< Real Time Pseudo Lidar >
source :
maker :
Jiho LEE (R.O.KOREA) / jiho264@inu.ac.kr
Process 1. Input. 1. Left color image. >>> save to 'dev/input.png' 2. Right color image. 3. calibration + camera info. 2. Create Disparity Map from Stereo Image. >>> save to 'dev/input_to_disparity.png' 3. Create PointCloudXYZ from Disparity Map. 4. Convert PointCloudXYZRGB to PointCloud2 msgs. >>> rostopic '/pseudo_lidar' >>> frame_id : world
Requirements(ubuntu 20.04) : 1. cudnn 2. tensorflow, numpy, opencv(pip install ver.) ... 3. ROS noetic 4. OpenCV 3.4.18 (do opencvinstall.ipynb) 5. oCamS ROS pkg
Function 1. you can choose disparity model. (from Hitnet) #hitnet_depth = HitNet('/home/jiho/plv1realtime/dev/eth3d.pb', ModelType.eth3d, CameraConfig(0.1, 320)) hitnet_depth = HitNet('/home/jiho/plv1realtime/dev/middlebury_d400.pb', ModelType.middlebury, CameraConfig(0.1, 320))
runtime : eth3d >> middlebury
resolution : eth3d << middlebury
2. calibration source.
dev/left.yami (from oCamS ROS pkg)
in P, R
dev/calib_velo_to_cam.txt (from kitti raw dataset)
in R, T
How to run (run_realtime_kitti.py) 1. roscore 2. rosbag play temp.bag -l if you don't have kitti.bag file https://github.com/tomas789/kitti2bag >>> result : create "date...0000.bag" 3. !python3 run_realtime.py 4. rviz 5. /pseudo_lidar (pointcloud2) frame_id = 'world'
How to run (run_realtime_ocam.py) 1. cd catkin_ws catkin_make source devel/setup.bash roslaunch ocams_1cgn ocams_ros.launch 2. rviz
*** oCamS ros output ***
left_image_raw : BGR
right_image_raw : GRAY(not BGR)
How to run (run_realtime_ocam_python3.py) 1. roscore 2. !python3 run_realtime_ocam_python3.py 3. rviz
If you want change camera resolution or frame_rate
edit '../catkin_ws/src/ocams1_cgn/launch/ocams_ros.launch edit Parameter
If you want change camera calibration
roslaunch ocams_1cgn calibration.launch you must have '8x6 3cm checker board' print this paper https://markhedleyjones.com/projects/calibration-checkerboard-collection follow https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPENw80cVmI&ab_channel=WITHROBOTInc.
Reference 1. Pseudo LiDAR Create Pseudo LiDAR. - https://github.com/mileyan/Pseudo_Lidar Sparsify Pseudo LiDAR. - https://github.com/mileyan/Pseudo_Lidar_V2 2. Hitnet. - https://github.com/ibaiGorordo/HITNET-Stereo-Depth-estimation 3. Ros node. - http://wiki.ros.org/pcl/Overview 4. Pcl Helper (PointCloudXYZRGB to PointCloud2 msgs). - https://github.com/udacity/RoboND-Perception-Exercises#documentation-for-pcl_helperpy 5. make bag file from KITTI dataset. - https://github.com/tomas789/kitti2bag 6. calibration. P, R, velo_to_cam(R, T) - http://www.cvlibs.net/publications/Geiger2013IJRR.pdf velo_to_cam(R, T) - https://github.com/kuixu/kitti_object_vis/blob/master/kitti_util.py (line 201~203) 7. oCamS-1CGN-U ros pkg (Not in this directory). - http://withrobot.com/camera/ocams-1cgn-u/ 8. oCamS python3 code (Not in their github). - "WITHROBOT"withrobot@withrobot.com