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# GroupPresentationsModule.

This is a port of some GAP3/VkCurve functionality on presentations of finitely presented groups.

We have defined just enough functionality on finitely presented groups so that presentations can be translated to finitely presented groups and vice-versa. The focus is on presentations, the goal being to simplify them.

The elements of finitely presented groups are AbsWord or abstract words, representing elements of a free group.

julia> @AbsWord a,b,c,d,e,f # same as a=AbsWord(:a);b=AbsWord(:b)...

julia> F=FpGroup([a,b,c,d,e,f])

julia> G=F/[a^2,b^2,d*f^-1,e^2,f^2,a*b^-1*c,a*e*c^-1,b*d^-1*c,c*d*e^-1,a*f*c^-2,c^4]

julia> simplify(F) # the main function of this package
Presentation: 2 generators, 4 relators, total length 16
Presentation: 2 generators, 3 relators, total length 10

The simplification is done by the following process:

julia> P=Presentation(G);simplify(P);G=FpGroup(P)

The functions Presentation and FpGroup create a presentation from a finitely presented group and vice versa.

In order to speed up the algorithms, the relators in a presentation are not represented internally by AbsWords, but by lists of positive or negative generator numbers which we call Tietze words. Here is another example with a few functions to explore presentations.

julia> @AbsWord a,b 

julia> F=FpGroup([a,b])

julia> G=F/[a^2,b^7,comm(a,a^b),comm(a,a^(b^2))*inv(b^a)]

julia> P=Presentation(G) # by default give a summary
Presentation: 2 generators, 4 relators, total length 30

julia> relators(P)
4-element Vector{AbsWord}:
julia> showgens(P)
1. a 10 occurrences involution
2. b 20 occurrences

julia> dump(P) # here in relators inverses are represented by capitalizing
# F relator
1:3 aa
2:0 bbbbbbb
3:0 aBabaBab
4:0 abbaBBabbaBBB
gens=AbsWord[a, b] involutions:AbsWord[a] modified=false numredunds=0

julia> display_balanced(P)
1: a=A
2: bbbbbbb=1
3: aBab=BAbA
4: BBabbaBBabbaB=1

julia> P=tryconjugate(P) # try to conjugate the generators
Presentation: 2 generators, 4 relators, total length 30
Bab=> Presentation: 2 generators, 3 relators, total length 28
# Bab gives Presentation: 2 generators, 3 relators, total length 28
Presentation: 2 generators, 3 relators, total length 28

julia> FpGroup(P) # slightly simplified group

for more information look at the help strings of AbsWord, FpGroup, Presentation, relators, display_balanced, simplify, conjugate, tryconjugate.

A minimal thing to add to this package so it would be a reasonable package for finitely preented groups is the Coxeter-Todd algorithm.


# GroupPresentations.AbsWordType.

An AbsWord represents an element of the free group on some generators. The generators are indexed by Symbols. For example the Absword representing a³b⁻²a is represented internally as [:a => 3, :b => -2, :a => 1]. The mulitiplcation follows the group rule:

julia> w=AbsWord([:a => 3, :b => -2, :a => 1])

julia> w*AbsWord([:a=>-1,:b=>1])

A positive AbsWord may be obtained by giving Symbols as arguments

julia> AbsWord(:b,:a,:a,:b)


# GroupPresentations.@AbsWordMacro.

@AbsWord x,y is the same as x=AbsWord(:x);y=AbsWord(y)


# GroupPresentations.FpGroupType.


returns the finitely presented group defined by the presentation P.


# GroupPresentations.PresentationMethod.

Presentation( G::FpGroup[, debug=1])

returns the presentation corresponding to the given finitely presented group G.

The optional debug parameter can be used to restrict or to extend the amount of output provided by Tietze transformation functions when being applied to the created presentation. The default value 1 is designed for interactive use and implies explicit messages to be displayed by most of these functions. A debug value of 0 will suppress these messages, whereas a debug value of 2 will enforce some additional output.


