# Social Post Post a message from a GitHub Actions workflow run! ## Platforms: ### Enabled - Discord - Slack ### Coming soon: - Twitter ### More ? Vote [here](https://github.com/jsmrcaga/action-social-post/issues/1)! ## Usage Example ```yml name: 'Post Release to Discord' on: release: types: ['published'] jobs: message_discord: name: 'Send a message to #general whenever I post a release' runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - uses: jsmrcaga/action-social-post@latest with: MESSAGE_TEMPLATE: 'Hello {{ platform_name }}!' TWITTER_ENABLED: false # Discord DISCORD_ENABLED: true DISCORD_WEBHOOK: ${{ secrets.DISCORD_WEBHOOK }} # Slack SLACK_ENABLED: true SLACK_OAUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.SLACK_OAUTH_TOKEN }} SLACK_TEMPLATE: '{"attachments":[{"text":"{{ message }}","pretext":"${{ github.ref }}"}],"blocks":[{"type":"section","text":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Block 1"}}],"channel":"#general"}' ``` ## Templates If you want to send specific messages to specific platforms, you can do so by speicifying a `{PLATFORM}_TEMPLATE` environment variable. This will be templated with the action's values and then JSON-parsed to send to the messaging platform. Note that many platforms require specific fields and this action will not check their presence, so be careful when overriding and read the docs! > **Be sure to stringify your JSON!** * Discord: https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook#execute-webhook * Slack: https://api.slack.com/methods/chat.postMessage#channels ### Action specific variables In order to add these variables to your message (`MESSAGE_TEMPLATE`) or your template (`{PLATFORM}_TEMPLATE`) please add them between double curly-braces: ``` This is my platform's name {{ platform_name }}! ``` | Name | Type | Description | |:----:|:----:|:-----------:| | `message` | string | The generated message, defaults to `'I published a new release to {{ platform_name }}: v${{ github.ref }}!'` | | `platform_name` | string | The name of the current platform (example: `Discord` or `Slack`) | > Remember that you can use GitHub templating beforehand, like `v${{ github.ref }}!'` to get `vrefs/tags/v0.0.2!` ## Platform Specific ### Discord To get your webhook you can go to your `Server Settings`, then under `Webhooks` you'll be prompted to select a name, an avatar and you'll be given a webhook link that you can copy. It should look like: `https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/<server_id>/<token>` #### Inputs | Name | Required | Description | |:----:|:--------:|:-----------:| | `DISCORD_WEBHOOK` | true | The webhook this action will use to send messages | | `DISCORD_BOT_NAME` | false | An override for the name displayed by the bot | | `DISCORD_BOT_AVATAR` | false | A URL overriding the bot's avatar | #### Overrides * You can override your bot name by using the input DISCORD_BOT_NAME * You can override your bot avatar by using the input DISCORD_BOT_AVATAR #### Templating > For more information regarding the API please take a [look here](https://discordapp.com/developers/docs/resources/webhook#execute-webhook) * You can add `embeds` (result of some checks for example) * You can add a `file` (maybe an artifact from a previous action) ### Slack In order to get your token you'll need to create an app here: https://api.slack.com/apps Once you created your app, install it on your workspace and copy the `Bot User OAuth Access Token ` from [the OAuth page](https://api.slack.com/apps/ABYQYUCF5/oauth?) #### Inputs | Name | Required | Description | |:----:|:--------:|:-----------:| | `SLACK_OAUTH_TOKEN` | true | The bot token used to authorize the action to send messages | | `SLACK_CHANNEL` | true | The channel the action should send the message to (example: `#general`, for a user IM you'll need the channel id) | | `SLACK_BOT_NAME` | false | A string to override the bot's name | ### Overrides * You can override the bot's name ### Templating > For more information regarding the API please take a [look here](https://api.slack.com/methods/chat.postMessage) * You can add `attachments` * You can add `blocks` Example: ```json {"attachments":[{"text":"Attachment1","pretext":"Pre-Attachment1"}],"blocks":[{"type":"section","text":{"type":"plain_text","text":"Block 1"}}],"channel":"#general"} ``` ### Twitter For Twitter you'll have to create an app. More info coming as soon as we enable twitter. # Changelog ## v1.0.0 * Discord enabled ## v1.1.1 * Slack enabled * Templating enabled