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Tyler Funk edited this page May 18, 2016 · 50 revisions

Plugin listing. If you write a plugin feel free to add it to this list. Plugins published on npm with the keyword wintersmith-plugin will also show up in the command line tool's plugin listing wintersmith plugin list.

Pass the content as is, so it will not be modified by other content plugins.

Minimal plugin to connect wintersmith with nap, an asset manager (less/css, coffeescript/javascript and jst)

browser-side require() the node.js way

browserify plugin that follows .js and .coffee files require() calls and bundles them.

LiveReload plugin that reloads your browser when a file changes.

Renders markdown content using Pandoc instead of marked.

Renders markdown content using Markdown-it instead of marked.

Component plugin for building better web applications with wintersmith.

CoffeeScript plugin that renders .coffee to .js

ES6 plugin that transpiles ES6 Javascrript to ES5 Javascript. Includes the ES6 module transpiler from square/es6-modules-transpiler

LESS plugin that renders .less to .css

LESS plugin that renders .less to .css AND uses Autoprefixer to add vendor prefixes to the resulting css.

Compiles sass files using node-sass and optionally minifies them using clean-css.

Updated version of wintersmith-node-sass, with latests version of node-sass and clean-css, actively mantained.

Compiles sass files using node-sass and optionally minifies them using clean-css

Compiles (indention-based) sass or scss to css. Based on combining approaches of the existing wintersmith-sass and wintersmith-node-sass plugins.

Sass plugin that renders .scss to .css using the sass ruby gem.

Renders markdown content using a modified version of Showdown instead of marked. Pure JS and has 'extra' features similar to the Pandoc plugin.

Stylus plugin that renders .styl files to .css

Parses .csv files and adds the data in them to the content tree.

Parses .yaml files and adds the data in them to the content tree.

Combines and compresses all configured .js files into a single file.

Plugin that provides url redirections where headers cannot be modified.

Plugin that generates a 'robots.txt' file for search engines and indexers.

Plugin that follows require calls in javascript and coffeescript files and bundles them.

Uses commonjs-everywhere and escodegen.

Plugin that allows you to add tags to articles and list articles by tag. (source)

Content plugin that lets you use nunjucks templates for your body content.

Template Plugins

Adds support for nunjucks

Adds support for Swig templates

Adds support for ejs templates

Adds support for haml templates

Adds support for Hogan.js templates

Adds support for poptags templates

Adds support for xmlb templates

Adds support for siml templates

Adds support for handlebars templates

Adds support for liquid templates

Adds support for Tally templates

1.0 plugins

Plugins not compatible with Wintersmith 2.x. Go bug the authors about it ;) (Plugin migration guide)

Snockets concatenation and minification plugin for both .coffee & .js files.

A production-ready asset management plugin.

All in one: Browserify, Stylus, Coffee with UglifyJS and CleanCSS

Sibilant.js plugin that renders .sibilant to .js. Get some Lisp in your Javascript!

Minifies .css files using Clean-CSS, ignoring already minified files (ending in .min.css).


Will take a Wordpress dump file and make a fair fist of converting it to a Wintersmith blog.

Small Node module for controlling Wintersmith actions. Allows you to use Wintersmith with your task runner e.g. gulp or Grunt.

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