This document lists down the steps to get the Ruby on Rails project (cmusv) up and going with a Virtual Machine.
Clone the Rails repository
git clone
Download and install VirtualBox
Download and install vagrant
# or use the below command if you're comfortable with the terminal sudo gem install vagrant --no-ri --no-rdoc -V
Change your current working directory to the codebase folder
cd whiteboard
Install cmusv custom VM box. You can download it from here.
# copy the VM box to your working directory cp ~/Downloads/ . # install the VM vagrant box add cmusv_professor
Setup vagrant 2.x config
# below steps create the Vagrant file on your own. vagrant init cmusv_professor # add/uncomment following lines in the generated VagrantFile = "cmusv_professor" "forwarded_port", guest: 3000, host: 3142 # config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "apt-get update --fix-missing"
CMUSV rails project specific project settings
cp config/database.default.yml config/database.yml # try the username "cmusv_user" without any password cp config/morning_glory.mfse.yml config/morning_glory.yml # no need to configure cp config/systems.default.yml config/systems.yml # no need to configure cp config/amazon_s3.default.yml config/amazon_s3.yml # edit settings as mentioned in this page: cp config/google_apps.default.yml config/google_apps.yml # edit settings as mentioned in this page:
Start up the virtual machine
vagrant up # will prompt you for your machine's admin password (for port forwarding rights)
(Windows users only)
- Download and install PuTTY & PuTTYGen
- Run PuTTyGen to convert the private key to a PuTTY key
- File -> Load private key and open the private key file mentioned by 'vagrant ssh'
- Save private key
ssh into your VM
(Windows users only) Run PuTTY to SSH into the VM
- Enter in the host and port 2222 as provided by vagrant.
- Under Connection -> Data enter vagrant for the auto-login username
- Under Connection -> SSH -> Auth Browse to the generated ppk key saved in the previous step
- Under Session save the session settings
- Open the session
(Non-Windows users)
vagrant ssh
Update apt-get to latest version
sudo apt-get update --fix-missing
Load CMUSV project data
cd /vagrant # you may have to change to a different directory, if you setup your repo clone and vagrant in a different subfolder. e.g: # cd /vagrant/cmusv # modify the db/seeds.rb and modify the example :your_name_here with your details. See step 12 on this page bundle install bundle exec rake db:schema:load bundle exec rake db:setup # to load the seeds.rb data bundle exec rake RAILS_ENV="test" db:schema:load
Bring up the cmusv rails server
bundle exec rails s thin
open http://localhost:3142 in your local browser.
vagrant ssh # connect through ssh to the VM
vagrant up # start the VM
vagrant halt # stop the VM
vagrant reload # if you make vagrant changes, you can use the command to reload the VM
vagrant status # to find current status of VM
vagrant package # export the VM environment to a single file
vagrant suspend
vagrant resume
vagrant destroy
Install cmusv rails project (see cmusv page)
Download and install VirtualBox
Download and install vagrant
Add the Ubuntu Lucid (10.04) 32-bit VM vagrant box
vagrant box add lucid32
Initialize the Vagrant project
vagrant init lucid32
setup vagrant config
# add/uncomment following lines in the generated VagrantFile config.vm.forward_port 3000, 3142 config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "apt-get update --fix-missing"
bring up Vagrant VM
vagrant up # see Troubleshooting section if you face issues.
ssh into the machine for setting up environment
vagrant ssh cd /vagrant sudo apt-get upgrade sudo apt-get install build-essential zlib1g-dev curl git-core sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev nfs-kernel-server
install ruby
git clone git:// ~/.rbenv echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile source ~/.bash_profile git clone git:// cd ruby-build/ sudo ./ rbenv install 1.9.2-p180 rbenv rehash rbenv global 1.9.2-p180
get Rails running
gem install bundler rbenv rehash bundle bundle exec rails s thin
CMUSV project specific settings
# install postgres sudo apt-get install postgresql libpq-dev # database setup sudo -u postgres createuser --superuser cmusv_user sudo -u postgres createdb -O cmusv_user cmu_education sudo -u postgres createdb -O cmusv_user cmu_education_test sudo -u postgres psql -l # make sure database.yml populated appropriately sudo vi /etc/postgresql/8*/main/pg_hba.conf sudo vi /etc/postgresql/8*/main/pg_hba.conf sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql* reload sudo aptitude install imagemagick sudo aptitude install perlmagick sudo apt-get install libmagickwand-dev see [nokogiri page]( and follow steps for Ubuntu
package the box for easy deployment
vagrant package mv
If you've used vagrant before, there's a chance that the VM may be accessible. You will need to unregister the VM as instructed in this page.