not yet documented :disappointed:
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index 1cbf310..07f6951 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -15,5 +15,5 @@ and [Alembic](https://alembic.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/).
- [Infrastructure :building_construction:](infrastructure.md)
- [Contributing :handshake:](contributing.md)
-- [API Clients :computer:](clients.md)
+- [Project Structure :file_folder:](project_structure.md)
- [OpenAPI Docs :sparkles:](openapi.md)
diff --git a/docs/infrastructure.md b/docs/infrastructure.md
index 5a6fcef..590346c 100644
--- a/docs/infrastructure.md
+++ b/docs/infrastructure.md
@@ -7,25 +7,83 @@ asynchronous web framework for building APIs with Python. FastAPI, in turn, is b
of [Starlette](https://www.starlette.io/), a lightweight ASGI framework/toolkit, and
[pydantic](https://docs.pydantic.dev/latest/), a data validation and settings management library.
-#### FastAPI
+??? example "FastAPI"
-from fastapi import FastAPI
+ ```python
+ from fastapi import FastAPI
-app = FastAPI()
+ app = FastAPI()
-async def root():
- return {"message": "Hello World"}
+ @app.get("/")
+ async def root():
+ return {"message": "Hello World"}
+ ```
### Database ORM
-`zoo` uses [SQLModel](https://sqlmodel.tiangolo.com/), a library that provides a declarative
-interface for interacting with databases in Python. SQLModel is built on top
-of [Pydantic](https://pydantic-docs.helpmanual.io/) and
-[SQLAlchemy](https://www.sqlalchemy.org/), a popular SQL toolkit and ORM for Python.
+`zoo` uses [SQLAlchemy 2.0](https://www.sqlalchemy.org/), an Object Relational Mapper (ORM), which means it provides
+a way to interact with databases using Python objects instead of raw SQL. SQLAlchemy 2.0
+is the latest version of SQLAlchemy, which includes support for async/await and the
+latest Python features such as type annotations.
+??? example "SQLAlchemy"
+ ```python
+ from typing import Optional
+ from sqlalchemy import ForeignKey
+ from sqlalchemy.orm import Mapped, mapped_column
+ from sqlalchemy.orm import declarative_base
+ Base = declarative_base()
+ class Hero(Base):
+ """
+ Heroes Database Model
+ """
+ __tablename__ = "heroes"
+ hero_id: Mapped[int] = mapped_column(primary_key=True)
+ name: Mapped[str]
+ powers: Mapped[Optional[str]] = mapped_column(default=None, nullable=True)
+ secret_identity_id: Mapped[Optional[int]] = mapped_column(ForeignKey("identities.identity_id"),
+ nullable=True, default=None)
+ ```
+### Data Models
+`zoo` uses [Pydantic v2](https://docs.pydantic.dev/latest/), a data validation and settings management library.
+Pydantic is used to define the data models for the API endpoints, as well as the
+interface between the API endpoints and the SQLAlchemy ORM models.
+??? example "Pydantic"
+ ```python
+ from typing import Optional
+ from pydantic import BaseModel
+ class HeroBase(BaseModel):
+ """
+ Hero Base Data Model
+ """
+ hero_id: int
+ name: str
+ powers: Optional[str] = None
+ secret_identity_id: Optional[int] = None
+ ```
+### API Authentication
+`zoo` leverages [fastapi-users](https://frankie567.github.io/fastapi-users/), a high-level library for
+building user authentication on top of FastAPI. fastapi-users provides a set of utilities
+for registering, authenticating, and managing users, as well as a set of endpoints for
+interacting with the user database.
### Database Migrations
diff --git a/docs/openapi.json b/docs/openapi.json
index 57582b6..6ab8a9e 100644
--- a/docs/openapi.json
+++ b/docs/openapi.json
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"openapi": "3.1.0",
"info": {
"title": "zoo",
- "description": "### An asynchronous zoo API, powered by FastAPI and SQLModel\n\n[](https://juftin.com)",
+ "description": "### An asynchronous zoo API, powered by FastAPI, SQLAlchemy 2.0, Pydantic v2, and Alembic\n\n[](https://juftin.com)",
"version": "0.1.0"
"paths": {
diff --git a/docs/openapi.md b/docs/openapi.md
index 187c63d..72d5589 100644
--- a/docs/openapi.md
+++ b/docs/openapi.md
@@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
## Interactive Docs
-Interactive Swagger docs are available via `/docs` endpoint.
+Interactive Swagger docs are available via `/docs` endpoint of the
+ASGI application.
hatch run app:serve
diff --git a/docs/project_structure.md b/docs/project_structure.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..679fe28
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/project_structure.md
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+# Project Structure
+This project is structured as a Python package. The tree structure is as
+follows (with some files omitted for brevity):
+├── Dockerfile
+├── alembic.ini
+├── docker-compose.yaml
+├── migrations
+│ ├── env.py
+│ ├── script.py.mako
+│ └── versions
+│ └── 2023_08_20_1729-e5fccc3522ce_initial_migration.py
+├── pyproject.toml
+├── requirements.txt
+├── tests
+│ ├── api
+│ │ └── test_animals_api.py
+│ └── conftest.py
+└── zoo
+ ├── __init__.py
+ ├── __main__.py
+ ├── _version.py
+ ├── api
+ │ ├── __init__.py
+ │ └── animals.py
+ ├── app.py
+ ├── config.py
+ ├── db.py
+ ├── models
+ │ ├── __init__.py
+ │ └── animals.py
+ └── schemas
+ ├── __init__.p
+ └── animals.py
+## Project Files
+- ??? abstract ":ship: Dockerfile"
+ ```dockerfile
+ --8<-- "Dockerfile"
+ ```
+ - Dockerfile for building the Docker image.
