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A telegram bot to share wisdom with the world! To see the results, just access my Telegram channel or see the phrases on the official website.


  • Complete project! 🎉🎉🎉
  • 1024 phrases for you to use wherever you want (and a few more when I feel like it).

Future plans

  • Generate image-based captions and randomly chosen phrases from database.
  • Mechanism to add phrases to the database from the command line.
  • Option to search the database from the command line for phrases by an author
  • Option to search the database from the command line for phrases with a given string.
  • Option to search the database from the command line for sentences by an author with a given string.
  • Generate caption from image, phrase and author specified in command line
  • Option to check basic statistics about the database.
  • Watermark.
  • New letter fonts.
  • Extract view statistics directly from Telegram
  • Schedule sending of messages automatically.
  • Translate code and README to english.
  • Insert all the wise phrases written by the human race.
  • Insert all the wise phrases written by the dolphins.

The code


The script uses a database called citations.db, which can be created as follows:

import sqlite3

con = sqlite3.connect('citations.db');
cur = con.cursor();

cur.execute("CREATE TABLE images (last int, image text, red integer, green integer, blue integer, link text)");
cur.execute("CREATE TABLE "quotes" (author text, phrase text, send int)");

The quotes I used are available here. A list of images is available here, I emphasize, however, that I am not the owner of these images, they are all available from unsplash.

Usage and Options


To see the available options, just access the "-h" option

>python -h
usage: [-h] [--author AUTHOR] [--phrase PHRASE] [--insert] [--delete DELETE] [--stats] [--test]

A bot to generate images and post to Telegram automatically.

   -h, --help show this help message and exit
   --author AUTHOR Search for citations by a given author.
   --phrase PHRASE Search for citations that contain the entered term.
   --insert MANUALLY insert new phrases
   --delete DELETE Delete phrase based on rowid
   --stats Generate a report on the information in the database
   --test Generate caption with specific image for test


This option allows you to view all sentences written by authors whose author fits the specified pattern. It is interesting to note that the entry is used to search the SQL, that is, you can use the "%" to check all the authors within that pattern.

>python --author "Oscar%"
author: oscar%
rowid | author | phrase
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
232 | Oscar Wilde | Crazy people are sometimes cured, imbeciles never.
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------


Similar to the "author" option but searches for phrases containing the string. Can be used in combination or separate from the above function to search for phrases:

>python --author "Fried%" --phrase "%monkey%"
Author: Fried%
Phrase: %monkey%
rowid | author | phrase
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
125 | Friedrich Nietzsche | The monkey is too nice an animal for man to be descended from him.
-------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------


Used to insert new phrases in the database and in the json file (which is used to export the phrases to Github). After pressing ENTER, a prompt will be displayed with the inserted strings. Use the opportunity to make sure you typed it correctly and type "n" if you notice any errors or "y" if everything is correct.

>python --insert --author "Terry Pratchett" --sentence "The intelligence of a creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it."

Author: Terry Pratchett
Quote: The intelligence of a creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it.
Can I enter (y/n)? y
Citations: 299


Used to delete phrases based on id:

>python --delete 299

rowid: 299
Author: Terry Pratchett
Quote: The intelligence of a creature known as a crowd is the square root of the number of people in it.
Delete?(y/n) y


Provides basic statistics about the database, including total number of sentences, number of sentences to send, number of sentences to send, authors, among others:

>python --stats
========================================================== ======
| Abraham Lincoln | 1 |
| Agatha Christie | 3 |
| Albert Einstein | 8 |
| Andrew Carnegie | 1 |
| William Blake | 1 |
| William Shakespeare | 16 |
| Zeno of Citium, Greek thinker | 2 |
========================================================== ======


Adds a watermark to the image specified on the command line.

>python --watermark "path_to_your_image\target_image.jpg"

