- fix for animationDelays for each group of data in Grouped Bar chart (ConstantinoSchillebeeckx)
- Stacked bar chart not rendering all bars when
- Feature - implemented x and y axis labels with offsets for Bar (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Feat - Line chart data points highlight on all data shown (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Fix - scatter plot crosshair function set status with boolean (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Fix - crosshair labels to be rendered on same level as lines (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Feature - Scatter Plot trendline based off linear regression formula (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Docs - added Scatter plot to sandbox (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Fix - line chart demo if both brush extent range values are null (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Feature - Added filter helper that applies bounce effect to charts circles (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Fix - do not select tooltip text on frequent click, new class (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Feature - Scatter Plot bounce on click animation (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Feature - custom gradient color schema function for Bar chart (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Fix - Swap drawing order of area and line for sparkline charts (tobiasdierich)
- Docs - Give max space to stacked and grouped bars (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Docs - Allow stack area to take max space (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Docs - Added bullet chart to Kitchen Sink (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Fix - mini-tooltip render bug in Firefox (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Bullet Chart - visual improvement based off design for measure bars (dalerasrorov-eb)
- valueFormatter setter and getter in tooltip and mini-tooltip (adrm)
- Bullet Chart custom title and subtitle via data and chart API (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Bullet Chart - initial stage (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Improved bullet chart demos with data (DalerAsrorov)
- Fix programatic brush selection clear (namoscato)
- Add scatter-plot to kitchen sink (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Attached click handler to svg to react to voronoi polygon (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Fix - scatter plot vertical gridlines use xTicks (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Update Contributing doc with Codepen bug template (Golodhros)
- Dispatch customBrushEnd event when clearing selection (namoscato)
- Fix - crosshair lines have a lower priority than tooltip and overlays
- Fix - crosshair lines have a lower priority than tooltip and overlays
- Fix - Fixed label drawing interruptions with mousemove (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Fix - improved demos and polished Scatter chart code
- Fix - Fixed crosshair and mouseover event interruptions
- Feature - scatter plot data point value highlighter
- Feature - Scatter Plot's voronoi tooltip
- Added Stacked Area Chart Loading state
- Scatter plot axis format and labels
- Scatter plot hollow area, demo, opacity and aspect ratio
- Highlight points in line chart
- Updated to D3 v5
- Documentation fix and color selector in scatter plot demo
- Brush documentation
- Scatter plot
- Margin accessor improved flexibility
- Number format in tooltip
- Meta tags in docs
- Data refresh bug
- Added customClick to Grouped and Stacked Bar Charts (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Added title to Sparkline (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Added yAxisLabelPadding to Line and Grouped bar charts (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Added yAxisLabel to Stacked Area, Grouped Bar and Stacked Bar (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Refactored Webpack configuration (amber-eb)
- Added Touchmove events to Line and Stacked Area (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Added Legend demo (violetlight)
- Added highlightedEntryId to Legend chart
- Removed logic to figure out number of yTicks for small values on Line and Stacked Area
- Added demo reference to demos (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Fixed legend updates
- Fixed Bar label updates (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Fixed Gridlines updates on Bar, Grouped Bar and Stacked Bar charts
- Updating bundle paths (Golodhros)
- Refactoring Helpers (Golodhros)
- Adding refactorings to PR options and polishing issue template (Golodhros)
