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@import "css/litvis.less"
import VegaLite exposing (..)
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Blue line networks? Could be rivers or perhaps rectilinear patterns of drainage network in flat area (East Anglia, Somerset Levels?)
Or perhaps Wales, indicating mountainous areas?
Use ONS boundary data.
Select the Wales region, simplify, reproject to longitude/latitude WGS84 and save the Wales boundary polygon:
mapshaper gbRegions.json \
-filter 'eer16nm == "Wales"' \
-simplify 10% \
-proj +init=EPSG:4326 \
-rename-layers Wales \
-o format=topojson wales.json
Download Ordnance Survey OpenRivers dataset as shapefiles.
Project stream nodes from OS National Grid to longitude/latitude WGS84, clip to the Wales boundary and filter junction/source/outlet nodes:
mapshaper HydroNode.shp \
-proj +init=EPSG:4326 \
-clip wales.json \
-filter 'formOfNode == "junction" || formOfNode == "source" || formOfNode == "outlet"' \
-filter-fields 'formOfNode' \
-each 'longitude=this.x.toFixed(3), latitude=this.y.toFixed(3)' -o 'walesStreamNodes.csv'
- Project watercourse links from OS National Grid to longitude/latitude WGS84, clip to the Wales boundary and perform simplification:
mapshaper WatercourseLink.shp \
-proj +init=EPSG:4326 \
-clip wales.json \
-simplify 1% \
-o format=topojson drop-table walesBlueLines.json
Location of generated files:
path : String -> String
path file =
"" ++ file
A conventional map design in shades of blue. Use layers to give subtle glow to line features and coastal boundary.
streamTopologyMap : Spec
streamTopologyMap =
cfg =
<< configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
walesData =
dataFromUrl (path "wales.json") [ topojsonFeature "Wales" ]
linkData =
dataFromUrl (path "walesBlueLines.json") [ topojsonFeature "WatercourseLink" ]
nodeData =
dataFromUrl (path "walesStreamNodes.csv") []
trans =
<< filter (fiExpr "datum.formOfNode == 'junction'")
proj =
projection [ prType transverseMercator ]
lineSpec =
asSpec [ linkData, geoshape [ maFilled False, maStroke "blue", maStrokeWidth 4, maOpacity 0.1, maStrokeCap caRound ] ]
lineSpec2 =
asSpec [ linkData, geoshape [ maFilled False, maStroke "blue", maStrokeWidth 0.8, maStrokeCap caRound ] ]
walesSpec =
asSpec [ walesData, geoshape [ maFilled False, maStroke "white", maStrokeJoin joRound, maStrokeWidth 30, maOpacity 0.5 ] ]
walesSpec2 =
asSpec [ walesData, geoshape [ maFill "rgb(225,225,255)", maStroke "blue", maStrokeWidth 0.6 ] ]
nodeEnc =
<< position Longitude [ pName "longitude", pQuant ]
<< position Latitude [ pName "latitude", pQuant ]
nodeSpec =
[ nodeData
, nodeEnc []
, trans []
, point [ maStrokeWidth 0.4, maSize 5, maFilled True, maFill "white", maStroke "blue", maOpacity 0.9 ]
[ cfg []
, title " The Rivers of Wales" [ tiFont "Cinzel", tiColor "rgb(0,26,200)", tiFontSize 78, tiOrient siBottom, tiOffset -190, tiAnchor anStart ]
, width 2200
, height 2400
, background "rgb(238,238,255)"
, proj
, layer [ walesSpec, walesSpec2, lineSpec, lineSpec2, nodeSpec ]