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Apply for lug.org.uk resources |
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apply/ |
To apply for lug.org.uk resources, you need to contact the admin mailing list with the following details:
- Your name
- The requested LUG name
- The geographic region (or "virtual" if not applicable)
- The requested domain name
- The hosting services requested:
- Web site and mail:
- A static web page at lug.org.uk OR
- A wiki at lug.org.uk (using DokuWiki) OR
- A redirect to your hosted url (e.g. foo.lug.org.uk is redirected to foolug.yoursite.com) OR
- Hosted DNS records (e.g. We will host A, AAAA, CNAME, TXT, MX or NS records for foo.lug.org.uk)
- Mailing list (via mailman.lug.org.uk )
- Web site and mail:
Before applying, please ensure that you have read How to start a LUG on our about page, and you have checked the LUGs list to ensure there are no other LUGs close to you.