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## MCPro is abbreviation of Municipalities, Cities and Provinces in the Philippines

### A basic RESTful API for getting all the cities, municipality and provinces in the Philippines.

### Installation

- Step1: Add this to your root `composer.json`


	"require": {
	    "jsdecena/mcpro": "1.1.*"


- Step2: Add this to your `config/app.php` in `providers` array


	'providers' => [


- Step3: Run this in your terminal `php artisan vendor:publish`

- Step4: Rename `.env.example` to `.env` and set your database credentials

- Step5: Run this in your terminal `php artisan key:generate`

- Step6: Add these lines in the `/database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php`




- Step7: Run this in your terminal `composer dump-autoload && php artisan migrate --seed && php artisan serve`

- Step8: Go to [http://localhost:8000/api/v1/country](http://localhost:8000/api/v1/country)

- Enjoy!

### Endpoints

- `/api/v1/country` - List all the countries

- `/api/v1/country/{country_id}` - Details of the country ( PH is id:169 )

- `/api/v1/country/{country_id}/province` - List all the provinces of the country (Currently for the PH)

- `/api/v1/country/{country_id}/province/{province_id}` - Details of the province

- `/api/v1/country/{country_id}/province/{province_id}/city` - Cities ( and Municipalities) of the province

- `/api/v1/country/{country_id}/province/{province_id}/city/{city_id}` - Details of the city

- `/api/v1/country/{country_id}/province/{province_id}/city/{city_id}/barangay` - List all the barangays of the City (or Municipality)

### Future

- Reverse lookup - Giving the `city_id` and shows the `province` and the country etc.

- 404 Exception handling

### Credits:

- Oj Tibi on [PH Provinces and Cities](https://github.com/ojtibi/philippine-provinces-and-cities-sql) for the data.

- Eacomm on [PH Barangays](http://blog.eacomm.com/archives/554/philippine-barangays-lookup-table) - for the list of barangays in the Philippines.


> The data is offered FOR FREE and anybody can use at their own risk. 
> The data is offered AS IS. While I will strive to keep this data up to date, I do not claim that this is a comprehensive listing and some data may be outdated or missing. 
> I will not be held liable for any inaccuracies or errors found in the data. I am not responsible for final end-user utilization of this data and any damages the user might incur in its use.