- Added API description, moved eslint to dev dep (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Upgraded grunt-jsdoc and jsdoc (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Feature - allow ability to configure stacked area curve (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Feature - new Bar chart API method to highlight bars (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Feature - ability to reverse stacks (sound-matt)
- Feature - allow ability to switch Bar's hover behavior (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Eased compilation requirement for ESlint and updated CHANGELOG (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Feature - added text formatter function to Donut's API (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Added ESlint task to webpack for demos and added critical rules (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Eliminated mutation of data in cleanData of the Line chart (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Allow valueFormat to be an empty string (sound-matt)
- Feat: add possibility to precise the unit of the values in legend (sound-matt)
- Fix: stackedbar get nearest datapoint (sound-matt)
- Fix: stacked-bar no more choosing random color (sound-matt)
- Stacked bar chart hasPercentage impl (dalerasrorov-eb)
- Adding anchors to loading states and updating bar demo (Golodhros)
- Updating changelog (Golodhros)
- Replace .enablePercentageLabels with .enableLabels (mrbongiolo)
- Removed .usePercentage for good from BarChart (mrbongiolo)
- Feature - Added .numberFormat to MiniTooltip (mrbongiolo)
- Added loading states (@amber-eb)
- Added betweenBarsPadding option to bar charts
- Docs update with demos in frontpage and more tweaks
- Doc update for data format (@interdigitize)
- Custom click handler in bar chart (@dalerasrorov-eb)
- Custom click handler in donut chart (@dalerasrorov-eb)
Bug fixes:
- Fixed brush drag and drop (@brandon-vaughan)
- Added donut chart empty state (@amber-eb)
- Additional donut configurations (@amber-eb)
- Docs build on release
Bug fixes:
- Added style build to build process
Bug fixes:
- Defensive check on text helper
- Added glow in highlight points of line and area charts
- Added Donut and line chart number formatting (@dalerasrorov-eb)
- Legend adjustments (@jchen-eb)
Bug fixes:
- Removed transition from yAxis (@CoryDuncan)
- Fixes line chart not rendering gradient on unique line constant values
- Stacked Area x line fix (@jchen-eb)
- Added ordering in bar chart (@dalerasrorov-eb)
- Added optional axis labels to line chart
Bug fixes:
- Fixed Tick calculation (@jchen-eb)
- Fixed Sparkline for multiple instances (@amber-eb)
- Fixed broken link in docs
- Ability to set sort order for donut (@dalerasrorov-eb)
- Getter/setter for marginRatio-Legend and tooltipOffset-Stacked Area
- Tooltip title improvements (@rpheath)
- Added barchart padding
Bug fixes:
- Fixed IE11 tooltip bug
- Added interactivity to highlight points in line and area charts
- Added skeleton for docs rework
Bug fixes:
- Fixed stacked area, ste, sparkline and line chart reload
- Fixed step chart label rotation
- Fixed donut slice highlighting
- Updated cleanData functions to not override custom properties in data
Bug Fixes:
- Check for window in export chart file
- Moved into Webpack 3 (thanks @rwholey)
- Allow empty data on Stacked Area (thanks @jaylumChen)
- Added Outline to Stacked Area Chart (thanks @jaylumChen)
- Added locale to brush and stacked bar charts (thanks @martinmanzo)
- Added Ytick text offset to grouped bar chart (thanks @martinmanzo)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Donut + Legend bug
- Fixed data reload on stacked bar chart and grouped bar chart
- Updated docs, Donut demo and CDN links
2.0.2 - Failed release
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed missing transitions on grouped bar chart and stacked area (thanks @martinmanzo)
- Moved into Yarn (thanks @rwholey)
- Fixed color schema not being updated on bar charts (thanks @biovisualize)
- Fixed object cleaning on bar chart (thanks @jaylumChen)
- Fixed data reload on Donut charts
- Fixed Firefox markup issues
- Added Twitter link on docs
- Fixed CDN demo page on docs
- Created first version of the Britecharts sandbox (thanks @rwholey)
- Added curve interpolation attribute to line chart (thanks @dylanmoz)
[2.0.0][https://github.com/eventbrite/britecharts/compare/1.7.2...2.0.0] - Major Release
- Added number format accessor for legend (thanks @martinmanzo)
- Added reverseColorList accessor for bar chart (thanks @martinmanzo)
- Added custom tooltip formatting option (thanks @harrisreynolds)
API Changes: Boolean accessors
- from horizontal to isHorizontal
- from usePercentage to hasPercentage
- from reverseColorList to shouldReverseColorList
Removed ‘force’ prefixes
- from forceAxisFormat to xAxisFormat
- from forcedXFormat to xAxisFormat
- from forceDateRange to dateFormat
- from forceOrder to topicsOrder
