Table of Contents:
- [What is Git?](#What is Git?)
- Let’s Do it
- Download Git
- Initialization and initial commit
- Using diff and making additional commit
- Include your signature in commit
- Let's push commit so far
- Changing the commit (including commits from the remote repository)
- Cancel add
- Clearing the commit
- Pull Request
- Merge
- Rebase
- Rebase --interactive
- blame
- clean
- gitignore
- Types & Usage of Git Branch
- Feature Branch Workflow
- Forking Workflow
- Fork the central remote repository
- Create a local repository with the git clone command
- Connect two remote repositories
- Check branch location
- Create a new branch for functional development
- Push the commit history to your remote repository
- Send a full request to the project manager
- Synchronization
- Create another branch for the new function
- Windows : Download and Install program then run the git bash icon.
- Mac :
Install Homebrew
$ ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL”
$ brew doctor
Install Git
$ brew install git
- Linux :
- $ sudo apt-get update
- $ sudo apt-get upgrade
- $ sudo apt-get install git
- Go to HOME path (~)
- cd ~
- Create git-training folder
- mkdir git-training
- Move the path (check the current path with the pwd command)
- cd git-training
- Initialize the folder git (see the .git folder created with the ls -A command)
- git init
- Add PDF file (add to commit list add) (use file in commit1 folder)
- git add report_card.pdf
- Making the first commit (creating a unit of history)
- git commit -m "report card: Add question PDF"
- Add source code (add to commit list add) (use files in commit2 folder)
- git add report_card.c
- commit (make history unit)
- git commit -m "report card: Add base code"
- Check the status
- git status
- Change or overwrite the contents of the report_card.c source file in the commit3 folder and check
- git diff
- If you confirm the change through diff, proceed to add command
- git add report_card.c
- Commit the prepared source file
- git commit -m "report card: Print a message of introduction"
- Check three commit so far
- git log
- Change or overwrite the contents of the report_card.c source file in the commit4 folder and check
- git diff
- If you confirm the change through diff, proceed to add command
- git add report_card.c
- Commit the prepared source file
- git commit -m "report card: Print grades of each subject"
- Check four commit so far
- git log
- Change or overwrite the contents of the report_card.c source file in the commit5 folder and check
- git diff
- If you confirm the change through diff, proceed to add command
- git add report_card.c
- Commit with signature (Include signatures with the -s option.)
- git commit -sm "report card: Show the sum of each grade"
- Change or overwrite the contents of the report_card.c source file in the commit6 folder and check
- git diff
- If you confirm the change through diff, proceed to add command
- git add report_card.c
- Commit with signature
- git commit -sm "report card: Get a average of grades"
- Check the status and check the current branch name master.
- git status
- Check the commit so far (if not six, check again)
- git shortlog
- Register Github remote repository URL(Pause and turn on and create a new repository)
- Register Github remote repository with the copied URL (except for '<' and '>')
- git remote add origin
- Now let's push the work to the Github remote repository (origin).
- git push origin master
- Open and view the Github remote repository
- Assume that you change the 'Mean' variable name in report_card.cto 'Average’ (use source in commit6-1 folder)
- git diff
- If you confirm the change through diff, proceed to add command
- git add report_card.c
- Edit the comment at the top of the commit(save and close it when you open a registered editor program such as the vi editor)
- git commit --amend
- Let's push it right away (crash error)
- git push origin master
- Force push to change local repositories to remote repositories (use the --force or -f option)
- git push origin master --force
- Let's go back to Githuband see if it changed properly.
- Create and add an empty file with touch (it is possible to execute commands consecutively with ';')
- touch test; git add test
- Check your current status
- git status
- Let's cancel the add command with reset command.
- git reset
- Check your current status again
- git status
- Make sure the test file still exists (re-create it if you deleted it)
- git status
- Make some wrong commit. (Can execute commands consecutively)
- git add test; git commit -sm“test”
- Then push and apply the wrong commit to the tree in Github.
- git push origin master
- And clears the most recent commit.