+- ??? abstract ":gear: alembic.ini"
+ ```ini
+ --8<-- "alembic.ini"
+ ```
+ - Configuration file for Alembic project.
+- ??? abstract ":whale: docker-compose.yaml"
+ ```yaml
+ --8<-- "docker-compose.yaml"
+ ```
+ - Docker Compose configuration file for running the application.
+- ??? abstract ":snake: migrations/env.py"
+ ```python
+ --8<-- "migrations/env.py"
+ ```
+ - Configuration file for Alembic migrations to interface with the application
+ database.
+- ??? abstract ":page_facing_up: migrations/script.py.mako"
+ ```python
+ --8<-- "migrations/script.py.mako"
+ ```
+ - Template file for Alembic migrations.
+- ??? abstract ":snake: migrations/versions/2023_08_20_1729-e5fccc3522ce_initial_migration.py"
+ ```python
+ --8<-- "migrations/versions/2023_08_20_1729-e5fccc3522ce_initial_migration.py"
+ ```
+ - Initial migration script generated by Alembic. This is an example of what
+ a migration script looks like - containing an `upgrade` and `downgrade`
+ function.
+- ??? abstract ":gear: pyproject.toml"
+ ```toml
+ --8<-- "pyproject.toml"
+ ```
+ - Configuration file for Python Package and Tooling.
+- ??? abstract ":gear: requirements.txt"
+ ```requirements.txt
+ --8<-- "requirements.txt"
+ ```
+ - Python dependencies for the application. This file is created and managed
+ using [pip-tools](https://pip-tools.readthedocs.io/en/latest/).
+- ??? abstract ":test_tube: tests/api/test_animals_api.py"
+ ```python
+ --8<-- "tests/api/test_animals_api.py"
+ ```
+ - Unit tests for the API endpoints.
+- ??? abstract ":test_tube: tests/conftest.py"
+ ```python
+ --8<-- "tests/conftest.py"
+ ```
+ - Configuration file for pytest. This contains fixtures that are used by the
+ unit tests. This includes a special `client` fixture that is used to
+ perform requests against the application with an ephemeral migrated database.
+- ??? abstract ":snake: zoo/**main**.py"
+ ```python
+ --8<-- "zoo/__main__.py"
+ ```
+ - Command-line entrypoint for the application, built with
+ [click](https://click.palletsprojects.com/). This is
+ used to run the application using `python -m zoo`.
+- ??? abstract ":snake: zoo/\_version.py"
+ ```python
+ --8<-- "zoo/_version.py"
+ ```
+ - Version file for the application. This is used by hatch to
+ set the version of the application.
+- ??? abstract ":snake: zoo/api/animals.py"
+ ```python
+ --8<-- "zoo/api/animals.py"
+ ```
+ - The `api` module contains the API endpoints for the application. This
+ includes the `animals` module, which contains the endpoints for the
+ `/animals` API. These `api` modules contain the relevant FastAPI
+ endpoints, as well as any supporting functions.
+- ??? abstract ":snake: zoo/app.py"
+ ```python
+ --8<-- "zoo/app.py"
+ ```
+ - The `app` module contains the FastAPI application instance. This is
+ where the FastAPI application is created, and where the application
+ dependencies are configured.
+- ??? abstract ":snake: zoo/config.py"
+ ```python
+ --8<-- "zoo/config.py"
+ ```
+ - The `config` module contains the application configuration. This
+ includes the `Settings` class, which is used to configure the
+ application using environment variables.
+- ??? abstract ":snake: zoo/db.py"
+ ```python
+ --8<-- "zoo/db.py"
+ ```
+ - The `db` module contains the database configuration. This includes
+ the `SessionLocal` class, which is used to create a SQLAlchemy
+ session for the application.
+- ??? abstract ":snake: zoo/models/animals.py"
+ ```python
+ --8<-- "zoo/models/animals.py"
+ ```
+ - The `models` module contains the SQLAlchemy models for the application.
+- ??? abstract ":snake: zoo/schemas/animals.py"
+ ```python
+ --8<-- "zoo/schemas/animals.py"
+ ```
+ - The `schemas` module contains the Pydantic schemas for the application.
+ These schemas are used to validate the request and response data for the
+ API endpoints.
diff --git a/mkdocs.yaml b/mkdocs.yaml
index baaa99e..a3878f1 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yaml
+++ b/mkdocs.yaml
@@ -5,8 +5,8 @@ nav:
- index.md
- Contributing 🤝: contributing.md
- Infrastructure 🏗: infrastructure.md
- - API Clients 💻: clients.md
- OpenAPI Docs ✨: openapi.md
+ - Project Structure 📂: project_structure.md
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- -i /local/docs/openapi.json \
- -g python \
- -o /local/dist/clients/python
- """
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+ "An asynchronous zoo API, powered by FastAPI, SQLAlchemy 2.0, Pydantic v2, and Alembic"
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