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Chains Configuration

Chains works by observing TaskRun and PipelineRun executions, capturing relevant information, and storing it in a cryptographically-signed format.

TaskRuns and PipelineRuns can indicate inputs and outputs which are then captured and surfaced in the Chains payload formats, where relevant. Chains uses the Results to hint at the correct inputs and outputs. Check out for more details.

Chains Configuration

Chains uses a ConfigMap called chains-config in the tekton-chains namespace for configuration. Supported keys include:

TaskRun Configuration

Key Description Supported Values Default
artifacts.taskrun.format The format to store TaskRun payloads in. in-toto, slsa/v1, slsa/v2alpha3, slsa/v2alpha4 in-toto The storage backend to store TaskRun signatures in. Multiple backends can be specified with comma-separated list ("tekton,oci"). To disable the TaskRun artifact input an empty string (""). tekton, oci, gcs, docdb, grafeas tekton
artifacts.taskrun.signer The signature backend to sign TaskRun payloads with. x509, kms x509


  • slsa/v1 is an alias of in-toto for backwards compatibility.
  • slsa/v2alpha3 corresponds to the slsav1.0 spec. and uses latest v1 Tekton Objects. Recommended format for new chains users who want the slsav1.0 spec.
  • slsa/v2alpha4 corresponds to the slsav1.0 spec. and uses latest v1 Tekton Objects. It reads type-hinted results from StepActions. Recommended format for new chains users who want the slsav1.0 spec.

PipelineRun Configuration

Key Description Supported Values Default
artifacts.pipelinerun.format The format to store PipelineRun payloads in. in-toto, slsa/v1, slsa/v2alpha3, slsa/v2alpha4 in-toto The storage backend to store PipelineRun signatures in. Multiple backends can be specified with comma-separated list ("tekton,oci"). To disable the PipelineRun artifact input an empty string (""). tekton, oci, gcs, docdb, grafeas tekton
artifacts.pipelinerun.signer The signature backend to sign PipelineRun payloads with. x509, kms x509
artifacts.pipelinerun.enable-deep-inspection This boolean option will configure whether Chains should inspect child taskruns in order to capture inputs/outputs within a pipelinerun. "false" means that Chains only checks pipeline level results, whereas "true" means Chains inspects both pipeline level and task level results. "true", "false" "false"


  • For grafeas storage backend, currently we only support Container Analysis. We will make grafeas server address configurabe within a short time.
  • slsa/v1 is an alias of in-toto for backwards compatibility.
  • slsa/v2alpha3 corresponds to the slsav1.0 spec. and uses latest v1 Tekton Objects. Recommended format for new chains users who want the slsav1.0 spec.
  • slsa/v2alpha4 corresponds to the slsav1.0 spec. and uses latest v1 Tekton Objects. It reads type-hinted results from StepActions when artifacts.pipelinerun.enable-deep-inspection is set to true. Recommended format for new chains users who want the slsav1.0 spec.

OCI Configuration

Key Description Supported Values Default
artifacts.oci.format The format to store OCI payloads in. simplesigning simplesigning The storage backend to store OCI signatures in. Multiple backends can be specified with comma-separated list ("oci,tekton"). To disable the OCI artifact input an empty string (""). tekton, oci, gcs, docdb, grafeas oci
artifacts.oci.signer The signature backend to sign OCI payloads with. x509, kms x509

KMS Configuration

Key Description Supported Values Default
signers.kms.kmsref The URI reference to a KMS service to use in KMS signers. Supported schemes: gcpkms://, awskms://, azurekms://, hashivault://. See for more details.

Storage Configuration

Key Description Supported Values Default
storage.gcs.bucket The GCS bucket for storage
storage.oci.repository The OCI repo to store OCI signatures and attestation in If left undefined and one of artifacts.{oci,taskrun}.storage includes oci storage, attestations will be stored alongside the stored OCI artifact itself. (example on GCP) Defining this value results in the OCI bundle stored in the designated location instead of alongside the image. See cosign documentation for additional information.
storage.docdb.url The go-cloud URI reference to a docstore collection firestore://projects/[PROJECT]/databases/(default)/documents/[COLLECTION]?name_field=name
storage.docdb.mongo-server-url (optional) The value of MONGO_SERVER_URL env var with the MongoDB connection URI Example: mongodb://[USER]:[PASSWORD]@[HOST]:[PORT]/[DATABASE]
storage.docdb.mongo-server-url-dir (optional) The path of the directory that contains the file named MONGO_SERVER_URL that stores the value of MONGO_SERVER_URL env var If the file /mnt/mongo-creds-secret/MONGO_SERVER_URL has the value of MONGO_SERVER_URL, then set storage.docdb.mongo-server-url-dir: /mnt/mongo-creds-secret
storage.grafeas.projectid The project of where grafeas server is located for storing occurrences
storage.grafeas.noteid (optional) This field will be used as the prefix part of the note name that will be created. The value of this field must be a string without spaces. (See more details below.)
storage.grafeas.notehint (optional) This field is used to set the human_readable_name field in the Grafeas ATTESTATION note. If it is not provided, the default This attestation note was generated by Tekton Chains will be used.