# GroupPresentations.relatorsFunction.

relators(P::Presentation) relators of P as AbsWords.


# GroupPresentations.showgensFunction.


prints the generators of P with the total number of their occurrences in the relators, and notes involutions. A second list argument prints only those generators.


# GroupPresentations.simplifyFunction.


simplify applies Tietze transformations to a copy of the presentation of the given finitely presented group G in order to reduce it with respect to the number of generators, the number of relators, and the relator lengths.

simplify returns the resulting finitely presented group (which is isomorphic to G).

julia> @AbsWord a,b,c,d,e,f

julia> F=FpGroup([a,b,c,d,e,f])

julia> G=F/[a^2,b^2,d*f^-1,e^2,f^2,a*b^-1*c,a*e*c^-1,b*d^-1*c,c*d*e^-1,a*f*c^-2,c^4]

julia> simplify(G)

In fact, the call

julia> simplify(G)

is an abbreviation of the call sequence

julia> P=Presentation(G,0);simplify(P);FpGroup(P)

which applies a rather simple-minded strategy of Tietze transformations to the intermediate presentation P. If for some concrete group the resulting presentation is unsatisfying, then you should try a more sophisticated, interactive use of the available Tietze transformation functions (see "Tietze Transformations").


simplify(p [,tries])

simplify the presentation p. We have found heuristics which make it somewhat efficient, but the algorithm depends on random numbers so is not reproducible. The main idea is to rotate relators between calls to the basic GroupPresentations.Go function. By default 100 such rotations are tried (unless the presentation is so small that less rotations exhaust all possible ones), but the actual number tried can be controlled by giving a second parameter tries to the function. Another useful tool to deal with presentations is tryconjugate.

julia> display_balanced(p)
1: ab=ba
2: dbd=bdb
3: bcb=cbc
4: cac=aca
5: adca=cadc
6: dcdc=cdcd
7: adad=dada
8: Dbdcbd=cDbdcb
9: adcDad=dcDadc
10: dcdadc=adcdad
11: dcabdcbda=adbcbadcb
12: caCbdcbad=bdcbadBcb
13: cbDadcbad=bDadcbadc
14: cdAbCadBc=bdcAbCdBa
15: cdCbdcabdc=bdcbadcdaD
16: DDBcccbdcAb=cAbCdcBCddc
17: CdaBdbAdcbCad=abdcAbDadBCbb
18: bdbcabdcAADAdBDa=cbadcbDadcBDABDb
19: CbdbadcDbbdCbDDadcBCDAdBCDbdaDCDbdcbadcBCDAdBCDBBdacDbdccb=abdbcabdcAdcbCDDBCDABDABDbbdcbDadcbCDAdBCabDACbdBadcaDbAdd

julia> simplify(p)
Presentation: 4 generators, 18 relators, total length 304
Presentation: 4 generators, 18 relators, total length 284
Presentation: 4 generators, 17 relators, total length 264
Presentation: 4 generators, 16 relators, total length 256
Presentation: 4 generators, 15 relators, total length 244
Presentation: 4 generators, 15 relators, total length 240
Presentation: 4 generators, 15 relators, total length 226
Presentation: 4 generators, 15 relators, total length 196
Presentation: 4 generators, 15 relators, total length 178
Presentation: 4 generators, 15 relators, total length 172
Presentation: 4 generators, 14 relators, total length 158

julia> display_balanced(p)
1: ab=ba
2: dbd=bdb
3: bcb=cbc
4: cac=aca
5: adAc=cadA
6: dcdc=cdcd
7: adad=dada
8: CdBcbd=bCdBcb
9: adcDad=dcDadc
10: dcdadc=adcdad
11: cbdcbdc=dcbdcbd
12: dcbadcbda=adcbcadcb
13: cbCDadcab=DadcbadcD
14: caDCbdBcADbda=bDBaDbADcbadc


