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Macro Code Generation

Julien SOYSOUVANH edited this page Jul 8, 2021 · 1 revision


The macro specialization of the framework allows generating code to inject back into the source code. The code can be inserted in 4 different locations:

  • at the top of a parsed header file (HeaderFileHeader);
  • in a parsed struct or class (ClassFooter);
  • at the end of a parsed header file (HeaderFileFooter);
  • at the top of a source file (SourceFileHeader);

To do so, the generator will generate 2 files, which must be included in the header and source files.

The source code would look like something like this:

#pragma once

//All includes here

#include "Generated/ExampleClass.h.h"  //Generated header file, must be the last include
//Code generated for the "HeaderFileHeader" location is injected as soon as the generated file is included

class Class() ExampleClass
    //Write some stuff in here

    ExampleClass_GENERATED  //Code generated for the "ClassFooter" location is injected here

File_ExampleClass_GENERATED //Code generated for the "HeaderFileFooter" location is injected here

//All includes here, note that it is not necessary to include ExampleClass.h here since it
//is already included in the generated source file.
#include "Generated/ExampleClass.src.h"
//Code generated for the "SourceFileHeader" location is injected as soon as the generated file is included

//Write your code here as usual