You can read about the go-cloud docstore URI format here. Tekton Chains supports the following docstore services:

  • firestore
  • dynamodb
  • mongo


With MongoDB you will need to supply the value of MONGO_SERVER_URL env var with the MongoDB connection URI to the Tekton Chains, the go-cloud URI is just to point at the db and collection. This can be achieved in a few ways:

  • Setting the MONGO_SERVER_URL env var in the tekton-chains-controller deployment.
  • Setting the value of storage.docdb.mongo-server-url field.
    • This field takes precedence over the MONGO_SERVER_URL env var.
  • Setting the value of storage.docdb.mongo-server-url-dir field.
    • This field takes precedence over storage.docdb.mongo-server-url and MONGO_SERVER_URL env var.
    • The value should point to a directory that has a file named MONGO_SERVER_URL that contains the env var. Each time the file is updated, the new value will be read.
    • One common use case is to store the value of MONGO_SERVER_URL in a secret with the key MONGO_SERVER_URL and mount the secret at the path specified in this field. When the secret is updated, the new value will be fetched by Tekton Chains.


You can read more about Grafeas notes and occurrences here. To create occurrences, we have to create notes first that are used to link occurrences. Two types of occurrences will be created: ATTESTATION Occurrence and BUILD Occrrence. The configurable noteid is used as the prefix of the note name. Under the hood, the suffix -simplesigning will be appended for the ATTESTATION note, and the suffix -intoto will be appended for the BUILD note. If the noteid field is not configured, tekton-<NAMESPACE> will be used as the prefix.

In-toto Configuration

Key Description Supported Values Default The builder ID to set for in-toto attestations
builddefinition.buildtype The buildType for in-toto attestations,

NOTE: Considerations for the builddefinition.buildtype parameter:

  • It is only valid for slsa/v2alpha3 configurations (see TaskRun or PipelineRun configuration).
  • The parameter can take one of two values:
    • This buildType strictly conforms to the slsav1.0 spec.
    • This buildType also conforms to the slsav1.0 spec, but adds additional informaton specific to Tekton. This information includes the PipelinRun/TaskRun labels and annotations as internalParameters. It also includes capturing each pipeline task in a PipelinRun under resolvedDependencies.

Sigstore Features Configuration

Transparency Log

Key Description Supported Values Default
transparency.enabled Whether to enable automatic binary transparency uploads. true, false, manual false
transparency.url The URL to upload binary transparency attestations to, if enabled.

Note: If transparency.enabled is set to manual, then only TaskRuns and PipelineRuns with the following annotation will be uploaded to the transparency log: "true"

Keyless Signing with Fulcio

Key Description Supported Values Default
signers.x509.fulcio.enabled Whether to enable automatic certificates from fulcio. true, false false
signers.x509.fulcio.address Fulcio address to request certificate from, if enabled
signers.x509.fulcio.issuer Expected OIDC issuer.
signers.x509.fulcio.provider Provider to request ID Token from google, spiffe, github, filesystem Unset, each provider will be attempted.
signers.x509.identity.token.file Path to file containing ID Token.
signers.x509.tuf.mirror.url TUF server URL. $TUF_URL/root.json is expected to be present.

KMS OIDC and Spire Configuration

Key Description Supported Values Default
signers.kms.auth.address URI of KMS server (e.g. the value of VAULT_ADDR)
signers.kms.auth.token Auth token KMS server (e.g. the value of VAULT_TOKEN)
signers.kms.auth.token-path Path to store KMS server Auth token (e.g. /etc/kms-secrets)
signers.kms.auth.oidc.path Path used for OIDC authentication (e.g. jwt for Vault)
signers.kms.auth.oidc.role Role used for OIDC authentication
signers.kms.auth.spire.sock URI of the Spire socket used for KMS token (e.g. unix:///tmp/spire-agent/public/api.sock)
signers.kms.auth.spire.audience Audience for requesting a SVID from Spire


If signers.kms.auth.token-path is set, create a secret and ensure the Chains deployment mounts this secret to the path specified by signers.kms.auth.token-path.


To project the latest token values without needing to recreate the pod, avoid using subPath in volume mount.

Namespaces Restrictions in Chains Controller

This feature allows you to specify a list of namespaces for the controller to monitor, providing granular control over its operation. If no namespaces are specified, the controller defaults to monitoring all namespaces.


To restrict the Chains Controller to specific namespaces, pass a comma-separated list of namespaces as an argument to the controller using the --namespace flag.


To restrict the controller to the dev and test namespaces, you would start the controller with the following argument:


In this example, the controller will only monitor resources (pipelinesruns and taskruns) within the dev and test namespaces.