- git reset HEAD~1
- Force push to the remote repository tree to clear the wrong commit.
- git push origin master --force
- Commit is canceled and the files are staged and saved in working directory
- git reset --soft HEAD^
- Commit is canceled and the files are unstagedand saved in the working directory.
- git reset --mixed HEAD^ // Default option
- git reset HEAD^ // Same as above
- git reset HEAD~2 // Cancel last two commit
- Commit is canceled and the files are unstagedand deleted from the working directory
- git reset --hard HEAD^
- Return to commit in the working directory-Cancels the most recent commit and returns the working directory
- git reset HEAD^ //Cancel the most recent commit (default option: --mixed)-Check your commit history
- git reflog //Reflog(the branch and commit that HEAD has pointed to in the last few months) or
- git log –g //Return the working directory to the desired point in time
- git reset HEAD@numberor
- git reset commit_id
- Commit again with reverted
- git commit -m "Write commit messages"
- Force push to remote storage
- git push origin branch_name–f or
- git push origin + branch_name
- git push origin +master
- Revert single commit
- git revert commit_idex
- git revert 2664ce8
- If you need to commit multiple commits at onc
- git revert start_commit_id...end_commit_id
- Go to
- Click Fork Button
- Downloading Forked Project
- git clone project_url_forked_in_your_account
- Move Clone Project Directory (If directory name is git-training-1, move to there)
- cd clone_project_directory_name
- Create branch (develop) for pull-request
- git checkout -b develop
- Move pull_request_testdirectory
- cd pull_request_test
- Create a directory with your name
- mkdir your_name
- Copy any files in Directory
- cp any_file Or
- touch any_name.txt
- Go to Parent Directory
- cd ..
- Add the working directory
- git add your_name
- Prepared files commit
- git commit –m "your_namepull request test"
- Push to the develop branch of the forked repository (note: not master)
- git push origin develop
- Make sure that your just-in-progress develop branch is the current branch (also visible as status)
- git branch
- Let's create an additional branch
- git checkout -b test
- Create an empty file with touch and make a commit
- touch test
- git add test
- git commit -m "test"
- Merge additional branches (test) based on the current branch (develop).
- git checkout develop
- git status
- git merge test
- On Stage 8, go to the project path that was cloned after the fork and add upstream(This is not your project URL)
- git remote add upstream
- get upstream'sdevelop branch.
- git fetch upstream develop
- Make sure your current branch is develop
- git status
- Rebase
- git rebase upstream/develop
- Select the commit to modify
- git rebase -i--root
- When the vi editor opens, delete the word "pick" at the beginning of the commit lines you want to edit,write "edit" instead, and exit the editor.
- Check status and check if rebase is normal
- git status
- Modify the commit information and finish with --continue
- git commit --amend
- git rebase --continue
- Identify which file, who modified which line.
- git blame report_card.c
- Check commit information at the time using commit ID
- git show
- git clean -f // Only delete files except directories
- git clean -f -d // Delete directory inclusion
- git clean -f -d -x // Delete even ignored files
- Move to the top level directory where the .git file is located(The .gitignorefile can be created in the same directory as the .git file.)
- Make .gitignore
- touch .gitignore // Since .gitignoreis a hidden file, I confirm that it is generated properly in the following two ways.
- Edit .gitignore
- vi .gitignore
- Delete all caches in the current repository.
- git rm -r --cached
- Delete the file corresponding to file_namefrom the remote repository.(Do not delete files in the local repository)
- git rm -r --cached file_name
- Set to track all other files again, except for the list of files put in .gitignore.
- git add .
- git commit -m "Fixed untracked files"
- Branch the feature branch (feature/login) on the 'develop' branch. (not in the 'master' branch!)
- git checkout -b feature/login develop
- Move to the 'develop' branch
- git checkout develop
- Merge the contents of the feature/login branch into the 'develop' branch
- git merge --no-ff feature/login// --no-ff option: additional description below
- git branch -d feature/login// -d option: Delete the branch corresponding to feature/login.
- Put the 'develop' branch on the remote repository
- git push origin develop