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171 lines (133 loc) · 4.99 KB

File metadata and controls

171 lines (133 loc) · 4.99 KB


App for making bookings of city recreational facilities, administrating facilities and summarizing bookings for each facility


  • Michael Sender - CSS / Bootstrap
  • Filmon Habtu - HTML / Handlebars
  • Rob Ross - API Routes / Presentation
  • John Webster - Models / Logic

Who, What are they doing,


recBooker is a app and website that helps eliminate the common problem associated when individuals or sports team rent a sport field or party gazebo only to find when they arrive at their assigned time there is already someone using the field or gazebo. This creates an awkward situation where the party that rented the facility has to confront the party using the facility to ask them to leave. recBooker can help lessen or solve this issue by presenting information that confirms the rental of the facility by the correct party.


Front End:

Entry Interface: There will be an entry interface which allows the operator to “book” a facility for a particular party on a set day and time frame. The interface will also allow you to update and delete the entry if needed.

Facility Chooser Interface: This interface will display all of the facilities as individual buttons. When the user chooses a facility the screen will go to a separate URL where we pass the :facilityName to the API to display the information on the people who rented the facility.

Facility Display Screen: This screen will allow the user to choose a date and will then display the information of all of the parties that have rented that facility for that chosen day.


  • Javascript
  • Express
  • Sequelize
  • Handlebar
  • Bootstrap
  • cookie-session (new technology, allows login sessions to be created)

New technology - sessions

This uses

  • cookie-parser
  • cookie-session

A detailed explanation can be found at Sessions

Presentation - (A presentation on project can be found here)

Heroku deployment

Git hub repository

Build development environment

clone the master repo, cd to recBooker directory

npm install will install all the node modules

create a .env file (not tracked by git) and add the following using editor

DEV_MYSQL_USER="<your user name for mysql server>"
DEV_MYSQL_PASSWORD="<your password to mysql server>"
NODE_ENV ="development"

Initialize mysql server: (only needs to be done once)

Use mysql workbench to load and execute the following files


or use mysql at command line

mysql -u root -p
Enter password: **********
mysql> source db/databaseSchema.mysql;
mysql> source db/testDatabaseSchema.mysql;
mysql> exit

to clear database and seed it, add


to .env file

to run application node server or npm run start

Continuous integration and linting

detailed setup guide

  • .eslintrc.json modified to support es6 syntax
  • .eslintignore ignores anything in node_modules or test directories. Ignoring test is necessary because eslint not supporting mocha (may get fixed later) Eslint can be run on a single file with either of the following
npx eslint <file>
npm run lint <file>

Travis links into the github repo and runs based on the configuration file .travis.yml It runs every time something is checked into the github master. Can check other branches by adding the branch name to the branches: only: field.

It runs the

"scripts": { test: "npm run lint && cross-env NODE_ENV=test mocha test -u bdd --reporter spec --exit" }

command. This runs eslint on all .js files in the directory (other than those in .eslintignore ) and in parallel runs all the mocha tests in the test directory.

You should check for compliance before making pull request by running

npm test

which runs the same code in your local environment

File structure

(excludes .git/ and node_modules/)

|-- recBooker
    |-- .env
    |-- .eslintignore
    |-- .eslintrc.json
    |-- .gitignore
    |-- .travis.yml
    |-- package-lock.json
    |-- package.json
    |-- server.js
    |-- config
    |   |-- config.json
    |-- db
    |   |-- databaseSchema.mysql
    |   |-- seed.mysql
    |   |-- testDatabaseSchema.mysql
    |-- models
    |   |-- example.js
    |   |-- index.js
    |-- public
    |   |-- js
    |   |   |-- index.js
    |   |-- styles
    |       |-- styles.css
    |-- routes
    |   |-- apiRoutes.js
    |   |-- htmlRoutes.js
    |-- test
    |   |-- canary.test.js
    |   |-- mocha.opts
    |   |-- modelTester.js
    |   |-- functions
    |       |-- executeSQLFile.js
    |-- views
        |-- 404.handlebars
        |-- example.handlebars
        |-- index.handlebars
        |-- layouts
            |-- main.handlebars