id | elm | ||||
litvis |
@import "css/litvis.less"
import VegaLite exposing (..)
This document best viewed in litvis
'Polygons' suggest geometry and geometry suggests Euclid. I am particularly taken to the design of Oliver Byrne's visual treatment of Euclid's Elements.
Possible ideas that might be inspired by Byrne's design:
- Building polygons from OSM?
- 'Squares' (from Trafalgar Square to garden squares to street names featuring 'square')?
- Largest squares around the world?
- Open Street Map with bounds
(central London) - Exported from OSM via Overpass API
- Polygon features converted to geoJSON via
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON bloomsburyPolys.geojson map.osm multipolygons
- Imported into Mapshaper and clipped in mapshaper console with
clip bbox=-0.1378,51.5106,-0.1122,51.5261
- Simplify geometry with
simplify 50%
- Extract buildings:
filter 'building != undefined'
- Store only OSM object ID:
filter-fields 'osm_way_id,osm_id'
- Store as topojson file:
o format=topojson bloomsburyBuildings.json
- Open Street Map with bounds
(central London) - Exported from OSM via Overpass API
- Line features converted to geoJSON via
ogr2ogr -f GeoJSON bloomsburyLines.geojson map.osm lines
- Imported into Mapshaper and clipped in mapshaper console with
clip bbox=-0.1378,51.5106,-0.1122,51.5261
- Extract footpaths:
filter 'highway == "footway"'
- Extreme simplify of path geometry with
simplify 2%
- Store as topojson file:
o format=topojson drop-table bloomsburyFootways.json
Location of generated files:
path : String -> String
path file =
"" ++ file
Buildings use the restricted four-colour palette of Byrne. Colours randomly assigned to the modulus 4 of the OSM id. Dashed lines to represent footways, chosen as these help to emphasise squares (Bloomsbury Square, Bedford Square, Lincoln's Inn Fields, Russell Square, Tavistock Square etc.)
squaresMap : Spec
squaresMap =
cfg =
<< configuration (coView [ vicoStroke Nothing ])
buildingData =
dataFromUrl (path "bloomsburyBuildings.json")
[ topojsonFeature "centralLondonPolys" ]
footwayData =
dataFromUrl (path "bloomsburyFootways.json")
[ topojsonFeature "centralLondonLines" ]
trans =
<< calculateAs "(isValid( + isValid(" "id"
colours =
[ ( "0", "rgb(233,72,55)" )
, ( "1", "rgb(57,58,104)" )
, ( "2", "rgb(243,178,65)" )
, ( "3", "rgb(25,15,17)" )
buildingEnc =
<< color [ mName "id", mNominal, mScale colours, mLegend [] ]
buildingSpec =
[ buildingData
, trans []
, buildingEnc []
, geoshape [ maOpacity 0.9 ]
footwaySpec =
[ footwayData
, geoshape
[ maOpacity 0.9
, maFilled False
, maStroke "black"
, maStrokeWidth 2
, maStrokeDash [ 4, 4 ]
toVegaLite [ cfg [], width 1300, height 1300, layer [ footwaySpec, buildingSpec ] ]