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2. Examples (quick start)

Guillaume Jouvet edited this page Sep 4, 2023 · 11 revisions

The best and quickest way to get to know IGM is to run given examples. Having IGM installed on your machine, you may already run ready-to-use examples in the folder examples/, which contains input data and parameter files. To run the example, just go in each folder and run igm_run there. You have the following examples available:

  • quick-demo provides a set-up to model any glacier given an RGI ID, with a simple SMB parametrization, and run any IGM modules.

  • aletsch-basic provides a simple set-up for an advance-retreat simulation of the largest glacier of the European Alps -- Aletsch Glacier, Switzerland -- using a simple parametrization of the mass balance based on time-varying Equilibrium Line Altitudes (ELA), as well as an example of a fully-customized mass balance routine implementing an oscillating ELA.

  • aletsch-1880-2100 gives the set-up to reproduce the simulations of the Great Aletsch Glacier (Switzerland) in the past and in the future based on the CH2018 climate scenarios and an accumulation/melt model.

  • paleo-alps consists of a simple set-up to run a paleo glacier model in the European Alps in paleo times with different catchments (lyon, ticino, rhine, linth glaciers) with IGM around the last glacial maximum (LGM, about 24 BP in the Alps).

  • synthetic permits to make simple numerical experiments with simple synthetic bedrock topographies.

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