- from forcedXTicks to xTicks
Renamed axis and tick related accessors
- from numOfHorizontalTicks into xTicks
- from numOfVerticalTicks to yTicks
- from verticalTicks to yTicks
Normalized callbacks with dispatchers
- from onBrush callback to a .on(‘customBrushEnd’, fn) event
Color schemas
- from britechartsColorSchema to britecharts
- from britechartsGreySchema to grey
- from extendedOrangeColorSchema to orange
- from extendedBlueColorSchema to blueGreen
- from extendedLightBlueColorSchema to teal
- from extendedGreenColorSchema to green
- from extendedYellowColorSchema to yellow
- from extendedPinkColorSchema to pink
- from extendedPurpleColorSchema to purple
- from extendedRedColorSchema to red
Bug Fixes:
- Normalized Chart names between bundle and UMD
- Updated eslint configuration and cleaned all issues
- Added tests to stacked and grouped bar charts
- Polished Grouped Bar Chart
- Fixed tooltip rounding error
- Updated Readme (thanks @perborgen)
- Update docs (thanks @nikkistonge)
- Added license badge to readme
- Created Code Styleguide document with API Guidelines: https://github.com/eventbrite/britecharts/blob/master/CODESTYLEGUIDE.md
- Updated the Contributing guide
- Updated dist with new changes
- Remove find from stacked area, fixing IE11 bug
[1.7.0][https://github.com/eventbrite/britecharts/compare/1.7.0...1.6.0] - Minor Release]
- Put safety check for Intl on uncompatible browsers
- Finalize addition of new feature date localization
- Locale added to stacked area and line
- Stacked bar made it in to the dist bundle
[1.6.0][https://github.com/eventbrite/britecharts/compare/1.6.0...1.5.0] - Minor Release
- New Stacked bar chart (thanks @bung87)
- New Grouped bar chart (thanks @bung87)
- Animations configuration for all charts
- Automatic computing of Donut percentages (thanks @jenjwong)
- Docs improvements (thanks @bung87)
- Donut highlights
- Removed bowser dependency
- Added singleLineGradientColors accessor
Bug Fixes:
- Tooltip now alphabetical order by default
- More agressive npmignore (thanks @nobitagit)
- Normalized margins on charts
- Fixing CDN demo
- Fixed env arguments in Windows (thanks @Tobbe)
- Ensure data entry is there in Stacked Area (thanks @tgallice)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed release task problem
- Docs improvements
- Horizontal legend item wrapping
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed demo resizes on scroll on mobile
- Fixed bundle export structure
- Several docs improvements
[1.5.0][https://github.com/eventbrite/britecharts/compare/1.5.0...1.4.0] - Minor Release
- Adding Grid options to area and line charts
- Allow configuration of Y axis ticks on area and line charts
- Added custom x format and x tick numbers
Bug Fixes:
- Removing d3 dependency from legend chart
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed css bundle link on docs and demos
- Fixed broken links on readme
- Adjusted hourly x axis config
- Updated eslint files
- Adding twitter cards to docs homepage
- Added namespaces to bundles when loading via script tags
- Updated horizontal bar chart to not default to percentages
- Updated getting started guide
Bug Fixes:
- Fixing Legend colors
- Fixing brush styles
Bug Fixes:
- Fixing Docs font
- Docs navigation styling
- Renaming css bundle
- Normalizing stacked area x axis
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed stacked area chart input date formatting
- Changed stacked area chart curve interpolation
- Added Travis configuration
- Updated Brush styling
- Added tests for export chart
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed export chart with unicode characters on title
Bug Fixes:
- Updated color selection on bar chart
Failed bump
[1.4.0][https://github.com/eventbrite/britecharts/compare/1.4.0...1.3.0] - Minor Release
- Brush on Line Chart Demo
- Brush date format changes
- Added colors to bar chart
Bug Fixes:
- Stacked Area fix
- Bar chart axis
- Update label line wrapping on bar chart
Failed bumps
[1.3.0][https://github.com/eventbrite/britecharts/compare/1.3.0...1.2.0] - Minor Release
- Logo Update
- Bar Chart Percentage setting and axis rework
- Contributing guide update
- Added PR and Issue templates
Bug Fixes:
- Docs hamburger menu styling
[1.2.0][https://github.com/eventbrite/britecharts/compare/1.2.0...1.1.16] - Minor Release
- Changed data input of Line Chart
- Added value, key and topic label accessors to line and stacked are charts
- Updated docs
- Added ratio setting to Stacked Area Chart
Failed bumps
[1.1.16][https://github.com/eventbrite/britecharts/compare/1.1.16...1.1.15] - Patch
Bug Fixes:
- Fixing hour format on Tooltip
- Removing ES2015 Set for the moment
- Updating docs and configs, and adding bower config to get ready to publish.
- Updating package, npmignore, readme and cleaning old index.html file
Failed bump
Fixed d3Transition dependency
Failed bump