diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index d5da6ba2..fbed8164 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -108,7 +108,7 @@ So if you're a 10x developer that wants to hack Python's f-strings, but only
if your type hints are spot-on; `optype` is you friend.
| Type | Signature | Expression |
-| -------------------------- | ------------------------------| -------------- |
+| -------------------------- | ----------------------------- | -------------- |
| `CanRepr[Y: str]` | `__repr__(self) -> T` | `repr(_)` |
| `CanFormat[X: str, Y: str]`| `__format__(self, x: X) -> Y` | `format(_, x)` |
@@ -139,22 +139,34 @@ be returned.
CanGetattr[K: str, V] |
__getattr__(self, k: K) -> V |
- v = self.k or v = getattr(self, k) |
+ v = self.k or
+ v = getattr(self, k)
+ |
CanGetattribute[K: str, V] |
__getattribute__(self, k: K) -> V |
- v = self.k or v = getattr(self, k) |
+ v = self.k or
+ v = getattr(self, k)
+ |
CanSetattr[K: str, V] |
__setattr__(self, k: K, v: V) |
- self.k = v or setattr(self, k, v) |
+ self.k = v or
+ setattr(self, k, v)
+ |
CanDelattr[K: str] |
__delattr__(self, k: K) |
- del self.k or delattr(self, k) |
+ del self.k or
+ delattr(self, k)
+ |
CanDir[Vs: CanIter[Any]] |
@@ -199,7 +211,6 @@ from the abracadabra collections. This is how they are defined:
### Containers
| Type | Signature | Expression |
| --------------------- | ---------------------------------- | -------------- |
| `CanLen` | `__len__(self) -> int` | `len(self)` |
@@ -211,7 +222,6 @@ from the abracadabra collections. This is how they are defined:
| `CanReversed[Y]` [^4] | `__reversed__(self) -> Y` |`reversed(self)`|
| `CanContains[K]` | `__contains__(self, k: K) -> bool` | `x in self` |
For indexing or locating container values, the following special methods are
@@ -220,7 +230,6 @@ relevant:
| `CanHash` | `__hash__(self) -> int` | `hash(self)` |
| `CanIndex` | `__index__(self) -> int` | [docs](IX) |
[^4]: Although not strictly required, `Y@CanReversed` should be a `CanNext`.
[LH]: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#object.__length_hint__
[GM]: https://docs.python.org/3/reference/datamodel.html#object.__missing__
@@ -259,10 +268,6 @@ Interfaces for [descriptors](https://docs.python.org/3/howto/descriptor.html).
### Callable objects
@@ -356,23 +361,43 @@ Similarly, the augmented assignment operators are described by the following
Additionally, there are the unary arithmetic operators:
-| Type | Signature | Expression |
-| ------------------- | ------------------------------- | ------------------ |
-| `CanPos[Y]` | `__pos__(self) -> Y` | `+self` |
-| `CanNeg[Y]` | `__neg__(self) -> Y` | `-self` |
-| `CanInvert[Y]` | `__invert__(self) -> Y` | `~self` |
-| `CanAbs[Y]` | `__abs__(self) -> Y` | `abs(self)` |
+| Type | Signature | Expression |
+| ------------------ | ----------------------------- | ----------------- |
+| `CanPos[Y]` | `__pos__(self) -> Y` | `+self` |
+| `CanNeg[Y]` | `__neg__(self) -> Y` | `-self` |
+| `CanInvert[Y]` | `__invert__(self) -> Y` | `~self` |
+| `CanAbs[Y]` | `__abs__(self) -> Y` | `abs(self)` |
-The `round` function comes in two flavors:
+The `round` function comes in two flavors, and their overloaded intersection:
-| Type | Signature | Expression |
-| ------------------ | ----------------------------- | --------------------- |
-| `CanRound1[Y1]` | `__round__(self) -> Y1` | `round(self)` |
-| `CanRound2[N, Y2]` | `__round__(self, n: N) -> Y2` | `round(self, n: N)` |
+ Type |
+ Signature |
+ Expression |
+ CanRound1[Y1] |
+ __round__(self) -> Y1 |
+ round(self) |
+ CanRound2[N, Y2] |
+ __round__(self, n: N) -> Y2 |
+ round(self, n) |
+ CanRound[N, Y1, Y2] |
+ __round__(self) -> Y1
+ __round__(self, n: N) -> Y2
+ |
+ round(self[, n: N]) |
+The last "double" signature denotes overloading.
-For convenience, `optype` also provides their intersection type
-`CanRound[N, Y1, Y2] =: CanRound1[Y1] & CanRound2[N, Y2]`, whose signature
-overloads those of the `CanRound1` and `CanRound2`.
To illustrate; `float` is a `CanRound[int, int, float]` and `int` a
`CanRound[int, int, int]`.
@@ -418,6 +443,12 @@ class CanWith[V, R](CanEnter[V], CanExit[R]):
+### Buffer types
### Async objects
The `optype` variant of `collections.abc.Awaitable[V]`. The only difference
@@ -441,7 +472,6 @@ But fret not, the `optype` alternatives are right here:
| `CanAnext[V]` | `__anext__(self) -> V` | `anext(self)` |
| `CanAiter[Vs: CanAnext]` | `__aiter__(self) -> Y` | `aiter(self)` |
But wait, shouldn't `V` be a `CanAwait`? Well, only if you don't want to get
Technically speaking, `__anext__` can return any type, and `anext` will pass
@@ -467,9 +497,14 @@ type.
## Future plans
-- Build a drop-in replacement for the `operator` standard library, with
+- Support for Python versions before 3.12.
+- A drop-in replacement for the `operator` standard library, with
runtime-accessible type annotations, and more operators.
- More standard library protocols, e.g. `copy`, `dataclasses`, `pickle`.
+- Typed mixins for DRY implementation of operator, e.g. for comparison ops
+ `GeFromLt`, `GtFromLe`, etc as a typed alternative for
+ `functools.total_ordering`. Similarly for numeric types, with e.g. `__add__`
+ and `__neg__` a mixin could generate `__pos__` and `__sub__`, or with
+ `__mod__` and `__truediv__` a mixin could generate `__`
- Dependency-free third-party type support, e.g. protocols for `numpy`'s array
-- Support for Python versions before 3.12.