Available Authors

Author Total of Phrases
Machado de Assis 44
Mark Twain 42
Abraham Lincoln 36
Stephen King 31
Ruy Barbosa 30
Jean-Jacques Rousseau 27
Robert Frost 18
Helen Keller 17
Marco Aurélio 17
Provérbio Chinês 17
William Shakespeare 17
Douglas Adams 16
Martin Luther King Jr. 16
Mahatma Gandhi 15
Benjamin Franklin 15
Oscar Wilde 15
Stephen Hawking 14
Confúcio 13
John Lock 13
Fernando Pessoa 12
Winston Churchill 12
Sun Tzu 12
Voltaire 12
Jean-Paul Sartre 12
Adam Smith 11
Ayn Rand 11
Pitágoras 11
Charles Chaplin 11
Simone de Beauvoir 11
Erasmo de Roterdã 11
Albert Einstein 10
Florence Nightingale 10
Franklin D. Roosevelt 10
Nicolau Maquiavel 10
Pablo Neruda 10
Sêneca 10
Clarice Lispector 9
Immanuel Kant 9
Thomas Hobbes 9
Franz Kafka 8
T. S. Eliot 8
Charles Bukowski 7
Graciliano Ramos 7
Milton Santos 7
René Descartes 7
Carl Sagan 6
Karl Marx 6
Marie Curie 6
Dito Popular 6
Friedrich Nietzsche 6
Renato Russo 6
Simone Weil 6
Edmund Burke 6
Harvey Specter 6
Henry Ford 5
Malcolm X 5
Jean-Jacques Russeu 5
Neil deGrasse Tyson 5
Buda 4
Júlio Verne 4
Kurt Vonnegut 4
São Tomás de Aquino 4
Steve Jobs 4
Terry Pratchett 4
Rachel de Queiroz 4
Robin Williams 4
Tommas Shelby 4
Lao-Tsé 4
Otto von Bismarck 4
Agatha Christie 3
Aristóteles 3
Peter Drucker 3
Carl Sewell 3
Stan Lee 3
Richard Adams 3
Nikola Tesla 3
Claus Moller 3
Malala Yousafzai 3
Dalai Lama 2
Elbert Hubbard 2
Samuel Johnson 2
Eleanor Roosvelt 2
Mozi 2
Dito Popular Brasileiro 2
Carl Sandburg 2
Walt Disney 2
Zenão de Cítio, pensador grego 2
Provérbio italiano 2
Protágoras de Abdera 2
Provérbio Alemão 2
Will Rogers 2
Will Smith 2
John F. Kennedy 2
John Nash 2
Michael Jordan 2
Aldous Huxley 1
Alexander G. Bell 1
Alexander Soljenitsyn 1
Alfred Tennyson 1
Alvin Toffler 1
Amelia Earhart 1
Anatole France 1
Anderson Silva 1
Andrew Carnegie 1
André Gide 1
Anne Frank 1
Antoine de Saint 1
Ashton Kutcher 1
Audrey Hepburn 1
Ayn Randy 1
Babe Ruth 1
Barrie Hopson 1
Bertrand Russell 1
Beverly Sills 1
Bill Gates 1
Bob Esponja 1
Bob Marley 1
Booker T. Washington 1
Carmen Miranda 1
Catherine Romano 1
Cesare Cant 1
Charles Brower 1
Charles Dickens 1
Charles Swindoll 1
Churton Collin 1
Coco Chanel 1
Constantino C. Vigil 1
Cotton 1
Célia Chaim 1
Dave Lewis 1
Dave Weinbaum 1
Dean Rusk 1
Denis Waitley 1
Denis Walker 1
Diógenes Laércio 1
Dom Resende Costa 1
Doutor Seuss 1
Duke Ellington 1
Earle Wilson 1
Elmer Letterman 1
Enzo Ferrari 1
Ernest Hemingway 1
Eugène Ionesco 1
Eugéne Ionesco 1
Fiódor Dostoiévski 1
Forrest Gump 1
François La Rochefoucauld 1
Georg Wilhelm 1
George Eliot 1
George Gurdjieff 1
George Lichtenberg 1
George Lucas 1
George Santayana 1
George Savile 1
George Washington 1
Geraldo Vandré 1
Gloria Steinem 1
H. Jackson Brown Jr. 1
H. Ross Perot 1
Harols Abbott 1
Henri Barbusse 1
Henry D. Thoreau 1
Horácio 1
Hugh Prather 1
J. P. L. Affonso 1
J. Walters 1
Jacques Prévert 1
Jan Carlzon 1
Jean Paul Sartre 1
Joel L. Griffith 1
Joel Osteen 1
John S. Mill 1
John Sewell 1
John Tschohl 1
John Wayne 1
John Young 1
João Guimar 1
Karl Albrecht 1
Ken O 1
Kevin Kruse 1
Lao Tsu 1
Lao Tzu 1
Lao-Tze 1
Larry Wilson 1
Laurence J. Peter 1
Lecouve 1
Leonard Berry 1
Lord Chesterfield 1
Louis Pasteur 1
Louisa M. Alcott 1
M. J. Babcock 1
Malcolm Forbes 1
Marabel Morgan 1
Mario Andretti 1
Mark van Doren 1
Marry W. Shelley 1
Masaaki Imai 1
Michael de Montaigne 1
Moliere 1
N. V. Peale 1
Neil Armstrong 1
Nelson Mandel 1
Norman Bawes 1
Norman V. Peale 1
Norman Vaughan 1
Norman Vincent Peale 1
Oliver W. Holmes 1
Omar Khayyam 1
Onassis 1
Oprah Winfrey 1
Orison S. Marden 1
Orson Welles 1
Paul Deschanel 1
Paulo Freire 1
Peter Ducker 1
Peter Schutz 1
Phill Knight 1
Abbie Hoffman 1
Platão 1
Provérbio Chin 1
Provérbio Estadunidense 1
Provérbio Galês 1
Provérbio Islandês 1
Provérbio Japonês 1
Provérbio Latino 1
Provérbio Oriental 1
Provérbio Persa 1
Provérbio espanhol 1
Provérbio grego 1
Provérbio romano 1
R. Buckminster Fuller 1
Ralph W. Emerson 1
Reinaldo Polito 1
Richard Whiteley 1
Robert Frost (adaptado) 1
Robert H. Schuller 1
Robert Peterson 1
Ron Bern 1
Ronald Osborn 1
Roy L. Smith 1
Sam Walton 1
Samuel Beckett 1
Samuel Smiles 1
Santo Agostinho 1
Segundo Mandamento da TAM 1
Sholom Aleichem 1
Simone de Beauvoi 1
Soren Kierkegaard 1
Stephen Covey 1
Stubby Currence 1
Sérgio Almeida 1
Sétimo Mandamento da TAM 1
Sócrates 1
Sófocles 1
T.S. Eliot 1
Theodore Roosvelt 1
Thomas Carlyle 1
Vincent Van Gogh 1
W. F. Grenfel 1
W. S. Landor 1
Walter Gagehot 1
Walter Reuther 1
Warren Buffet 1
Warren Buffett 1
William Blake 1
William McKnight 1
xkcd 1

Special Tkanks
