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Could do some topological analysis of stream networks. Perhaps represent them schematically? Would be good practice for Advent Of Code in December.
Could show flow accumulation lines generated from LandSerf. Can produce pleasing cartographic output.
Flow lines generated in LandSerf from OS50 Terrain DEM of SD and NY tiles:
- clip to SW Lakes District region - (312875,500025) to (329325,514825)
- pit removal with channelling
- flow accumulation with vectors selected, minimum flow magnitude of 2, 70% sample
- saved as shapefile
Major streamlines imported from Ordnance Survey OpenRivers dataset, clipped in mapshaper and saved as topoJSON:
clip bbox=313545,500650,328710,514250
o format=topojson swLakeDistrictStreams.json
Relief shading generated in LandSerf using same clipped DEM as step 1. Saved as point file. Add
header to file and replace tabs with commas to createdswLakeDistrictRelief.csv
. -
Import flow vector shapefile into mapshaper, simplify and clip to slightly smaller region to remove edge effects:
clip bbox=313545,500650,328710,514250
simplify 98%
o format=topojson swLakeDistrictFlows.json
- Wastwater lake boundary extracted from OS Vectormap District, tile NY. Shapefiles
loaded into mapshaper, filtered, clipped and saved as topojson:
filter ID=='37B40360-928E-402B-9F1D-3A46BCCF7501'
clip bbox=313545,500650,328710,514250
o format=topojson lakes.json
Location of generated files:
path : String -> String
path file =
"" ++ file
Show flow lines against a shaded relief map of terrain. Keep shaded relief somewhat subdued to enhance contrast with flow lines. Using transparency for lines helps to show difference between upper and lower accumulations along their length. Flat regions are a problem for the flow accumulation algorithm, so overlay lake features (in this case, just Wastwater).
flowMap : Spec
flowMap =
w =
h =
w * 273 / 304
waterColour =
lakeColour =
flowData =
dataFromUrl (path "swLakeDistrictFlows.json") [ topojsonFeature "flows" ]
streamData =
dataFromUrl (path "swLakeDistrictStreams.json") [ topojsonFeature "WatercourseLink" ]
reliefData =
dataFromUrl (path "swLakeDistrictRelief.csv") []
lakesData =
dataFromUrl (path "wastwater.json") [ topojsonFeature "NY_SurfaceWater_Area" ]
proj =
[ prType identityProjection, prReflectY True ]
flowSpec =
[ flowData
, proj
, geoshape [ maFilled False, maStroke waterColour, maOpacity 0.3 ]
streamSpec =
[ streamData
, proj
, geoshape [ maFilled False, maStroke waterColour, maStrokeWidth 2, maOpacity 1 ]
encRaster =
<< position X
[ pName "easting"
, pQuant
, pScale [ scZero False, scNice niFalse ]
, pAxis []
<< position Y
[ pName "northing"
, pQuant
, pScale [ scZero False, scNice niFalse ]
, pAxis []
encRelief =
<< color
[ mName "relief"
, mQuant
, mScale [ scRange (raStrs [ "black", "white" ]) ]
, mLegend []
reliefSpec =
[ reliefData
, encRelief []
, square [ maSize (w / 75), maOpacity 0.4 ]
lakesSpec =
[ lakesData
, proj
, geoshape [ maFill lakeColour, maStroke waterColour ]
[ width w
, height h
, background "rgb(255,220,150)"
, padding (paEdges 20 20 20 100)
, title "Surface Flow Lines"
[ tiFontSize 48
, tiFont "Cinzel"
, tiFontWeight Normal
, tiColor waterColour
, tiOrient siBottom
, tiOffset 20
, tiAnchor anEnd
, tiSubtitle "South West Lake District, Wastwater and High Fells"
, tiSubtitleFont "Cinzel"
, tiSubtitleFontSize 16
, layer [ reliefSpec, streamSpec, flowSpec, lakesSpec ]