# GroupPresentations.conjugateFunction.


This program modifies a presentation by conjugating a generator by another. The conjugation to apply is described by a length-3 string of the same style as the result of display_balanced, that is "abA" means replace the second generator by its conjugate by the first, and  "Aba" means replace it by its conjugate by the inverse of the first.

julia> display_balanced(P)
1: dabcd=abcda
2: dabcdb=cabcda
3: bcdabcd=dabcdbc

julia> display_balanced(conjugate(P,"Cdc"))
<< presentation with 4 generators, 3 relators of total length 36>>
1: dcabdc=cabdca
2: abdcab=cabdca
3: bdcabd=cabdca


# GroupPresentations.tryconjugateFunction.


This program tries to simplify group presentations by applying conjugations to the generators. The algorithm depends on random numbers, and on tree-searching, so is not reproducible. By default the program stops as soon as a shorter presentation is found. Sometimes this does not give the desired presentation. One can give a second argument goal, then the program will only stop when a presentation of length less than goal is found. Finally, a third argument can be given and then all presentations the programs runs over which are of length less than or equal to this argument are displayed. Due to the non-deterministic nature of the program, it may be useful to run it several times on the same input. Upon failure (to improve the presentation), the program returns p.

julia> display_balanced(p)
1: ba=ab
2: dbd=bdb
3: cac=aca
4: bcb=cbc
5: dAca=Acad
6: dcdc=cdcd
7: adad=dada
8: dcDbdc=bdcbdB
9: dcdadc=adcdad
10: adcDad=dcDadc
11: BcccbdcAb=dcbACdddc
julia> p=tryconjugate(p)
Presentation: 4 generators, 11 relators, total length 100
dcD=> Presentation: 4 generators, 10 relators, total length 90
# dcD gives Presentation: 4 generators, 10 relators, total length 90
Presentation: 4 generators, 10 relators, total length 90

julia> p=tryconjugate(p)
Dcd=> Presentation: 4 generators, 10 relators, total length 88
# Dcd gives Presentation: 4 generators, 10 relators, total length 88
Presentation: 4 generators, 10 relators, total length 88

julia> p=tryconjugate(p)
dcD=> Presentation: 4 generators, 10 relators, total length 90
Dbd=> Presentation: 4 generators, 10 relators, total length 96
Aca=> Presentation: 4 generators, 9 relators, total length 84
Presentation: 4 generators, 8 relators, total length 76
# Aca gives Presentation: 4 generators, 8 relators, total length 76
Presentation: 4 generators, 8 relators, total length 76

julia> p=tryconjugate(p)
Bcb=> Presentation: 4 generators, 8 relators, total length 70
# Bcb gives Presentation: 4 generators, 8 relators, total length 70
Presentation: 4 generators, 8 relators, total length 70

julia> p=tryconjugate(p)
Cac=> Presentation: 4 generators, 8 relators, total length 64
# Cac gives Presentation: 4 generators, 8 relators, total length 64
Presentation: 4 generators, 8 relators, total length 64

julia> p=tryconjugate(p)
caC=> Presentation: 4 generators, 8 relators, total length 58
# caC gives Presentation: 4 generators, 8 relators, total length 58
Presentation: 4 generators, 8 relators, total length 58

julia> p=tryconjugate(p)
Cac=> Presentation: 4 generators, 8 relators, total length 64
Cbc=> Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 50
# Cbc gives Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 50
Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 50

julia> p=tryconjugate(p)
cdC=> Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 56
Dcd=> Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 54
Cac=> Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 48
# Cac gives Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 48
Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 48

julia> p=tryconjugate(p)
caC=> Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 50
Cdc=> Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 50
Dbd=> Dcd=> Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 60
Bab=> Aba=> Aca=> Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 46
# Aca gives Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 46
Presentation: 4 generators, 7 relators, total length 46

julia> display_balanced(p)
1: db=bd
2: ba=ab
3: cac=aca
4: ada=dad
5: bcb=cbc
6: cdcd=dcdc
7: AdCacd=cAdCac
